Quickly merge / combine all worksheets of same name across workbooks into one worksheet
Kutools for Excel
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If you have several workbooks which contain multiple worksheets of same name, and you want to merge all workbooks of same name into one worksheet but also merge all the other different name worksheets from workbooks into same final workbook.in Excel, how can you quickly merge or combine all worksheets of same name from different workbooks into one worksheet in Excel? Kutools for Excel’s Combine Worksheets (Combine all same name worksheets into one worksheet) utility help you to:
Merge / combine all worksheets of same name into one worksheet
Note: The Combine all same name worksheets into one worksheet function of Combine Worksheets utility will not only merge all worksheets of same name into one worksheet but also merge all the other different name worksheets from workbooks into same final workbook. If you want to only combine all same name worksheets into one worksheet, please refer to Combine worksheets of same name into one worksheet.
Click Kutools Plus > Combine. See screenshots:
Merge / combine all worksheets of same name into one worksheet
Supposing you have 3 workbooks (Workbook A, Workbook B and Workbook C) which all contains worksheet (Sheet1) and you want to merge all 3 worksheets (Sheet1) into one worksheet from Workbook A, Workbook B and Workbook C as well as merging the other different name worksheets of those 3 workbooks into the same final workbook, you can get it done as follows:
1. Please click Kutools Plus> Combine, and a warning message is popped out, see screenshot:
2. Then click OK, and in the Combine Worksheets wizard, select Combine all same name worksheets into one worksheet option, see screenshot:
3. Then click Next button, and in the following Combine Worksheets wizard, please specify the workbooks or worksheets that you want to combine, see screenshot:
Tips 1:
A. Add workbooks or csv files to merge
Click Add > File(s), open the folder where the files are, specify the file type as (*.csv) or (*.xls; *.csv) to add CSV files to merge;
Click Add > Folder... and specify a folder, it will automatically add all workbooks of the folder into Workbook list to merge.
If you click OneDrive File(s) or OneDrive Folder..., it will automatically add one or multiple OneDrive files from one folder or different folders as you need.
B. Sort all workbooks or worksheets in the Workbook or worksheet list
Specify a sorting condition in the Sort drop-down list to sort all workbooks or worksheets in the list box. For example, select Name in the Sort drop-down list, all workbooks or worksheets in the list box are sorted by name automatically.
C. Save or access one scenario of your operation:
If you want to save the settings of Step 3 in Combine Worksheets for future operations, you can save a scenario of the settings by clicking Scenario > Save… button on the lower-left corner of the dialog box. By doing so, you don’t need to add workbooks or specify the worksheets again and again in the future, you just need to open the scenario item you have saved, then all the workbooks will be listed in the Workbook list. At the same time, you can go to the Manage Scenario dialog box for renaming or deleting the scenarios as you need.
D. If you want to delete a workbook from the Workbook list, please select the workbook and then click the button. For deleting all workbooks in the workbook list, you just need to click button to remove them at once.
E. Open and deal with the workbooks which have been encrypted by password correctly:
If the workbooks which have been encrypted with passwords that you want to combine, please click the Password button, in the Password Manager dialog box, click Add button to add the workbooks' passwords one by one that you want to combine, you can also display the workbook name and path as you need, see screenshot:
F. What’s the Same sheet button?
You can see there is a Same sheet button in the dialog box. With this button, you can easily select all worksheets with same worksheet name across all the checked workbooks in the Workbook list. For example, there are 3 workbooks that have been checked in the Workbook list, if you click on the Sheet2 as shown in the below screenshot, it will immediately select all worksheets with same worksheet name across the 3 checked workbooks after clicking Same sheet button. See screenshots:
G. What’s Same range button?
It will automatically specify each worksheet of all checked workbooks in the Workbook list to have the same range as the worksheet you selected. For example, The Sheet1 of Workbook A has a range $A$1:$C$6 as shown in the below screenshot, if you first click on Sheet1 and then click Same range button, you will see the range of Sheet2 of Workbook A is changed to the same range as Sheet1, and each worksheet of checked workbooks in the Workbook list will also have the same range as Sheet1 of Workbook A. See screenshots:
4. After configuring in the Step 3, please click Next button. You will go into the last step, please choose the specific operations you need, see screenshot:
Tips 2:
A. Combine by row and Combine by column:
- Combine by row: Each combined data from multiple worksheets is added to the last row of the last combined data;
- Combine by column: Each combined data from multiple worksheets is added to the last column of the last combined data.
B. What is the title and total row numbers?
If your data has the title and total rows as shown in the below screenshot:
If you specify the Number of header and total rows as value “0” for the above data, it will have the results as shown in the below screenshot. It will keep all the first and last rows of each worksheet in the final worksheet.
If you specify the Number of header and total rows as value “1”, the results will be as shown in the below screenshot. It will only keep the first header row of the first worksheet and delete all the header and total rows of other worksheets after combining.
C. Insert original worksheet information into the new combined worksheet:
If you want to insert the worksheet information, you can insert the worksheet information in the first row of each range as well as formatting as comment styles.
Insert worksheet information in a new row | Insert worksheet information as comment |
D. Specify the paste options when combining the worksheets:
The other options in this step are easy for you to understand except the Paste link to source data option. This option will update automatically the combined (data) worksheets when the source data are changed.
You can exclude or include the filter data with checking or unchecking the Exclude filtered data box.
5. After clicking Finish button to combine all worksheets of same name. And a Specify the file name and location for the combined workbook window is popped out, you can specify a file name and location for your combined file, and then click the Save button. See screenshot:
6. After finishing the combining, you will be asked whether you want to save this scenario if you have not saved the scenario in the Step 3. See screenshots:
7. And a new workbook with the information of the original workbooks is created, in this workbook, the hyperlink of the new combined workbook is output as well, you can click it to open the combined workbook. See screenshot:
8. Then, you can see all worksheets of same name will be combined into one worksheet. See screenshots:
The data in the worksheets with same name are combined row by row:
The data in the worksheets with same name are combined column by column:
Note: If you think the Combine feature is useful, you can click button to share it to your friends.
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