How to sum numbers of last 7 or 30 days including TODAY in Excel?
Author: SunLast Modified: 2020-07-24
Here are two column data, one is the date list, the other list contains worked hour records, and now I want to sum the last 7 numbers in Worked Hours column including today automatically as below screenshot shown, how can I quickly solve it in Excel?
Select a blank cell which you will place the summing result into, type this formula =SUMIFS(B:B,A:A,">"&TODAY()-7)-SUMIFS(B:B,A:A,">"&TODAY()) and press Enter key. See screenshot:
Now the numbers in last 7 days including today have been added.
Tip: in the formula, A:A is the column containing dates, B:B is the column containing the values you want to add up, 7 means last 7 days, you can change them as you need.
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