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How to convert date to number string or text format in Excel?

Author: Sun Last Modified: 2020-04-21

In this tutorial, I will introduce several methods on solving different cases about converting date to number or text format in Excel.
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1. Convert date to text

This section provides the methods on converting date to text in Excel.

To convert date to text, you just need one formula.

Formula: =TEXT(date,”date_format”)

Reference: date: the cell with date you want to convert to text
date_format: the format you want to display after converting date to text

In below cases, I will tell you how to use this formula.

1.1 Convert date to text in mm/dd/yyyy format

For example, convert date in Cell A3 to mm/dd/yyyy, use the formula
press Enter key
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If you want to convert date in Cell A8 to dd/mm/yyyy, use this formula
press Enter key
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1.2 Convert date to text in mmddyyyy or ddmmyyyy format

If you want to convert date in Cell A13 to text, but in mmddyyyy format, type this formula
press Enter key
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If you want to convert date in Cell A18 to text in ddmmyyyy format, type this formula
press Enter key
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1.3 Convert date to text in other formats

Actually, whatever text format you want to convert date to, just type the format you want between quotation marks in formula.

Date(A3) 12/23/2019
Formula =TEXT(A3,"mm-dd-yyyy") =TEXT(A3,"mm/dd") =TEXT(A3,"dd") =TEXT(A3,"d/m/y")
Result 23-12-2019 23/12 23 23/12/19

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2. Convert date to number

In this section, I provide methods on converting date to number in 5-digit format of mmddyyyy format.

2.1 Convert date to number in 5-digit format

If you want to convert date to number in 5-digit format, just do as these:

1. Right click at the cell which contains the date you want to convert to number, and in the right-click menu, select Format Cells common.
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2. In Format Cells dialog,under Number tab, select General from the pane of Category.
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3. Click OK. The date in selected cell has been converted to number string in mmddyyyy format.
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2.2 Convert date to number in mmddyyyy or ddmmyyyy format

If you want to convert date to number string in mmddyyyy or ddmmyyyy format, you also can apply the Format Cells function.

1. Right click at the cell which contains the date you want to convert to number, and in the right-click menu, select Format Cells common.

2. In the Format Cells dialog, under Number tab, select Custom from the Category pane, then go to right section, enter mmddyyyy into the Type textbox.
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3. Click OK. The date in selected cell has been converted to number string in mmddyyyy format
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If you want to convert date to number string in other format, you can take below list as reference.

Date 2/23/2019
Format Cell as custom ddmmyyyy ddmmyy mmyyyy yyyymmdd
Display 23022019 230219 022019 20190223

3. Convert date to month/day/year or other date formats with clicks

If you want to convert date to month, day, year or other date formats quickly, the Apply Date Formatting utility of Kutools for Excel will be a good choice to use.

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After free installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below:

1. Select the cells which contains the dates you want to convert to other date formats.

2. Click Kutools > Format > Apply Date Formatting.
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3. In the Apply Date Formatting dialog, select the date format you want to use in Date formatting pane, at the meanwhile, the converted result will be previewed in right Preview pane.
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4. Click Ok, then dates you selected have been converted to the date format you selected.
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Convert date to multiple Individuality date formatting with clicks

apply date formatting

More tips on date conversion

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Hi, I would very much appreciate your help with this formula.How can I switch month, date ,year “030624”in to a number 306042 and put the number in sequential order after the number 306042 like: 3060421
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Hi, I would very much appreciate your help with this formula.How can I switch month, date ,year “030624”in to a number 306042 and put the number in sequential order after the number 306042 like: 3060421
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Hello, how i convert 13.09.2023 to 13.9 my numbers change into dates
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I want to know how many times I went to check the inspection. which I recorded by days.
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Hello. I would very much appreciate your help with this formula. I am wishing to enter the customer's date of birth in cell I3 (custom formatting mm/dd/yy) and would like that date of birth to automatically populate in A3 cell as mmddyy along with adding the First letter from First name cell F3 and First letter from Last name cell G3 in order to have it auto-populate an ID# for our customers in our database.

A3 F3 G3 I3
ID# First Name Last Name Date of Birth
030199AS Adam Smith 03/01/1999

Thank you so much for any help. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I have been wracking my brain all night to no avail. :(
Shena Bruno
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Hi, Shena, Bruno, in A3, please use the formula =TEXT(I3, mmddyyyy")&LEFT(F3,1)&LEFT(G3,1).
In the formula, it can be explained as two parts:
TEXT(I3, mmddyyyy") will change the value in I3 to this format mmddyyyy
LEFT(F3,1)&LEFT(G3,1) will extract the first character from left side of the strings in cell F3 and G3.
Hope it is helpful.
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