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How to find address of cell with max or min value in Excel?

Author: Tech Support Last Modified: 2023-11-10

Sometimes you may want to find out and identify the cell address of the cell with the max value or min value in Excel. How do you deal with it? The following ways will guide to figure out the cell address with max or min value in Excel.

doc find cell address min max 6  2 doc find cell address min max 7

Find and extract address of the cell with max or min value with formulas

Find and locate address of cell with max or min value with Kutools for Excel

Find and extract address of the cell with max or min value with formulas

Supposing you have a lot of numbers in Column A, and now you need to find out the cell address of the max value or min value and insert the cell address into another cell as following screenshot shown:

doc find cell address min max 1

The following formulas may help you to extract the cell address of the largest number or smallest number as you need. Please do as follows:

Type the below formula, into a blank cell where you want to get the result, and then press Enter key.


The cell address of the largest value has been extracted as follows:

doc find cell address min max 2


1. To get the address of the cell with smallest value of this column, please apply this formula:


2. In above formula A2:A15 is the column cells that you want to use, you can change it to your need.

3. If you want to extract the address of the cell with max or min value in a row, you can apply the below formulas:


doc find cell address min max 3

4. With above formulas, it will just return the first address of cell with largest or smallest value if there are duplicates.

Find and locate address of cell with max or min value with Kutools for Excel

Sometimes, you need to find and locate the smallest or largest value from the list, Kutools for Excel’s Select Cells with Max & Min Value feature can help you quickly select the max or min values from a range of cells or each row and column.

Kutools for Excel : with more than 300 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 30 days. 

After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as follows:( Free Download Kutools for Excel Now! )

1. Select the list that you want to find and locate the largest or smallest values.

2. Then click Kutools > Select > Select Cells with Max & Min Value, see screenshot:

3. In the Select Cells with Max & Min Value dialog box:

(1.) Specify the type of cells to find (formulas, values, or both) from Look in drop down list;

(2.) And then select Minimum value or Maximum value you need from the Go to section;

(3.) In the Base section, choose Cell option to select all matching cells (you can also select the max or min values based on rows or columns); 

(3.) Then choose First cell only may select the first cell of the largest or smallest value, and All cells will select all largest or smallest values in the range.

doc find cell address min max 5-5

4. Then click Ok button, all the smallest values are selected and located at once. See screenshots:

doc find cell address min max 6  2 doc find cell address min max 7
Tip: To use this feature, you should install Kutools for Excel first, please click to download and have a 30-day free trial now.
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Hello, your formula does not work unfortunately. The reference part of the CELL function can only take actual address of cells rather than a reference/formula.
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