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How to count the cells above certain value or average in Excel?

Author: Sun Last Modified: 2014-03-25

If you have a range of values in a worksheet, and you want to count the cells above/below a certain value or above/below the average of the range, how can you quickly count them? In Excel, you can use the COUNTIF formula to get it done.

Count the cells above/below average

Count the cells above/below a certain value

arrow blue right bubble Count the cells above/below average

Here, you have a range of values in a worksheet as shown as the screenshot, and now you need to count the values above or below the average in this range.

Select a blank cell, for instance, the Cell C6, type this formula =COUNTIF(A1:C5,"> "&AVERAGE(A1:C5)) (the range A1: C5 indicates the range you want to count the cells above the average, you can change it as you need), and press Enter button on the keyboard. See screenshot:

Tip: If you want to count the cells below the average, type this formula =COUNTIF(A1:C5,"< "&AVERAGE(A1:C5)) (the range A1: C5 indicates the range you want to count the cells below the average, you can change it as you need).

arrow blue right bubble Count the cells above/below a certain value

If you just want to count the cells above or below a certain value, in this case, I want to count the cells above number 50.

Select a blank cell, for instance, the Cell C6, type this formula =COUNTIF(A1:C5,">50 ") (the range A1: C5 indicates the range you want to count the cells above the specified value of 50, the number 50 stands the criterion, you can change them as you need), and press Enter button on the keyboard. See screenshot:

Tip: If you want to count the cells below a certain value, type this formula =COUNTIF(A1:C5,"<50 ")(the range A1: C5 indicates the range you want to count the cells below the specified value, the number 50 stands the criterion, you can change them as you need).

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