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Quickly find and replace the similar records from a list of cell values in Excel

Author: Xiaoyang Last Modified: 2021-12-09

Kutools for Excel

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In Excel worksheet, entering a list of same text manually may contain some typos, if you want to find the similar but misspelled text, generally, you should check and correct them one by one. But, with the Kutools for Excel’s Fuzzy Lookup function, you can quickly check for the similar records based on character differences, and then correct them to your own text at once.

Find and replace the similar records from a list of cell values

Find and replace the similar records from a list of cell values

To find the similar misspelled texts and then correct them to your own needed value, please do with the following steps:

1. Activate the worksheet contains the text values you want to correct, and then click Kutools > Find > Fuzzy Lookup to enable the Fuzzy Lookup pane, see screenshot:

2. In the Fuzzy Lookup pane, please configure the following settings:

(1.) Check the Specified checkbox to fix the selected range, and then click shot fuzzy lookup 3 button to select the list of cells that you want to find and replace the text values; (Note: If the checkbox before the Specified section is unchecked, the entire range will be selected automatically when you click any cell of the current range. )

(2.) Enter the max number of different characters that you want to search from the list of cells into the Maximum number of different characters field;

And then, type a number into The cell string length is at least field to exclude short values for searching.

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(1.) If you just want to find the similar value based on a specific text, please check the Find by specified text option, and in the Text field, enter the text that you want to search based on.

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(2.) If each cell contains multiple words, to search and check for each word within the cells, please check Split cells by the following characters option, and then type the delimiter that separates your text strings directly, it will be around with double quotation marks automatically, see screenshot:

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3. After finishing the settings, then click Find button, and all approximate matching values are grouped by similar text in the list box. See screenshot:

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4. And then, you can correct the misspelled text to your desired text.

(1.) Click on the root node and enter the correct text in Correct value textbox;

(2.) Then click Fill or press Enter key to fill the entered text to all the item of the node automatically.

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You can also choose the value you want to apply for correcting, and then click Fill option in Execute list, this value will be assigned to all items of the node, see screenshot:

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5. After choosing the correct value for each group data, click the Apply button at the bottom of the pane. And all the similar values have been changed to the desired ones as following screenshot shown:

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Refresh button: This button can help you to refresh the newly updated data in the list box of the pane after applying the correct value;

Undo button: With this option, you can quickly recover the original data value in the worksheet after applying the newly updated data.

Demo: Find and replace the similar records from a list of cell values

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