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15 November 2011 Kutools for Excel 3.00

Author: Zhoumandy Last Modified: 2022-06-15

Kutools for Excel 3.00 has been launched in 15 November 2011. If you are the user of Kutools for Excel, we recommend you to download the latest version and upgrade it now. All users of Kutools for Excel are entitled to free upgrade to the latest version.

arrow blue right bubble Features have been updated in new version:

1. Rebuilds a new Ribbon interface of Kutools, the features have been classified according to their functions, so it’s much easier for you to find the features. See screenshot (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1 New Ribbon interface of Kutools for Excel

2. Adds Super Tooltips with each feature, it’s convenient for accessing information about using the feature. See screenshot (Fi.g 2).


Fig. 2 Adds Super Tooltips in Kutools for Excel

3. Improved the Sort Worksheets feature:

Old version: only supports with one click to alphanumerically sort sheets.

New version: you can quickly rearrange all sheets by using the drag and drop feature in Sort Sheets dialog box. It’s more powerful for you to quickly rearrange the order of all sheets. It also support with one click to alphanumerically sort sheets.

4. The view settings group has been included in Toggle Setting. It’s much easier for you to set any of the settings about workbook, worksheet, objects and comments.

5. Max Cell and Min Cell have been embodied in Select Cells with Max or Min Value. You can specify the range for selecting the max or min value.

6. Improved Open Containing Folder:

Old version: only open the folder where the active workbook stays in.

New Version: it can not only open the folder where the active workbook stays in, but also marks the workbook as selected.

arrow blue right bubble 28 new features have been added in new version:

li-orangeSuperscript / Subscript (Formatting):

Easily format text as superscript or subscript in a cell.

li-orangeAlternate Row Shading:

Quickly apply shading to alternate rows for a range cells in a worksheet to improve the readability of your worksheet in Excel, and you don’t need to know how to use the Conditional Formatting and standard formatting.

li-orangeUnit Conversion:

Quickly convert more than 11 measurements from one unit to another in your Excel.

li-orangeCurrency Conversion:

A quick way to convert more than 50 currencies in your Excel by using the latest exchange rates from the reliable Internet website.

li-orangeSelect Specific Cells:

Selects cells or entire row from a specified range that meet certain criteria.

li-orangeSelect Cells with Format:

Selects cells with the same formatting from a range cells according to the formatting of the base cell or the base cell attributes.

li-orangeExact (Formula) Copy:

With this tool you can easily copy all the formulas without adjusting the relative cell references.

li-orangeConvert References:

This tool will convert the notation of references to cells in the formulas in your selected range.

li-orangeReplace Range Names:

This tool augments Excel with a feature for replacing a name reference in the selected formulas with the corresponding reference.

li-orangeError Condition Wizard:

This tool is sophisticated designed for adding error condition to a formula or group of formulas.

li-orangeCell Comment Tools:

A powerful comments manager: easily comments appearance settings, modifies the comments and so on.

li-orangeKutools Calculator:

With this calculator you can carry out more than 10 types of mathematical operation.

li-orangeSynchronize Worksheets:

Quickly toggle all the worksheets of the active workbook pointing on the same row number (each worksheet has the same range selection and upper left cell as the active sheet).

li-orangeInteractive Hide / Unhide:

Interactively hide or unhide multiple workbooks and worksheets at one time.

li-orangeInset Sequence Number:

Quickly insert a unique (and consecutive) value into a cell in Excel.

li-orangeSet Scroll Area:

It’s a fantastic way to set or limit the scrolling area in your workbook.

li-orangePrint Multiple Workbooks Wizard:

Quickly print multiple workbooks and text files from a specified directory or across multiple directories.

li-orangeCopy Page Setup:

Quickly copy the page setup setting from active worksheet to the other worksheets in the same workbook.

li-orangeExport Range to File:

Easily export a range of date to a file, either an Excel workbook, a CSV, a simple HTML or all formatting HTML.

li-orangeExport Range as Graphic:

Quickly convert a range of the active worksheet to an image in Gif, JPEG, TIF or PNG format.

li-orangeInsert File at Cursor:

Quickly insert complete content of worksheet, text file into current cursor position of active worksheet.

li-orangeFilename list:

With this tool you can easily create a new workbook containing a list of the filenames from a specified directory, you can choose to include the subdirectory and create hyperlinks to the filenames.

li-orangeDate Picker:

With this tool you can randomly insert a formatted date into a cell, or make a fast change the formatting of an existing date.

li-orangePerpetual Calendar:

Quickly insert a calendar picture of specified month in your current worksheet, or create a new workbook to lay out a specified month calendar (or 12 months).

li-orangeCreate List of Sheet Names:

With this tool you can quickly create a list of all worksheet names of the active workbook in a new workbook, which contains hyperlinks or macro buttons for quickly navigate to other worksheets.

li-orangeCreate Sequence Worksheets:

Quickly create a new workbook with customized worksheet names. You can easily specify the worksheet name by using: month names, day names, numerical sequence, a series, custom list and date in a range.

li-orangeRemove All Macros:

Quickly remove any of the following macros from your workbook: VBA modules, UserForms, Excel 5/95 dialog worksheets, or Excel 4 XLM macro worksheets.

arrow blue right bubble Some minor errors have been fixed in new version:

  1. Fixed: the delete features cannot delete specified objects.
  2. Fixed: to undo the Swap Ranges operation will cause errors.
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