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Vlookup and return multiple values based on one or multiple criteria

Author: Xiaoyang Last Modified: 2023-04-02

Normally, you can use the Vlookup function to get the first corresponding value, but, sometimes, you want to return all matching records based on a specific criterion. This article, I will talk about how to vlookup and return all matching values vertically, horizontally or into one single cell.

Vlookup and return all corresponding values vertically

Vlookup and return all corresponding values horizontally

Vlookup and return all corresponding values into one cell

Vlookup and return all corresponding values vertically

To return all matching values vertically based on a specific criterion, please apply the following array formula:

1. Enter or copy this formula into a blank cell where you want to output the result:

=IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$20, SMALL(IF($E$2=$A$2:$A$20, ROW($A$2:$A$20)-ROW($A$2)+1), ROW(1:1))),"" )

Note: In the above formula, C2:C20 is the column contains the matching record you want to return; A2:A20 is the column contains the criterion; and E2 is the specific criterion that you want to return values based on. Please change them to your need.

2. Then, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the first value, and then drag the fill handle down to get all the corresponding records as you need, see screenshot:


To Vlookup and return all matching values based on more specific values vertically, please apply the below formula, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys.

=IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$20, SMALL(IF(1=((--($E$2=$A$2:$A$20))*(--($F$2=$B$2:$B$20))), ROW($A$2:$A$20)-ROW($A$2)+1), ROW(1:1))),"" )

Vlookup and return all corresponding values horizontally

If you want to get the matching values displayed in horizontal order, the below array formula can help you.

1. Enter or copy this formula into a blank cell where you want to output the result:


Note: In the above formula, C2:C20 is the column contains the matching record you want to return; A2:A20 is the column contains the criterion; and F1 is the specific criterion that you want to return values based on. Please change them to your need.

2. Then, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the first value, and then drag the fill handle right to get all the corresponding records as you need, see screenshot:


To Vlookup and return all matching values based on more specific values horizontally, please apply the below formula, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys.


Vlookup and return all corresponding values into one cell

To vlookup and return all corresponding values into a single cell, you should apply the following array formula.

1. Enter or copy below formula into a blank cell:

=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF($A$2:$A$20=F1,$C$2:$C$20,""))

Note: In the above formula, C2:C20 is the column contains the matching record you want to return; A2:A20 is the column contains the criterion; and F1 is the specific criterion that you want to return values based on. Please change them to your need.

2. Then, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get all matching values into a single cell, see screenshot:


To Vlookup and return all matching values based on more specific values in a single cell, please apply the below formula, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys.

=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF(($A$2:$A$20=F1)*($B$2:$B$20=F2),$C$2:$C$20,""))

Note: This formula only applied successfully in Excel 2016 and later versions. If you don’t have Excel 2016, please view here to get it down.

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Comments (8)
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would you please share with me the formula of the three ways but for data in horizontal table.
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Hello, Ahmed,
To solve your problem, please apply the below formulas:
Get the results vertically: =IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$K$2, SMALL(IF($A$5=$B$1:$K$1, COLUMN($B$1:$K$1:$K$1)-COLUMN($B$1)+1), ROW(1:1))),"" )
Get the results horizontally: =IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$K$2, SMALL(IF($D$5=$B$1:$K$1, COLUMN($B$1:$K$1:$K$1)-COLUMN($B$1)+1), COLUMN(A1))),"" )
Ge the results in one cell: =TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF($B$1:$K$1=J5,$B$2:$K$2,""))
Note: These formulas are array formulas, you should press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the correct result.

Pease try, hope this can help you!
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thanks for your greet support and quick response
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how do u get all rows to fill up like in yr video without pressing ctrl+shift+enter
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After I extend the data, some of the cells is showing a "0" instead of blank
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It means that there is missing data or the wrong type of data in the cell(s) from the column that is being referrenced. For instance, Im working with a bunch of data and I want all ID numbers for workers under a certain supervisor. However, in the table column being referenced with all workers' ID numbers, some cells had the workers last name in it and not their ID numbers. Those exact cells produced 0s when the entire formula was put in, and this is because it was text within a column that is mostly numbers.
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How can you tweak the formula so that you have multiple outputs in column D? E.g. I want to populate column D with each of the countries, such that all of their respective cities will be returned in E? The only work around I have can see is manually changing $D$2
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Thank you very much, you save lots of work here!

Regarding your formula {=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF($A$2:$A$15=D2,$B$2:$B$15,"")},

I changed a little : (=TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10),TRUE,IF($A$2:$A$15=D2,$B$2:$B$15,""))}


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