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How to count total number of incoming emails per day in Outlook?

Author: Siluvia Last Modified: 2020-05-22

Have you ever counted the total number of emails that you received per day? And are you fed up with counting them one by one manually without any efficient methods? In this tutorial, we provide you with two tricks for counting total emails per day in Outlook.

Count total number of emails incoming today with Instant Search feature

Actually, it's quite easy to search all emails incoming today into the Inbox folder, all folders of an email account, or all folders of all email accounts in Outlook, and then count the total number of the search results. Please do as follows:

In the Mail view, (1) select the Inbox folder of one email account that you will count incoming emails today; (2) type the search criteria received:Today into the Instant Search box, and then (3) specify a search scope in the Scope group on the Search tab. See screenshot:

And now the total number of all search results, in other words the total number of emails incoming today displays at the bottom-left corner of Outlook as below screenshot shown.

One click to count the number of selected emails in Outlook

It's easy to get the total number of all items or the number of unread items in an Outlook folder. But how could you quickly get the number of selected items in a folder in Outlook? Here, Kutools for Outlook's Count Selected Items is recommended, which can quickly show the number of selected items by only one click!

Count total number of emails incoming today with Search Folder feature

This method will guide you to create a search folder which automatically collects all emails received today, and then you can get the total number of these emails with change the search folder's properties. Please do as follows:

1. Select the email account that you will create a search folder within on the Navigation Pane, and click Folder > New Search Folder. See screenshot:

2. In the New Search Folder dialog, select the Create a custom Search Folder option, and click the Choose button. See screenshot:

3. Now the Custom Search Folder dialog box comes out. Please name the new search folder in the Name box.

4. Go ahead to click the Criteria button in the Custom Search Folder. Now In the Search Folder Criteria dialog box, (1) click Message tab, (2) select received from the Time drop down list, (3) specify Today from the following drop down list, and then (4) click the OK button. See screenshot:

5. Now it returns to the Custom Search Folder dialog, please click Browse button. And then In the Select Folder(s) dialog box, (1) please only check Inbox in the Folders list box, check Search Subfolders option, and click the OK button. See screenshot:

6. And then click OK buttons successively to close the Custom Search Folder dialog box and New Search Folder dialog box.

7. Right click the new search folder you created just now, and then select Properties from the right-clicking menu. See screenshot:

8. In the following dialog, check the Show total numbers of items option, and then click the OK button. See screenshot:

From now on, the copies of the incoming email messages will be saved to this search folder per day. If a new day is coming, the search folder will automatically remove all the old messages and start counting the new days email messages.

Note: This method can only count the total number of emails received today in Inbox of one email account.

Count total number of emails incoming on a certain date with VBA

Besides the above method, you can use VBA code to count total emails on a certain date in Outlook. Please do as follows.

1. Select the folder that you want to count the total incoming emails per day, and then open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications by pressing Alt + F11.

2. Then please Insert > Module to insert a new module, and then paste below VBA code into it.

VBA: Count total emails per day

Sub Countemailsperday()
    Dim objOutlook As Object, objnSpace As Object, objFolder As MAPIFolder
    Dim EmailCount As Integer
    Dim oDate As String
    oDate = InputBox("Type the date for count (format YYYY-m-d")
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set objnSpace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        On Error Resume Next
        Set objFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "No such folder."
        Exit Sub
        End If
    EmailCount = objFolder.Items.Count
    MsgBox "Number of emails in the folder: " & EmailCount, , "email count"
    Dim ssitem As MailItem
    Dim dateStr As String
    Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim dict As Object
    Dim msg As String
    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set myItems = objFolder.Items
    myItems.SetColumns ("ReceivedTime")
    ' Determine date of each message:
    For Each myItem In myItems
        dateStr = GetDate(myItem.ReceivedTime)
        If dateStr = oDate Then
            If Not dict.Exists(dateStr) Then
                dict(dateStr) = 0
            End If
            dict(dateStr) = CLng(dict(dateStr)) + 1
        End If
    Next myItem
    ' Output counts per day:
    msg = ""
    For Each o In dict.Keys
        msg = msg & o & ": " & dict(o) & " items" & vbCrLf
    MsgBox msg
    Set objFolder = Nothing
    Set objnSpace = Nothing
    Set objOutlook = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetDate(dt As Date) As String
    GetDate = Year(dt) & "-" & Month(dt) & "-" & Day(dt)
End Function

3. After pasting the VBA code, please click Run button.

4. Then enter the specified date you want to count the total incoming emails in the popping out dialog box, and then click OK. See screenshot:

5. A dialog box prompts to show the total number of emails in the selected folder, please click the OK button. And in the second popping out dialog box, you will get the total number of emails received today. See screenshots:

(1) This VBA can only count the total number of all email received on the specified date in the selected folder;
(2) This VBA code works well in Outlook 2010, 2013, and 2016.

Count total number of emails incoming per day with Kutools for Outlook

If you have Kutools for Outlook installed, you can apply its Statistics feature to easily count the total numbers of emails received per day in a month. Please do as follows:

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1. Please click Kutools Plus > Statistics. See screenshot:

2. Now the Statistics dialog box comes out, please select the specified folders you will count emails in, specify the date range you will count emails within, and click the OK button. See screenshot:

3. In the second Statistic dialog box, go to the Days of Month tab or Days of Week tab, you can view the total number of emails received on each date. See screenshot:
Btw, you can also get the total number of emails received today/yesterday in all Inbox folders of all email accounts on the Summary tab.

Demo: Count total number of emails incoming per day with Kutools for Outlook

Discover the Kutools / Kutools Plus tab in this video, added by Kutools for Outlook. Now, most features, including AI functionalities, are free! Pro features come with a 30-day trial without limitations!

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Comments (19)
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
Is there a way to add the SenderName details too? Based on the above code, it counts emails by date. I was looking to count emails by sender and date.
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can you do a date range? and add folders?
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Hi Laura,
You can filter emails by the date range (, and then get the total number of search results at the bottom of Outlook Navigation Pane.
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will this (VBA) works under Outlook 365 ?
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Hi Artur,
This VBA works well in Outlook 365 desktop program.
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guys i have tried this code just now but it is not working can anyone help me . i want to count the num of email i received in my oracle folder .
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Hi this vba script is most appreciated, Can anyone help me to retrieve the count from specific folder with specific time, Ex: Count from sent items from dd/mm/yyyy mm:hh till dd/mm/yyyy mm:hh
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