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How to save the search filter or criteria for future use in Outlook?

Author: Siluvia Last Modified: 2021-02-23

For many Outlook users, they tend to do the same search queries in their daily work. Unfortunately, the search queries can’t be saved in Outlook for future reusing. For some frequently used search criteria even the complex ones, it is time-consuming to reconfigure them over and over again. In this tutorial, we are talking about some tricks to save the search criteria for reusing in the future.

Save the search criteria with the Search Folder in Outlook
Easily save the search criteria with an amazing tool

Save the search criteria with the Search Folder in Outlook

The Search Folder is a virtual folder that provides a view of all email items that match specific search criteria. If you want to keep a search condition for future use, the Search Folder can do you a favor. Please do as below.

There are two types of search folders you can create.

Create a predefined Search Folders

1. Go to the Folder tab and click New Search Folder.

2. In the Select a Search Folder list box, click the search folder you want to add. Choose the email account that you want to search in the Search mail in drop-down list and then click the OK button.

For example, you want to search all unread emails in an email account, please select the Unread mail option, select the specific email account and click OK.

Create a customized Search Folder

1. In the New Search Folder list, scroll down to click Create a custom Search Folder option, and then click the Choose button.

2. In the Custom Search Folder dialog, you need to:

  • 2.1 Give a name for your custom search folder;
  • 2.2 Click the Browse button to select the folders that you want to be searched;
  • 2.3 Click the Criteria button, and then specify the search criteria under certain tabs in the Search Folder Criteria dialog;
  • 2.4 Click the OK button.

3. Click OK > OK to close each open dialog to finish the settings.

Then the created search folder is displayed in the Navigation Pane. You can access the saved search criteria by clicking the search folder.

Easily save the search criteria with an amazing tool

Here we introduce an amazing tool – the Advanced Search utility of Kutools for Outlook for you. This powerful utility can help to search and filter specific Emails, Contacts, Tasks, Appointments and Meetings by one or more criteria at the same time. It supports to save each group of search criteria as a scenario, and you can easily edit and reuse the scenario in the future. Before applying the feature, please download and install it firstly.

Supposing you want to search emails in all mailboxes from a person within a certain date range, and save the search criteria for future using. Please do as follows.

1. Click Kutools > Advanced Search. See screenshot:

2. Then the Advanced Search pane is displayed on the right side of Outlook. Please configure as follows.

  • 2.1 Select Emails from the Search item drop-down list;
  • 2.2 Select All Mailboxes from the Search scope drop-down list;
  • 2.3 Specify the search criteria based on your needs;
  • In this case, I remove all unneeded fields and only keep the From and Received fields in the pane, and then fill in the fields.
  • You can click the More Criteria button to add more criteria as you need.
  • 2.4 Click the Save current scenario button. Give a name to the scenario and click OK to save the search criteria.
  • 2.5 Click the Search Now button to start searching. See screenshot:

From now on, you can just click the Open saved scenario button, choose the scenario from the drop-down to reuse the search criteria.

This utility helps to search and filter Emails, Contacts, Tasks, Appointments and Meetings by one or more criteria at the same time, and supports saving each group of search criteria as a scenario (you can easily edit and reuse the scenario in the future). Click to know more about this feature:
1. Advanced search email and save custom search in Outlook;
2. Easily search tasks with one or multiple criteria in Outlook;
3. Quickly search contacts by multiple criteria in Outlook;
4. Search Outlook Calendar by specific text, organizer, category, subject and more at once.

  If you want to have a free trial (30-day) of this utility, please click to download it, and then go to apply the operation according above steps.

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Not sure why the attachment didn't upload the first couple of times I tried. Trying again...
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This does not always work. I get different results if I try this technique vs. if I go to my Calendar and do an advanced "Appointments and Meetings" search (see attachment). Microsoft needs a way of saving the Appointment and Meeting searches, IMHO. I get aggravated every time I have to re-enter my search criteria every single day. Frustrating.
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I was looking for a way to save a search in my calendar (upcoming events with a specific keyword in the subject)
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