Quickly create a progress bar with percentage in Excel
Kutools for Excel
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Usually, we use the progress bar chart to express the how many percentages of a project is completed in Excel. But in general Excel, you need at least 8 steps to create a progress bar, while Kutools for Excel’s Progress Bar Chart utility only needs 3 steps.
Moreover, the Progress Bar Chart supports create progress bar with percentage by using two types of data:
Create progress bar chart based on given progress percentage data
Create progress bar chart based on given actual and target data
Applying this utility by clicking Kutools > Charts > Progress > Progress Bar Chart. See screenshot:
Create progress bar chart based on given progress percentage data
If the data has listed the percentages of each progress, please create the progress bar chart as below steps:
1. Click Kutools > Charts > Progress > Progress Bar Chart.
2. In the popping dialog, click to choose the axis labels to the Axis label range, then check Percentage of current completion option in the Current Progress section, then click in the Percentage of current completion section to select the cells containing the percentages.
3. Click OK. Then the progress bar chart has been created.
Create progress bar chart based on given actual and target data
If the data contains actual and target values, to create a progress bar chart with percentages, you can do as below steps.
1. Click Kutools > Charts > Progress > Progress Bar Chart.
2. In the popping dialog, click to choose the axis labels to the Axis label range, check Actual, Target option in the Current Progress section, then click in the Actual and Target sections to separately select the cells containing the actual and target values.
3. Click OK. Then the progress bar chart has been created.
1. You can click Example button in the Progress Bar Chart dialog to realize how to use this utility.
2. The chart will be updated based on the data changed.
3. To change the bar color, please click at one of the bars or bar borders in the chart, then under Format tab, choose a new color from Shape Fill or Shape Outline menus as you need.
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Kutools for Excel
The functionality described above is just one of 300 powerful functions of Kutools for Excel.
Designed for Excel(Office) 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and Office 365. Free download and use for 30 days.