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Office Tab: Applying shortcuts, clicks and rename operation

Author: Tech Support Last Modified: 2017-05-18

You can learn some handy tips and tricks for using Office Tab to improve your productivity when handling Microsoft Office applications in this article.

Using shortcuts to quickly control tab or tab bar

More flexible when handling Microsoft Office applications

To rename current document without closing it first

Using shortcuts to quickly control tab or tab bar

You can use shortcuts to control tab or tab bar in specific Microsoft Office application. For example, if you want to using shortcuts to control tab or tab bar in Microsoft Office Word, please go to configure specific shortcut settings in the Office Tab Center or Tabs for Word Options.

There are 3 types of shortcuts you can use to control tab or tab bar.

Using Alt+N shortcuts to select tab: If you have open 3 documents in Word, you can use the Alt+ 1 shortcuts to navigate the first document on the tab bar. To navigate to the third tab or document on the tab bar, please press Alt+3 shortcuts.

Shortcuts to select tab: You can use the following shortcuts to select or navigate between tabs on the tab bar.

  • Ctrl + Tab: To select the tabs forward one by one.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: To select the tabs backward one by one.

Shortcuts to hide / display tab bar: You can apply the Ctrl + Q shortcuts to quickly show or hide the tab bar in your Microsoft Office applications. See screenshot:

More flexible when handling Microsoft Office applications

If you have configured specific options which has been indicated with red box in the below screenshot in the Office Tab Center, you can quickly close a tab or document by double-clicking on the tab as well as click middle mouse button on the tab. If you double-click on the tab bar, you can quickly create a new document in your Microsoft Office applications.

To rename current document without closing it first

Normally if you want to rename an open document in your Microsoft Office applications, you may have to close the document first. But with Office Tab, you can quickly rename an open document without closing it first.

1. Please right-click on the tab which you want to rename.

2. And choose the Rename command item from the context menu, then type the new name in the Office Tab dialog, see screenshot:

3. Then click OK button to save the new name. See screenshot:

Using Tabs in Microsoft Office applications like Firefox, Chrome and IE 10!

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