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Unlock the Future of Email: Elevating Outlook Efficiency with Kutools AI

Author: Zhoumandy Last Modified: 2024-06-24

Experience enhanced productivity with Kutools AI, transforming Outlook into a highly efficient and insightful email client. By harnessing the power of advanced AI models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, Kutools AI elevates every aspect of your email experience. It brings to the forefront four key features:

  • Reply to Emails, matching your tone and style, and learning from history to provide accurate replies, like previous price information.
  • Optimize Emails, refining your message for maximum impact.
  • Email Summary, distilling complex threads into concise overviews.
  • Translate Emails, breaking down language barriers effortlessly.

Video: Kutools AI - Elevate Outlook Efficiency

What is Kutools AI for Outlook?

Kutools AI, a standout among the 100+ advanced features of Kutools for Outlook, is a masterpiece crafted by ExtendOffice. It represents the pinnacle of email innovation, merging the capabilities of AI models such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 with the everyday needs of Outlook users. Kutools AI transforms your Outlook experience with four key capabilities:

  • Reply to Emails: Craft responses that reflect your personal style and tone, making every reply seem as though it came directly from you, thanks to its deep learning capabilities.
  • Optimize Emails: Enhance your emails to ensure clarity and professionalism, applying advanced linguistic models to refine and polish your message.
  • Email Summary: Offer succinct summaries of lengthy email threads, employing natural language processing to extract and present the key points, saving you time and effort.
  • Translate Emails: Remove language barriers by translating emails into multiple languages, using sophisticated language models for accurate and contextually relevant translations.

By integrating these features into your daily email routine, Kutools AI not only streamlines your workflow but also enriches your communication, ensuring that every email you send or receive meets the highest standards of efficiency and effectiveness.

Upgrade Your Email Experience with Kutools for Outlook! Unlock the potential of your inbox with more than 100 convenient tools designed to simplify your email routine, addressing both basic and advanced needs. Explore all features without any risk for a transformative email experience. Download today and streamline your email tasks!

Why Choose Kutools AI for Your Outlook?

In today’s fast-paced digital world, effective communication is key. Kutools AI leverages cutting-edge AI technology to ensure that your emails are not just read but felt, understood, and appreciated. It's about elevating your email game, and making every interaction more meaningful and impactful. Whether you're managing a flood of daily emails or focusing on that one critical message, Kutools AI is your strategic partner, ensuring you stay ahead in the communication game. Here are some of the key benefits this feature offers:

⚙️ Seamless Integration with Outlook: Designed exclusively for Outlook, it enhances your email experience within the familiar environment, ensuring an intuitive and efficient workflow.

📧 Personalized Email Responses: Leveraging AI models like GPT-3.5, GPT-4 and Gemini, it crafts replies that mirror your unique style and tone, ensuring every email feels personally written by you.

✏️ Enhanced Clarity and Professionalism: Utilizes advanced linguistic models to optimize your emails, guaranteeing clarity and professionalism in every message you send.

📄 Efficient Email Summarization: Employs natural language processing to provide concise summaries of lengthy email threads, extracting and presenting only the essential information.

🌍 Language Translation Capabilities: Breaks down language barriers with sophisticated models for accurate translations, making global communication effortless.

🔄 Adaptive Learning: Continuously learns from your email behavior and preferences to better align with your needs, improving its assistance over time for even more personalized support while using the Reply to Emails feature. This system adapts to enhance the precision of your replies based on your interaction patterns, ensuring responses become more accurate and tailored to your communication style, ultimately leading to a more efficient and effective email management experience.

Time-Saving Automation: Automates routine email tasks, such as organizing emails and scheduling follow-ups, freeing up your time for more important tasks and increasing your overall productivity.

🖥️ User-Friendly Interface: Features an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it simple for users of all tech levels to enhance their email management and communication.

🔐 Enhanced Privacy and Security: Uses the latest encryption and security protocols to ensure that your email data is protected, giving you peace of mind in the safety of your communications.

How to Setup Kutools AI for Enhanced Email Efficiency?

Transforming your email experience with Kutools AI is just a few steps away. Here we show you the step-by-step guide on how to set up Kutools AI in your Outlook.

Step 1: Install Kutools AI

Navigate to the download page to download and install Kutools for Outlook to get Kutools AI.

Step 2: Activate Kutools AI

1. After installing Kutools for Outlook, go to the Kutools tab, and click Kutools AI.

2. The Kutools AI pane shows up at the right of the Outlook window.

3. And at the same time, the Kutools AI Guide dialog pops up. It introduces the four functions that Kutools AI offers. Click the Next button to continue.

Note: This popping-up dialog will only appear when you first activate Kutools AI. If you want to access this guide again in the future, simply click the button in the Kutools AI pane.

4. The Terms of Use will appear. Click Next.

  • To learn how to obtain an API key, click the Learn How link in the above dialog to go to the tutorial page.
  • To get an API key quickly, you can click the Obtain your API key immediately link for OpenAI and GoogleAI in the above dialog to directly create your API key.

5. Now, you can activate Kutools AI by selecting an AI provider and entering the corresponding key. Once done, click OK.

Privacy and Security: ExtendOffice strictly protects your personal privacy and does not collect your private data. Your sensitive information, such as API keys, is encrypted and stored only on your computer. All data exchanges with Al are limited between the Al provider and your computer, and never sent to ExtendOffice.

Step 3: Configure Kutools AI settings for personalized use

In the Kutools AI pane, please click the gear icon to open the AI Settings dialog box. You can configure the settings in three aspects: AI Configuration, Action, and Knowledge.

Settings for AI Configuration

On the AI Configuration tab, you can set up your AI following the steps below:

1. Select the AI provider (OpenAI, GoogleAI, or AzureAI) from the AI provider drop-down list.

2. Copy and paste your API key into the API key textbox.

  • By default, the API key becomes hidden once pasted. Click and hold the icon to reveal it.
  • If you don’t know how to create an API key, click the Learn how link in the dialog box.

3. Select the model (gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4-turbo-preview, or gpt-4) from the Model drop-down list.

Note: The gpt-4-turbo-preview model supports replying to long-winded emails, while gpt-3.5-turbo may not.

4. Finally, click the Save button.

Settings for Action

On the Action tab, you can customize your AI's role, and specify the tasks it should perform with that role:

  • Role Prompt: A Role Prompt instructs the AI to adopt a specific behavior and style, such as acting like a customer service agent, ensuring responses are tailored to fit that role.
  • Command Prompt: A Command Prompt directs the AI to perform a specific task, like writing a friendly email reply, ensuring the output meets the given instructions.

In the Action section, there are four tabs as shown above: Reply to Emails, Optimize Emails, Email Summary, and Translate Emails. Navigate to each tab to customize the Role Prompt and Command Prompt according to your preferences.

Tip: Feel free to modify the default settings for Role Prompt and Command Prompt to better suit your needs. Clicking the Reset button can restore the original settings if needed.
Example of Action configuration

For example, to translate emails into a desired language, you can do as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Translate Emails tab in the Action section.
  2. Edit the content in Role Prompt and Command Prompt boxes.
  3. From the Translate Language dropdown, select your desired language.
  4. Click the Save button.

Settings for Knowledge

The Knowledge functions as a local database, storing historical email data. It improves the precision and context relevance of Al responses by analyzing and learning from past email communications.

To enhance the accuracy and context relevance of AI's replies, go to the Knowledge tab to add historical emails.

Usage of Knowledge

You can manually add historical emails to the Knowledge. Or enable the automatic addition feature so that emails are immediately added to the Knowledge after sending, helping the Al system to learn and adapt better.

Manually Add

1. Click the Manually Add button.

2. In the popping-up Manually Add dialog, select the emails you want to learn and click OK.

  • To select all emails of an account, check the checkbox before the account.
  • To select emails one by one, check the checkbox before an email.
  • To select emails of the recent one month, click the Recent One Month Emails link.
  • To select emails of the recent one year, click the Recent One Year Emails link.

3. A dialog pops up to remind you of the number of emails that need to be learned. Click Yes.

4. Another dialog pops up to remind you of the number of emails that have been learned successfully. Click OK.

Note: If an selected email has already been learned, or there are duplicate emails, or the email content is too long, the system will automatically skip it.
Automatically Add
  1. Check the Automatically Add checkbox.
  2. Select the email accounts by marking the checkbox next to each address, so that emails sent from them will be automatically added to the knowledge base.
  3. Click the Save button.

  • After the emails are added to Knowledge, you can see the number of conversations that were learned in total in the top-right corner of the Knowledge section in the AI Settings dialog.

  • No matter whether you choose to manually add or automatically add emails to the Knowledge database in the AI Settings dialog, only emails from the Sent Items folder will be learned. Additionally, Kutools AI only learns from emails that are part of a conversation with back-and-forth dialogue. Emails sent out without being part of a reply chain will not be included in the learning process.

Use Kutools AI in Your Workflow with Examples

After the configuration of Kutools AI, you can now use its four key features.

Reply to Emails: Crafting a reply by analyzing past email communications

Imagine you've received an email from a client asking for detailed information about a project you discussed weeks ago. Instead of combing through your emails manually, you use Kutools AI's Reply to Emails feature. By analyzing your past email communications, the AI crafts a comprehensive and coherent reply that captures all the necessary details about the project in your preferred language, reflecting your personal tone and ensuring continuity in your communication.

1. After selecting the email or the text in the email you want to reply, click the Reply to Emails icon in the Kutools AI pane.

Note: If you select text in an email, it will reply to the selected content. Otherwise, it will reply to the entire email.

2. Click the Generate button. The generated reply will be automatically inserted into the email body as a draft.


  • The language AI uses to reply will match your Outlook settings by default. You can change it by selecting the Language dropdown in the top-right of the AI reply box.
  • During the generation process, if you don’t want the content generated, you can click the Stop button.
  • The content generated by AI may be incorrect, please consider verifying important information before sending the reply.
    • Copy button: To copy the whole content.
    • Regenerate button: To regenerate.
    • Quoted knowledge conversation button: To see which conversation the reply is quoted and learned from.
    • Insert button: To insert the generated content into the email body.
  1. You can copy selected text from the generated content.
  2. Option button: To access the settings for actions to configure the AI role and behavior in the AI Settings window.
  3. Knowledge button: To access the Settings for Knowledge to configure how and what conversations are stored and managed in the AI Settings window.

Optimize Emails: Rephrasing an email for clarity

Before sending out a crucial email, you decide to refine its content for better clarity and impact. By selecting your draft and clicking on the Optimize Emails icon, Kutools AI rephrases your message, making it more concise, persuasive, and professional. This ensures your proposal is not only well-received but also fully understood, increasing your chances of a positive response.

1. After selecting the draft email or the text in the draft email you want to rephrase, click the Optimize Emails icon in the Kutools AI pane.

Note: If you select text in an email, it will optimize the selected content. Otherwise, it will optimize the entire email.

2. Click the Generate button.

Note: During the generation process, if you don’t want the content generated, you can click the Stop button.

3. After the optimized content is generated, click the Insert button to insert it in the email body.

Note: The content generated by AI may be incorrect, please consider verifying important information before sending.
  • Copy button: To copy the whole content.
  • Regenerate button: To regenerate.
  • Insert button: To insert the generated content into the email body.
  • Option button: To access the settings for actions to configure the AI role and behavior in the AI Settings window.
  • You can copy selected text from the generated content.

Email Summary: Summarizing a long email thread for quick understanding

Faced with a lengthy email thread that includes various participants and points discussed, you can turn to Kutools AI's Email Summary feature. With a single click, the tool distills the thread into a succinct summary, highlighting key decisions and action items. This summary enables you to quickly grasp the essence of the discussion without sifting through the whole long email.

1. After selecting the email or the text in the email you want to summarize, click the Email Summary icon in the Kutools AI pane.

Note: If you select text in an email, it will summarize the selected content. Otherwise, it will summarize the entire email.

2. Click the Generate button.

Note: During the generation process, if you don’t want the content generated, you can click the Stop button.
  • Copy button: To copy the whole content.
  • Regenerate button: To regenerate.
  • Insert button: To insert the generated content into the email body.
  • Option button: To access the settings for actions to configure the AI role and behavior in the AI Settings window.
  • You can copy selected text from the generated content.

Translate Emails: Translating an email from a foreign client into your preferred language

Receiving an important email from a foreign client in a language you don't fully understand, you utilize the Translate Emails feature of Kutools AI. By selecting the text and initiating the translation, the AI provides an accurate and contextually relevant translation into your preferred language. This not only breaks down language barriers but also ensures that you can respond appropriately and maintain smooth communication.

1. After selecting the email or the text in the email you want to translate, click the Translate Emails icon in the Kutools AI pane.

Note: If you select text in an email, it will translate the selected content. Otherwise, it will translate the entire email.

2. Select the language you want to translate to, and click the Generate button.

Note: During the generation process, if you don’t want the content generated, you can click the Stop button.
  • Copy button: To copy the whole content.
  • Regenerate button: To regenerate.
  • Insert button: To insert the generated content into the email body.
  • Option button: To access the settings for actions to configure the AI role and behavior in the AI Settings window.
  • You can copy selected text from the generated content.

Tips for Maximizing the Efficiency of Kutools AI

  • Familiarize Yourself with All Features
    Spend some time exploring each feature of Kutools AI to fully understand its capabilities and how it can best serve your needs.
  • Customize Settings for Personal Use
    Tailor the Role Prompt and Command Prompt settings in each action tab to align with your communication style and preferences. This customization allows the AI to deliver more personalized and effective assistance.
  • Regularly Update the Knowledge Database
    Whether manually or automatically, keep your Knowledge database current to enhance the AI's understanding of your communication style and improve the relevance of its responses.
  • Review AI-generated Content
    Always review and possibly tweak AI-generated replies, summaries, or translations before sending them out. This ensures accuracy and maintains the quality of your communications.
  • Stay Informed About Updates
    Keep an eye out for updates and new features added to Kutools AI to continuously improve your email management efficiency.

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