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Easily add a trendline for multiple series in a chart in Excel

Author: Siluvia Last Modified: 2024-11-25

Kutools for Excel

Boosts Excel With 300+
Powerful Features

When creating a scatter chart to compare at least two sets of values, you may need to add a trendline for the series to visualize the general trend. Kutools for Excel provides a handy chart tool – Add Trend Lines to Multiple Series which helps you quickly add trendline for multiple series in a scatter chart with only one click.

Add a trendline for multiple series in Excel

Please do as follows to add a trendline for multiple series in a scatter chart in Excel.

1. Select the scatter chart that you want to add trendline.


2. Click Kutools > Charts > Chart Tools > Add Trend Lines to Multiple Series.


3. Click OK in the popping up Kutools for Excel dialog box.


Now the trendline is added for multiple series in selected scatter chart.



1. This feature does not support Undo (ctrl + z).
2. If you want to remove the added trendline, just select it and press the Delete key.

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Kutools for Excel: More than 300 Advanced Functions for Excel 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and Office 365.

Kutools for Excel

The functionality described above is just one of 300 powerful functions of Kutools for Excel.

Designed for Excel(Office) 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and Office 365. Free download and use for 30 days.

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