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Forward Emails

Author: Kelly Last Modified: 2020-12-28

Every day, numerous emails come into your Outlook. You might need to forward some of them to your colleagues, boss, friends, etc. But how could you forward these emails in Outlook? And what about forwarding as attachments, auto forwarding, forwarding with specified message formats, etc.? Here, this tutorial will guide you to solve these problems one by one.

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Note: Methods introduced on this page apply to Microsoft Outlook 2019 desktop program in Windows 10. And the instructions may vary significantly or slightly depending on the version of Microsoft Outlook and the Windows environments.

1. Forward emails

In general, you can select an email in the message list, and then click Home > Forward to forward the email.

Some Outlook users prefer to read emails in message windows. After opening an email in the message window, you can click Message > Forward to forward it.

2. Forward emails with keyboard shortcut

No matter you read emails in the reading pane or in the message windows, you can press Ctrl + F key to quickly forward emails in Outlook.

If your Outlook has been opening already, you can forward an email with hotkeys completely as follows:

1. Press Ctrl + 1 keys to shift to the mail view in Outlook.
Tips: If the Outlook has been in the mail view already, just skip this step.

2. Press Ctrl + Shift + I keys to open the Inbox folder.
Tips: This series of hotkeys can only open the Inbox folder of the default data file.

3. Now the Inbox folder is opening. Press the Up or Down arrow key to select the specific email you need to forward.

4. Press Ctrl + F keys to forward the currently selected email.

Now the forwarding email has been created and opening in the reading pane or a new message window. Compose and send it as you need.

3. Forward multiple emails

You are familiar with forwarding one email at a time in Outlook, but do you know how to forward multiple emails in bulk? Here, this section will talk about this issue from two aspects.

3.1 Forward multiple emails as one

In general, you can easily select multiple emails in bulk, and then forward them together as attachments in Outlook.
1. Open the mail folder, go to the message list, and select multiple emails you will forward in bulk.
A. Holding the Ctrl key, you can select multiple nonadjacent emails with clicking them one by one;
B. Holding the Shift key, you can select multiple adjacent emails with clicking the first email and the last one;
C. Press Ctrl + A keys to select all emails in the current mail folder.

2. Click Home > Forward or press Ctrl + F keys together to forward the selected emails.

3. Then all selected emails are attached as attachments in a new message window. Please add recipients, specify subject, compose the forwarding message content, and send it.

3.2 Forward multiple emails individually

If you have Kutools for Outlook installed, you can also apply its Bulk Forward feature to forward multiple emails individually in Outlook.

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1. Open the mail folder, go to the message list, and select multiple emails you will forward in bulk.
A. Holding the Ctrl key, you can select multiple nonadjacent emails with clicking them one by one;
B. Holding the Shift key, you can select multiple adjacent emails with clicking the first email and the last one;
C. Press Ctrl + A keys to select all emails in the current mail folder.

2. Click Kutools > Bulk Forward.

3. In the Select Names dialog, select forwarding recipients from address books, or type in recipients’ email addresses in the To, Cc, or Bcc boxes separately, and click the OK button.

Then all selected emails are forwarded separately to the same recipients one by one.

Then all selected emails are forwarded separately to the same recipients one by one.

4. Forward the whole conversation

Let’s say you have discussed the contract terms with your customer via Outlook emails. Now you want to forward the forth and back emails to your superiors or colleagues, how could you quickly find out and forward these emails in Outlook? This section will guide you to get it come true.

1. Open a mail folder in Outlook, and tick the Show as Conversations on the View tab.

2. In the popping out Microsoft Outlook dialog, click All mailboxes or This folder button as need.

Now all emails are grouped by conversations automatically.

3. In the message list, click the arrow before the conversation subject to expand the conversation.

4. In the expanded conversation, select all emails in the conversation by clicking the first email and the last one with holding the Shift key.

5. Click Home > Forward or press Ctrl + F keys simultaneously.

6. Then all emails in the specified conversation are attached as attachments in a new message window. Please add recipients, specify subject, compose the forwarding content, and send it as you need.

5. Forward a draft email

Let’s say you have created and saved a draft email in Outlook. Now you want to reuse this draft email without affecting the original draft email, how could you deal with it? In this conditional, you can forward the draft email to get it done. Here, this section will guide you to forward a draft email in Outlook.

In general, you can open the Drafts folder, click to select the specified draft email, and then click Home > Forward or press Ctrl + F keys together to pop out the forwarding message in a new message window, and then compose the forwarding message and send it as you need.

Note: In order to make it work, you need to enable the Open replies and forwards in a new window option in the Outlook Options dialog box (Click to see how).

If you have opened the draft email in the message window, you can place the cursor in the To, Cc, Bcc, or Subject boxes (as below screenshot shown), and then press the Ctrl + F keys simultaneously to forward it. In the popping forwarding message window, compose and sent it as you need.

6. Forward emails from specific sender

For example, you need to find out all emails by a certain sender in Outlook, and forward these emails to your superiors, how could you deal with it? Here, this section will guide you to forward emails from one or multiple specific senders in Outlook.

6.1 Forward emails from one or multiple specific senders

This part will guide you to find out all emails from one or multiple senders with the Instant Search feature, and then forward all found emails in bulk in Outlook.

1. Put the cursor into the Instant Search box to activate the Search Tools, and then click Search (under Search Tools) > From.

Now the search criteria from:"Sender Name" is added into the Instant Search box.

2. In the Instant Search box, change Sender Name to the specified sender name or his or her email address, and specify the search scope in the Scope group on the Search tab (under Search Tools).

If you need to search emails by multiple sender names or sender email addresses, you can use below search criteria, and remember to replace the Sender Name N to proper sender names or sender email addresses as need.
from:"Sender Name 1" OR from:"Sender Name 2" OR from:"Sender Name 3" OR … OR from:"Sender Name N"

For example, you want to search emails by two sender email addresses, you can change the search criteria as below screenshot shown:

3. Now all emails from the specified sender names or sender emails addresses are found out from the specified search scope, and listed in the message list. Select these search results, and click Home > Forward or press Ctrl + F keys together.

(1) You can select all search results with clicking one of them in the message list and pressing Ctrl + A keys.
(2) You can also select all search results with selecting the first one in the message list and pressing Ctrl + Shift + End keys.

4. Now all search results are forwarded as attachments in a new message window. Please add recipients, specify the forwarding subject, compose the forwarding message, and send it as need.

6.2 Forward emails from one specific sender

You can also use the Find Related feature to quickly find out all emails from the sender of the currently selected email, and then forward all found out emails in bulk in Outlook.

1. In the message list, click to select the email whose sender you will find out emails by.

2. Right click the email, and select Find Related > Messages from Sender from the context menu.

Then the search criteria from:"Sender Name" (the Sender Name will be replaced with the sender of the current selected email automatically) is added in the Instant Search box, and all emails from the sender are found out and listed in the message list.

3. Select all search results in the message list, and click Home > Forward or press Ctrl + F keys together to forward these emails in bulk.

(1) You can select all search results with clicking one of them in the message list and pressing Ctrl + A keys.
(2) You can also select all search results with selecting the first one in the message list and pressing Ctrl + Shift + End keys.

4. Now all search results are forwarded as attachments in a new message window. Specify recipients, add the forwarding subject, compose the message content, and send the message as need.

6.3 Automatically forward emails from specific senders

If you want to forward emails from the specified senders automatically, you can create an email rule or an automatic reply rule to archive it.
A. Automatically forward emails from specific senders by an email rule
B. Automatically forward emails from specific senders by an automatic reply rule

7. Forward emails automatically

If you need to forward all incoming emails, emails from specified senders, emails with specific subjects, or other emails meeting other conditions all the time, you can configure to automatically forward emails in Outlook.

7.1 Forward emails automatically by the Automatic Replies feature

This part will guide you to apply the Automatic Replies feature to automatically forward all incoming emails or forward emails by criteria in outlook.

Note: As the Automatic Replies feature is only supported by Exchange accounts, this part works well with Exchange accounts only. If your email account type is not Exchange, you can create an email rule to enable auto forward.

1. Click File > Info > Automatic Replies.

2. In the Automatic Replies dialog, enable the Send automatic replies option, and click the Rules button.

3. In the Automatic Reply Rules dialog, click the Add Rule button.

4. In the Edit Rule dialog, you can configure as follows:
(1) Tick the Forward option in the Perform these actions section;
(2) Click the To button to add the forwarding recipients. Alternatively, you can also manually type in the recipients’ email addresses;
(3) Specify the forwarding type from the below Method drop-down list.

Tips: In the When a message arrives that meets the following conditions section, you can configure to forward emails by criteria:

(1) From: If you need to automatically forward emails by a certain sender, click the From button to select the certain sender. Alternatively, you can also type in the certain sender name or sender email address in the right box;

(2) Send To: If you need to automatically forward emails by email recipients, click the Sent To button to select the certain recipients. Of course, you can type in the recipients’ names or email addresses manually. It also supports to tick the Send directly to me option or Copied (Cc) to me option directly;

(3) Subject: If you need to automatically forward emails by subject, type in the specified keywords in the Subject box as need;

(4) Message body: If you need to automatically forward emails by message content, type in the specified keywords in the Message body box as need.

5. Click the OK buttons successively to save the changes and close all dialogs.

From now, all incoming emails (or only emails meeting the specified conditions) will be forwarded to the specified recipients automatically.

7.2 Forward emails automatically by an email rule

You can also create an email rule to achieve auto forwarding in Outlook easily.

1. In Outlook, click Home > Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts.

2. In the Rules and Alerts dialog, under the Email Rules tab, click the New Rule button.

3. In the Rules Wizard, click to highlight the Apply rule on messages I receive, and click the Next button.

4. In the second Rules Wizard, click the Next button without specifying any conditions, and then click the Yes button in the popping out Microsoft Outlook dialog.


(1) If you click the Next button without specifying any conditions, the rule will forward all incoming emails automatically.

(2) If you want to automatically forward emails by sender, you can configure as follows:
1) In the second Rules Wizard, you can tick the from people or public group option in the Step 1 section;
2) Click the underlined text people or public group in the Step 2 section;
3) In the Rule Address dialog, select a sender from the address book or manually type in the sender’s email address, and click the OK button.

(3) If you want to automatically forward emails by subject, you can configure as follows:
1) In the second Rules Wizard, tick the with specific words in the subject or body option in the Step 1 section;
2) Click the underlined text specific words in the Step 2 section;
3) In the Search Text dialog, type in a keyword in the first box and click the Add button, then repeat to add other keywords if necessary, and finally click the OK button.

5. In the third Rules Wizard, tick the forward it to people or public group or forward it to people or public group as an attachment option as you need in the Step 1 section, and then click the underlined text people or public group in the Step 2 section.

6. In the Rule address dialog, specify the forwarding recipients from address books or manually type in the recipients’ email addresses in the To box, and click the OK button.

7. Then it returns to the fourth Rules Wizard, specify the forwarding exceptions if necessary or do not specify any exceptions, and click the Next button.

8. In the last Rules Wizard, name the new email rule in the Step 1 box, tick the running options as need in the Step 2 section, and click the Finish button.

9. Then it goes back to the Rules and Alerts dialog. Make sure the new auto forwarding rules has been checked, and click the OK button.

From now on, all incoming emails or incoming emails meeting the specified conditions will be forwarded to the certain recipients automatically.

7.3 Forward emails automatically by an amazing third-party tool

You can also let Outlook automatically forward incoming emails with a third-party tool, the (Auto) Forward feature of Kutools for Outlook.

Kutools for Outlook: Supercharge Outlook with over 100 must-have tools. Test drive it for FREE for 30 days, no strings attached!   Read More...   Download Now!

1. After installing Kutools for Outlook, click Kutools > Forward > Rule Manager in Outlook.

2. In the Auto Forward Settings dialog, click the New button.

3. In the popping out Rules Wizard dialog, configure as you need:

A. If you want to automatically forward every incoming email, do not specify any conditions, and click the Next button directly. And then click the OK button in the popping out reminding dialog.

B. If you want to automatically forward emails by sender, you can:
1) In the Rules Wizard, tick the sender is in people or public group option in the Step 1 section, and then click the underlined text people or public group in the Step 2 section;
2) In The rule address dialog, specify the sender from an address book, or typing in the sender’s email address in the Sender box directly, and then click the OK button.

3) Then it returns to the Rules Wizard, click the Next button.

C. If you want to automatically forward incoming emails by subject, you can:
1) In the Rules Wizard, tick the subject contains specific words option in the Step 1 section, and then click the underlined text specific words in the Step 2 section;
2) In the popping out Text Contains dialog, click the New button;

3) In the Search Text dialog, type a keyword in the New Search Text box and click the Add button, then repeat to add other keywords as you need, and finally click the OK button.

4) Then it returns to the Text Contains dialog, you can go on clicking the New button to add other keywords. After adding all keywords, click the OK button.
(1) The logical relationship between the keywords added in the same Search Text dialog is AND;
(2) The logic relationship between the keywords that you added in different Search Text dialogs successively is OR.

5) Then it returns to the Rules Wizard, click the Next button.

4. Then it opens the second Rules Wizard. Specify the forwarding exceptions or not as you need, and click the Next button.

5. In the last Rules Wizard, configure as follows:
(1) Name the new auto forwarding rule in the Rule name box;
(2) Type in the rule description in the Rule notes box;
(3) Click the Recipient button to add forwarding recipients as need;
(4) Tick the running options in the Set rule options section.
(5) Click the OK button.

6. Now it goes back to the Auto Forward Settings dialog. Mark sure the new auto forwarding rule has been checked, and click the OK button.

7. Go ahead to click Kutools > Forward > Enable Auto Forward to enable this feature, and then clicking the OK button in the popping out reconfirming dialog.

From now on, all incoming emails or only incoming emails meeting the specified conditions will be automatically forwarded to the specified recipients.

8. Forward emails to folder

Sometimes, you may want to forward incoming emails from the specific sender or with specified subject to a certain mail folder in Outlook, how could you solve the issues? Here, this section will guide you to forward incoming emails to a specified folder with an email rule in Outlook.

1. In the message list, select the email whose sender or subject you will forward emails based on, and click Home > Rules > Create Rule.

2. Then you can configure the email rule as follows:
(1) In the popping out Create Rule dialog, specify the conditions you will filter incoming emails by.
Tips: For example, you want to forward emails by the specific sender, check the From sender (sender has been replaced with the certain sender of the currently selected email); to forward emails by the specified subject, check the Subject contains option; etc.
(2) Check the Move the item to folder option.
(3) Now the Rules and Alerts dialog comes out. Select the certain folder you will forward emails to, and click the OK button.

3. Now it returns to the Create Rule dialog, click the OK button to save the settings.
Tips: When returning to the Create Rule dialog, you can also click the Advanced Options button to change the current settings as need.

4. In the prompting Success dialog, tick the running option as need, and click the OK button.

From now on, all incoming emails from the specific sender or with the specified subject will be forwarded to the certain mail folder automatically.

9. Outlook forward settings

When forwarding an email in Outlook, the header information and message body of the original email will be added into the forwarding message by default. Actually, you can change the forwarding settings to attach the original email as an attachment in the forwarding message, or add indent, etc. And this section will guide you to deal with the issues.

1. In Outlook, click File > Options.

2. In the Outlook Options dialog, click Mail in the left bar, go to the Replies and forwards section, and then pick up a proper forwarding option from the When forwarding a message drop-down list.

3. Click the OK button to save the changes and close the dialog.

There are four options in the when forwarding a message drop-down list in the Outlook Options dialog:

A. Attach original message: If you select this option from the when forwarding a message drop-down list in the Outlook Options dialog, the original email will be inserted as an attachment in the forwarding message window as below screenshot shown:

B. Including original message text: This is the default forwarding settings in the Outlook Options dialog. If you have this option selected, the header information and message body of the original email will be added in the forwarding message as below screenshot shown:

C. Include and indent original message text: If you select this option from the when forwarding a message drop-down list in the Outlook Options dialog, the original email’s header information and message body will be added in the forwarding message with a left indent.

D. Prefix each line of the original message: If you select this option from the when forwarding a message drop-down list in the Outlook Options dialog, the original email’s header information and message body will be added in the forwarding message with a blue line at the leftmost. See screenshot:

10. Forward emails in HTML

By default, the forward messages inherits the message format of the original email automatically. For example, the original email is in the Plain Text format, its forwarding message will be in the Plain Text automatically. However, you can configure to always forward emails in a fixed message formatting. Click below hyperlinks to view the guidances:

10.1 Always reply or forward in HTML format:

10.2 Always reply or forward in HTML, Plain Text, or Rich Text format In Outlook:

10.3 Always reply or forward in plain text:

11. Forward emails with different font size and color

Generally speaking, in the forwarding message window, you can select the forwarding content and then format it with different font color, set to different font size and font style as need. However, it will be quite tedious to format the format content in every forwarding message repeatedly. Actually, you can configure the default font size, font color, or font style, etc. for all replying or forwarding messages in Outlook. Click below hyperlink to view the guidance.

Forward or reply with small/big font or different font color:

12. Forward emails with default stationery

As far as we know, the default stationery will be applied to new emails automatically in Outlook, while the forward message keeps the same stationery of the original email. That means, when you forward an email with a special stationery (or without stationery), the forwarding message will remain the special stationery (or without stationery) automatically, no matter you have enabled the default stationery or not.

But you can configure to forward all emails with the default stationery automatically. Click below hyperlinks to view the guidance.

Apply default email theme or stationery to all replies or forwards:

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