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How to merge two sheets by using VLOOKUP in Excel?

Author: Sun Last Modified: 2020-01-07

Supposing there are two tables in two sheets in a workbook, you want to merge table 2 to the table 1 by using VLOOKUP function as below screenshot shown. Here this article, introduces the two methods on solving this job.

Merge two tables by VLOOKUP

Merge two tables by Kutools for Excel’s handy tool-Tables Merge

Sample file

Merge two tables by VLOOKUP

Here is a VLOOKUP function can quickly update the main table based on the lookup table.

In the cell which you want to fill the updated data, type below formula


Then drag the auto fill handle down to the cells to apply this formula for fill data.

In the above formula, A2 is the lookup value which in the main table, and table!A1:B11 is the table range you want to look up value in, and 2 indicates the second column of the table which you want to return.

If you do not want to use VLOOKUP formula, you also can choose below method to combine two tables and update the contents.

Merge two tables by Kutools for Excel’s handy tool-Tables Merge

Here with Kutools for Excel, you can apply the Tables Merge tool to quickly merge two tables in two sheets and update the contents.

Kutools for Excel, with more than 300 handy functions, makes your jobs more easier. 

After free installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below:

1. Click Kutools Plus > Tables Merge to enable the tool.

2. In the Tables Merge dialog, you need to do as below:

Step 1: choose the main table and lookup table ranges.

Step 2: click Next to go to the step 2 of the Tables Merge dialog, select the column you want to look up based on

Step 3: in this step, if you want to update the contents in main table based on the values in look up table, check the columns you want to update. In this case, here no data to update.

Step 4: in this part, choose the column data you want to add to the main table.

Step 5: if you want to set some options for the merged result, you can do the setting in this step, or you can directly click Finish in step 4.

3. Now the contents in two tables have been merged or updated in main table.

Sample file

Click to download sample file

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hello, i wants to know how to compare duplicate datas from different excel sheet and copy the entire details of duplicate value
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