Friday, January 03, 2020
  2 Replies
  8.4K Visits
I used the Kutools Plus feature under Workbooks &Sheets, Combine > Combine all same name worksheets into one worksheet with the options of Combine by Column, Paste values only and Insert blank column in front of each range.
Worked Great.  I then had to re-align the rows in these worksheet so that all the literals were all on the same row across each worksheet since they varied significantly, and I need
them all in the same location for a downstream import process to a database worked.

Now what I’d like to do is the reverse if that’s even possible.  Take the output from Combine> Combine all same name worksheets a combine them back into their original workbook with their respective worksheets.

Is there a feature in Kutools Plus to make this happen?  If so please show me where I can find it, if not any suggestion is welcomed.

Best Regards!
4 years ago
Thanks for contacting us.
Sorry, we don't have such feature yet.
4 years ago
How to merge two Excel files into one by copying sheets
Open the workbooks you wish to combine.
Select the worksheets in the source workbook that you want to copy to the main workbook. ...
With all worksheets selected, right click on any of the selected tabs, and then click Move or Copy….
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