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How to change an appointment to meeting and vice versa in Outlook?

Author: Kelly Last Modified: 2016-05-24

In Outlook, we all know both appointments and meetings are placed in calendar folders, but they are different. Do you know how to convert between the appointments and meetings? Below methods will introduce easy tricks to change an appointment to meeting, and change meetings to appointments in Outlook calendars as well.

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This method will walk you through inviting meeting attendees for an appointment and convert the appointment to a meeting in Outlook.

1. Shift to the Calendar view, right click the appointment you will convert to a meeting in Calendar, and then select the Invite Attendees from the right-clicking menu. See screenshot:

2. Now a meeting window is opening with selected appointment’s content. Please click the To button. See screenshot:

3. In the popping up Select Attendees and Resources dialog box, please select contacts you will invite as attendees, click Required/Optional/Resources button as you need, and click the OK button. See screenshot above:

Note: Holding the Ctrl key, you can select multiple nonadjacent contacts by clicking each contact; holding the Shift key, you can select multiple adjacent contacts by clicking the first contact and the last one.

4. Now you go back to the meeting window, please edit the meeting content and click the Send button.

So far we have converted the selected appointment to a meeting and sent to specified attendees already.

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This method will introduce a VBA to convert selected meetings to appointments in Outlook. Please do as follows:

1. Shift to the Calendar view, and click to select the meetings you will convert to appointment in Calendar.

2. Press Alt + F11 keys simultaneously to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

3. Click Insert > Module, and then paste below VBA code into the new Module window.

VBA: Convert meeting to appointments in Outlook

Sub Meetings2Appointments()
Dim sWindowType As String
Dim oItem As Object

sWindowType = TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow)
Select Case sWindowType
Case "Explorer"
If Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count > 0 Then
For Each oItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Debug.Print oItem.Class
If oItem.Class = olAppointment Then
If oItem.MeetingStatus <> olNonMeeting Then
Call Meeting2Appointment(oItem)
End If
End If
End If
Case "Inspector"
Set oItem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
If oItem.Class = olAppointment Then
If oItem.MeetingStatus <> olNonMeeting Then
Call Meeting2Appointment(oItem)
End If
End If
End Select
Set oItem = Nothing
End Sub

Sub Meeting2Appointment(oMeeting As Outlook.AppointmentItem)
With oMeeting
' remove all recipients
Do Until .Recipients.Count = 0
.Recipients.Remove 1
' reset meeting status
.MeetingStatus = olNonMeeting
End With
End Sub

4. Press the F5 key or click the Run button to exculpate this VBA.

And now all selected meetings are converted to appointments in Outlook.

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Comments (8)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Best fix ever! I've been looking for a solution for a long time and this code works great - easy enough for someone like me with limited coding skills :)
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I'd like to change an Outlook meeting to a MS Teams meeting. Any ideas?
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Hi Parker Gardner,
Methods introduced on this webpage can only convert between appointments and meetings in Outlook. It will be hard to convert between Outlook meeting and Microsoft team meeting.
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thanks a lot, exactly what i was searching for. appreciate this help.
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Also You can just click on "Cancel invitation" button and it reverts back to an appointment (removing atendees)
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Möchte mich SEHR für diesen Hinweis zu der Schaltfläche bedanken. Das ist ja mal sowas von einfacher als die Variante mit dem Visual Basic Code :)
Rated 5 out of 5
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Amazingly easy!!!! WOWO
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