Friday, May 13, 2022
  1 Replies
  9.3K Visits
Excel crashes when ever I try to navigate in the Workbook & Sheet pane. it gives the following error 'excel access violation at address 000000000245776E in module 'PaneforKutools64.dll'. Read of address 0000000000007328'. I uninstalled Kutools and purchased the newest version and installed. Still the same crashing. Ascertained that the installation was installing as 32 bit and my system and office 365 are both 64 bit. Please help, this error has stymied my productivity and the stress is mounting without the ease of use provided by Kutools.

Running Windows 8.1 64-bit
RAM: 8.00 GB
Office 365

Thank you for providing such an awesome product, been utilizing Kutools for over a decade now.
2 years ago
Hi there,

The error occurs only when a worksheet is extremly complicated in exceptional circumstances. So could you please check if the error occurs only in the worksheet you mentioned above or any worksheets?

If it only occurs in specific worksheet, please delete your private information and attach the file here if possible. Or you can send the file to email: So that only the support team will see the file, and we will keep your information in the file safe.

And please make sure that you had installed our newest version (Click Help > About to see if the version is 26.00).

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