How to combine transpose function and If statement function in Excel?
Author: SunLast Modified: 2020-09-04
In Excel, to transpose a range is easy, and to apply the IF statement function is also easy, but have you ever tried to combine both Transpose function and IF statement function together before? In this article, I will take an example that if the number of cells is equal to a specific number, then transpose it as below screenshot shown.
If count to equal a specific number then transpose
There is a formula can quickly handle this task.
Select 7 continuous cells in a row which you want to put out the transposed data, go to paste this formula =IF(COUNT($A:$A)=7,TRANSPOSE($A:$A),"") into the formula bar, and press Shift + Ctrl + Enterkeys simultaneously.
In the formula, A:A is the column you want to transpose, 7 is the number of values you want to count.
Note: The formula =IF(COUNT($A:$A)=7,TRANSPOSE($A:$A),"") will transpose Column A if there are only 7 number cells in Column A. For transposing Column A if there are only 7 cells with text string, please apply this formula =IF(COUNTA($A:$A)=7,TRANSPOSE($A:$A),"").
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