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How to get or return column header based on specific row value in Excel?

Author: Siluvia Last Modified: 2019-08-05

In this tutorial, we will search for a specific value in rows of a data range, and then, return the corresponding column header of the matching row cell.

Get column header based on specific row value with formula

Get column header based on specific row value with formula

For getting the column header based on specific row value in Excel, the below formula can help you.

1. Select a blank cell to output the header, copy the below formula into it and press the Enter key to get the corresponding header.


Note: In the formula, $C$2:$G$2 is the header range, $C$3:$G$6 is the range contains the specific value in which you will searching for, I3 is the cell contain the criteria value you will match in range $C$3:$G$6, and $C$2 is the first column of range $C$3:$G$6. Please change them to your needs.

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Comments (18)
Rated 4.5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Muito obrigada pelo conteúdo!!! Excelente!
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Muchas gracias por la información y el interés prestado!!
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Muchas gracias por todo!!
Una pregunta: ¿Cómo puedo regresar los encabezados de una tabla en una misma celda?
Rated 4.5 out of 5
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Hi Algendar,
Do you mean to search for multiple values and return matching headers in a single cell? If so, simply join the same formula containing different search values in one cell with the Ampersand symbol (&). See the screenshot below.
=INDEX($C$2:$G$2,SUMPRODUCT(MAX(($C$3:$G$6=I3)*(COLUMN($C$3:$G$6))))-COLUMN($C$2)+1) & " " & INDEX($C$2:$G$2,SUMPRODUCT(MAX(($C$3:$G$6=I4)*(COLUMN($C$3:$G$6))))-COLUMN($C$2)+1)
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So say that there will be entries where the values in I3 may not be found, for all of those cells it tries to output every column header in the range giving me a #ref error since it my sheet isnt long enough to accommodate all the titles again, is there any way for it to just output a blank cell in these cases?
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Hi Jerry,
The following formula can do you a favor. Please give it a try.
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If we have multiple I3 values will it give the second header which has the same value.
If there is anything to do so, please let me know.
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Hi Deepak,
Can you attach a screenshot to describe the problem you encountered more clearly?
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