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Quickly change sign of numbers in Excel

Author: Sun Last Modified: 2024-03-11

Kutools for Excel

Boosts Excel With 300+
Powerful Features

Excel lacks a built-in feature for swiftly altering the sign of values or correcting trailing negative signs. If you want to change sign of a number from positive to negative, or the other way around, you typically have to add or remove the negative sign individually, or alternatively, utilize a formula. However, with Kutools for Excel’s Change Sign of Values tool, you can quickly apply the following operations on numbers.

Advantages of Kutools for Excel's Change Sign of Values

  • 🛠️ Versatile Operations: Whether you need to correct trailing negative signs, convert negative values to positive, turn positive values to negative, reverse the sign of all values, or change negative numbers to zeros, this tool covers all bases with just 2 clicks.
  • ⏩ Efficient Bulk Handling: Traditionally, users might resort to manually adjusting each cell or employing complex formulas. Kutools simplifies this process, enabling users to make these changes en masse, thereby saving considerable time and effort.
  • 👁️ User-Friendly Interface with Preview: Kutools boasts an intuitive design with a user-friendly interface that simplifies the selection of options. It notably provides an immediate preview of the changes, enabling users to see the potential impact before applying them.
  • 🛡️ Enhanced Data Safety: Kutools safeguards your spreadsheet data by offering robust Undo functionality (Ctrl + Z) and detecting formulas in selected cells to prevent accidental formula deletions.

Access Path: Kutools >> Content >> Change Sign of Values

Fix trailing negative signs

Imagine you possess a series of numbers with negative signs positioned on their right, and you aim to relocate these signs to the left of the numbers. This can be efficiently achieved as follows:

  1. Firstly, highlight the cells or ranges in need of correction for the trailing negative signs.
  2. Apply this utility by clicking Kutools > Content > Change Sign of Values.
  3. In the Change Sign of Values dialog box, select the Fix trailing negative signs option.
  4. Click OK or Apply.

Consequently, all trailing negative signs are moved from the right of numbers to the left.

Change all negative values to positive

If you want to change the negative numbers to positive numbers easily and quickly, this tool also can help you.

  1. Begin by selecting the range of numbers you wish to modify.
  2. Click Kutools > Content > Change Sign of Values.
  3. In the Change Sign of Values dialog box, choose the Change all negative values to positive option.
  4. Finally, click OK or Apply.

All the previously negative numbers within the selected range will now be positive.

Change all positive values to negative

With this tool, you can change all positive numbers into negative ones as well.

  1. Begin by selecting the range of numbers you wish to modify.
  2. Click Kutools > Content > Change Sign of Values.
  3. In the Change Sign of Values dialog box, select the Change all positive values to negative option.
  4. Click OK or Apply.

This action will transform all selected positive numbers into negative numbers.

Reverse the sign of all values

If you're dealing with a dataset that includes both negative and positive numbers and wish to invert the sign of these values - turning positive numbers into negative ones and vice versa - follow these steps:

  1. Highlight the range you intend to modify.
  2. Select Kutools > Content > Change Sign of Values.
  3. In the Change Sign of Values dialog box, select the Reverse the sign of all values option.
  4. Click OK or Apply.

This action will flip the signs of all selected numbers.

Change all negative values to zeros

If you find yourself needing to convert negative numbers to zeros, this utility allows you to accomplish that swiftly.

  1. Select the range of numbers you want to handle.
  2. Select Kutools > Content > Change Sign of Values.
  3. In the Change Sign of Values dialog box, select the Change all negative value to zero option.
  4. Click OK or Apply to finalize the change.

All negative numbers within the selected range are transformed into zeros.


1. This function supports Undo (Ctrl + Z).

2. This function enables you to select multiple ranges of numbers and simultaneously change their signs.

3. If the selection includes cells with formulas, this feature will prompt you to either remove the formulas or ignore them, as illustrated in the following screenshot:
shot change sign of values 03

Demo: Change sign of values in a range of cells

Kutools for Excel: Over 300 handy tools at your fingertips! Start your 30-day free trial with no feature limitations today. Download Now!

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Kutools for Excel: More than 300 Advanced Functions for Excel 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and Office 365.

Kutools for Excel

The functionality described above is just one of 300 powerful functions of Kutools for Excel.

Designed for Excel(Office) 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and Office 365. Free download and use for 30 days.

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