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Quickly create auto reply when out of office in Outlook

Author: Siluvia Last Modified: 2024-06-26

Every once in a while, you need to leave the office or be on leave for a vacation, but you have to receive emails through your Outlook during your leaving. It’s polite to reply to people’s emails when receiving them. So, as usual, you need to create auto-reply when out of the office in your Outlook. Normally, it’s too complicated and annoying for you to set up auto reply in Outlook. But with Kutools for Outlook's Auto Reply utility, you can easily set up auto-response templates for each account while you’re away from the office in Outlook.

Create auto reply when out of office in Outlook

Create auto reply without exchange serve when out of the office in Outlook

You can easily set up auto-reply when out of the office in Outlook as follows.

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1. Please enable the AutoReply utility by clicking Kutools > Reply > Enable Auto Reply, see screenshot:

2. In the popped-out Auto Reply window, configure the following operations:

  • In the Check accounts pane, click to check one account for which you want to set auto reply;
  • Type the subject prefix into the Subject Prefix textbox, and this text will be appended before the subject of the replied message;
  • Compose the email content into the Text edit box; (By default, an auto-reply message is already provided in the Text edit box. However, you can create your own message as needed.)
  • At last, click Apply to save this template.

3. Now, the email template has been created successfully for the specified account.

4. If you have other email accounts that need to set auto reply in your Outlook, please follow Step 2 to continue configuring email templates for other accounts.

Tips: If there are multiple email accounts in your Outlook, you can select the specific accounts quickly by using the right-click menu.
  • Select All: Select all accounts in your Outlook.
  • Unselect All: De-select all accounts in your Outlook.
  • Inverse: Reverse the status of the current selection. For example, if one account is currently checked, clicking Inverse will result in unchecking this account and checking all other accounts instead.
  • Select up: Select the accounts above the current selected account(including the current account).
  • Select down: Select the accounts below, the currently selected account(including the current account).

5. After setting the email templates for each account, click OK. Then a prompt box will pop out, please click the Yes button to enable this Auto Reply feature.

Now, when an account with auto-reply enabled receives an email, it will automatically respond based on its preset template


Import Template:

If you want to import another email template into the Template box, select one account, then click Important Template in the top ribbon from the Template section. In the Select File(s) window, select the email template you want to import, and then, click the Open button, see screenshot:

Now, the email template (including subject prefix and message body) you specified has been imported into the selected account, see screenshot:

Export Template:

To export and save the templates for future use, you can export them as you need. Click Export Template from the Template section. In the Select File(s) window, choose a location for putting the exported email template, and type a file name into the File name textbox, then, click the Save button to save the current email template. See screenshot:

Then, a prompt box popped up to inform you that the template has been exported successfully. If you want to open the folder containing the exported template, click OK; otherwise, click Cancel. See screenshot:

Apply To:

If you want to apply the current email template to other accounts, please click Apply to from the Template section. In the Apply To dialog box, check the email accounts to which you want the template to be applied. Then click OK button, see screenshot:

A prompt box popped out to remind you the current template has been applied to other accounts successfully. See screenshot:

  1. When someone keeps sending you multiple emails on the same day, Kutools for Outlook’s Reply utility will choose to reply only to the first email. This means that no matter how many emails you receive from that person, they will receive only one auto-reply email from you.
  2. If you want to turn off this Auto Reply function, please click Kutools > Reply > Enable Auto Reply again, and a prompt box will pop out to remind you the utility will turn off, click the Yes button. See screenshot:

Demo: Set out of office (automatic reply) with Kutools for Outlook

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