Easily encrypt and decrypt selected cell values or contents in Excel
Kutools for Excel
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Supposing you have a workbook which contains some important information couldn't be viewed by others. In this case, you would like to encrypt the cell contents, but Excel doesn't have a function for encrypting the cell contents. With Kutools for Excel’s Encrypt Cells and Decrypt Cells utility, you can quickly encrypt the selected cell values and decrypt the cell contents.
Encrypt the selected cell contents
Decrypt the selected cells that have been encrypted with Encrypt Cells
Encrypt the selected cell contents
1. Select the range that you want to encrypt.
2. Apply this utility by clicking Kutools Plus > Encrypt Cells in the Security group, then type in the password in the Encrypt Cells dialog box, choose one type of masks you want to display in cells after encrypted. See screenshots:
Check None option, then the cell contents will be displayed as below:
Check Char option, then the cell contents will be displayed as below:
Check String option, then the cell contents will be displayed as below:
Note: If a cell contains formula will not be encrypted.
Decrypt the selected cells that have been encrypted with Encrypt Cells
The encrypted cells that have been encrypted with the Encrypt Cells utility can only be decrypted with the Decrypt Cells utility.
1. Please select the cells which have been encrypted with Encrypt Cells.
2. Click Kutools Plus > Decrypt Cells to apply this utility. See screenshots:
3. Type in the password and click OK. You will see the encrypted cells values become as follows, see screenshots:
GIF: Easily encrypt and decrypt selected cell values or contents in Excel
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Kutools for Excel
The functionality described above is just one of 300 powerful functions of Kutools for Excel.
Designed for Excel(Office) 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and Office 365. Free download and use for 30 days.