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How to attach business card for all outgoing messages automatically in Outlook?

Author: Xiaoyang Last Modified: 2024-07-24

In some cases, you may want to send your vCard for all outgoing messages, so that the recipients can save your information in their address book quickly and easily. In Outlook, you can solve this task with the following methods as quickly as possible.

Attach business card for all outgoing messages automatically by creating signature

Attach business card for all outgoing messages automatically by using VBA code

Attach business card for all outgoing messages automatically by creating signature

Normally, you can create a signature of your vCard, and then always turn on the signature. Please do as this:

1. Create a new email, in the new message window, click Insert > Signature, see screenshot:

2. In the popped-out Signature and Stationery dialog box, under the E-mail Signature tab, click New button, and enter a name for this new signature, see screenshot:

3. Then, click OK to close the New Signature dialog box, select this new signature name from the Select signature to edit list box, and then, click Business Card, see screenshot:

4. In the Insert Business Card dialog box, select the contact folder from the Look in drop down list, then select the specified business card in the below list box, see screenshot:

5. Then, click OK to close this dialog box, and return to the Signature and Stationery dialog, keep selecting the new signature name, and then specify the email account to which you want to add this signature automatically from the E-mail account drop down list. And then, choose the newly created signature name from the New messages drop down list.

Tips: If you want to add vCard in every replies and forwards, please choose the new signature name with vCard in the Replies/forwards list.

6. After finishing the settings, please click OK button. From now on, when you create a new message, the specified business card will be inserted into the message body and added as attachment simultaneously, see screenshot:

Attach business card for all outgoing messages automatically by using VBA code

To attach a business card for all outgoing messages, you can save the business card as a vcf file, and then apply a VBA code to attach it as an attachment automatically. Please do with the following steps:

1. Go to the People pane, select the contact that you want to send as a business card.

2. Then, click File > Save As, in the Save As window, specify a place for putting this card, and then type a name into the File name text box, and choose vCard Files from the Save as type drop down, see screenshot:

3. And then, hold down ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

4. Then, double click ThisOutlookSession from the Project-Project1 pane, and then, copy and paste the below code into the blank code window:

VBA code: Attach business card for all outgoing messages automatically

Public WithEvents GInpectors As Inspectors
Private Sub Application_Startup()
  Set GInpectors = Application.Inspectors
End Sub
Private Sub GInpectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector)
'Updateby ExtendOffice
Dim xMail As MailItem
Dim xSubject As String
On Error Resume Next
If Inspector.CurrentItem.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
Set xMail = Inspector.CurrentItem
xSubject = VBA.UCase$(xMail.Subject)
If (VBA.InStr(xSubject, "RE: ") = 1) Or (VBA.InStr(xSubject, "FW: ") = 1) Then Exit Sub
With xMail
  .Attachments.Add "C:\Users\Desktop\Leonel Davis.vcf"
End With
End Sub
Note: In the above code, C:\Users\Desktop\Leonel Davis.vcf is the file path of your business card you have saved, please change it to your need.

5. Then, save and close the code window, restart your Outlook to activate the code.

6. Now, when creating a new message, the specified business card will be inserted as an attachment automatically, see screenshot:

Demo: Attach business card for all outgoing messages automatically


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