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Excel add text and number into specified position of cell

Author: Sun Last Modified: 2022-02-23

In Excel, adding texts or numbers to cells is a very common job. Such as adding space between names, adding prefix or suffix to cells, adding dashes to social numbers. Here in this tutorial, it lists almost all of adding scenarios in Excel and provides the corresponding methods for you.

The Navigations of This Tutorial

1. Add to start of each cell

1.1 Add at beginning of cells by using formula

1.2 Add at beginning of cells by Flash Fill

1.3 Add at beginning of cells by using VBA code

2. Add to end of each cell

2.1 Add at end of cells by using formula

2.2 Add at end of cells by Flash Fill

2.3 Add at end of cells by using VBA code

3. Add to middle of string

3.1 Add after nth character of string by formula

3.2 Add after nth character of string by Flash Fill

3.3 Add after nth character of string by using VBA code

4. Add text with Kutools for Excel (add characters to specific position as you need)

4.1 Add text before first character or after last character

4.2 Add text at specified position(s)

4.3 Extension of Add Text utility

5. Add text before or after the first specific text

5.1 Add text before the first specific text

5.2 Add text after the first specific text

6. Add character(s) before or after each word

6.1 Add character(s) before or after each word by formula

6.2 Add character(s) before or after each word by Find and Replace

6.3 Add character(s) before or after each word by VBA code

7. Add text between characters

7.1 Add text between every character/digit with User-Defined function

7.2 Add space between every number with formula

8. Add character(s) between every word

9. Add character between texts and numbers

9.1 Add character between texts and numbers with formula

9.2 Add character between texts and numbers with Flash Fill

10. Add dashes to phone numbers/social numbers

10.1 Add dashes to numbers by formula

10.2 Add dashes to numbers by Format Cells

10.3 Add dashes to phone number by Add Text of Kutools for Excel

11. Add leading zeros to cells to fix the length

11.1 Add leading zeros to cells with Format Cells feature

11.2 Add leading zeros to cells with formula

12. Add trailing zeros to numbers to fix the length

13. Add trailing space to text

14. Add quotation marks/brackets around text or numbers

14.1 Add quotation marks/brackets around by Format Cells

14.2 Add quotation marks/brackets around by formulas

14.3 Add quotation marks/brackets around by VBA

15. Add text to formula result directly


In this tutorial, I create some examples to explain the methods, you can change the references for you need when you use below VBA code or formulas, or you can download the samples for trying methods directly.

doc sampleClick to download the sample file

1. Add to start of each cell

This part lists different methods on adding characters to the start of each cell as below screenshot shown:
doc add at start 1

1.1 Add at beginning of cells by using formula

Here you can choose one of below three formulas:

Formula1 Concatenate operator "&"

Join multiple texts together by an ampersand character "&".


Formula2 CONCATENATE function

CONCATENATE function is used to join texts together.


Formula3 CONCAT function

This is a new function which only appears in Excel 2019, Office 365, and Excel online.


In the generic formulas: cell is the cell reference to the text that you want to add prefix to, and text is the text that used to add to the cell.

Using the example above, you can use the formulas in formula bar as these:


=$E$3&B3 or ="Iphone"&B3



CONCAT function

=CONCAT($E$3,B3) or =CONCAT("Iphone",B3)

Press Enter key to get the result, then drag autofill handle down to add text to each cell of range B3:B6.
doc add at start 1

 Attention: Text should be enclosed in double quotes, or formula returns an error value #NAME?. If using the cell reference to a text, please remember to use the absolute reference, you can press F4 key to change the relative reference to absolute reference.

1.2 Add at beginning of cells by Flash Fill

If you are in Excel 2013 or later versions, the powerful new feature, Flash Fill, can fill the cells based on the above cells you entered automatically.

Choose a cell next to the first original data, manually type the first data with the prefix text as below shown:
doc add at start 1

Then in cell below, continue typing the second data with prefix text,during the typing, a list in grey color will display, press Enter key to allow the Flash Fill to fill the data automatically.
doc add at start 1doc add at start 1

If the preview list does not generate, please go to the Home tab, and then click Fill > Flash Fill to run it manually.

1.3 Add at beginning of cells by using VBA code

If you are familiar with VBA code, here introduces a VBA code to add text at beginning of each cell in a range.

1. Select a range of cells that you want to add the prefix text, then press Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. Then in the popping window, click Insert > Module to insert a blank new module.
doc add at start 1

3. Copy and paste below VBA code to the new module.

VBA: Add at beginning of cells

Sub AppendToExistingOnLeft()
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Selection
If c.Value <> "" Then c.Value = "Iphone" & c.Value
End Sub
 Attention: in the code script, Iphone is the text you want to add at beginning of selected cells, change it for your need.

doc add at start 1

4. Press F5 key or click Run button doc add at start 1 in the window to activate the VBA code.

Now all selected cells have been added the text "Iphone" at the beginning.
doc add at start 1

2. Add to end of each cell

Except adding text to start of cells, adding text to end of cells is also common. Here we take adding unit at end of each cell for examples as below screenshot shown:
doc add at end 1

2.1 Add at end of cells by using formula

Here you can choose one of below three formulas:

Formula1 Concatenate operator "&"

Join multiple texts together by an ampersand character "&".


Formula2 CONCATENATE function

CONCATENATE function is used to join texts together.


Formula3 CONCAT function

This is a new function which only appears in Excel 2019, Office 365 and Excel online.


In the generic formulas: cell is the cell reference to the text that you want to add suffix to, and text is the text that used to add to the cell.

Using the example above, you can use the formulas in formula bar as these:


=B3&$E$3 or =B3&"Kg"



CONCAT function

=CONCAT(B3, $E$3) or =CONCAT(B3, "Kg")

Press Enter key to get the result, then drag autofill handle down to add text to the end of each cell of range B3:B6.
doc add at end 1

 Attention: Text should be enclosed in double quotes, or formula returns an error value #NAME?. If using the cell reference to a text, please remember to use the absolute reference, you can press F4 key to change the relative reference to absolute reference.

2.2 Add at end of cells by Flash Fill

If you are in Excel 2013 or later versions, the powerful new feature, Flash Fill, can fill the cells based on the above cells you entered automatically.

Choose a cell next to the first original data, manually type the first data with the suffix text as below shown:
doc add at end 1

Then activate the cell under the first result, click Data > Flash Fill, all below cells including the active cell will be filled automatically.
doc add at end 1
doc add at end 1

2.3 Add at end of cells by using VBA code

Here is a VBA code can add text at end of each cell in a range.

1. Select a range of cells that you want to add the suffix text, then press Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. Then in the popping window, click Insert > Module to insert a blank new module.
doc add at start 1

3. Copy and paste below VBA code to the new module.

VBA: Add at end of cells

Sub AppendToExistingOnRight()
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Selection
If c.Value <> "" Then c.Value = c.Value & "Kg"
End Sub
Attention: in the code script, Kg is the text you want to add at end of selected cells, change it for your need. 

doc add at start 1

4. Press F5 key or click Run button doc add at start 1 in the window to activate the VBA code.

Now the text "Kg" has been added at end of each cell.
doc add at start 1

3. Add to middle of string

For most of you, adding texts to the start or end of cells are easy, but adding texts to middle of cells maybe is somewhat difficult. Take instance, as below screenshot shown, adding a delimiter, such as colon : at the end of the second character of each cell in range B3:B7.
doc add to middle 1

3.1 Add after nth character of string by formula

Here are four formulas provided for you to handle this job, choose one to use:

Formula1 Combine LEFT and RIGHT functions

LEFT(cell, n) & "text" & RIGHT(cell, LEN(cell) -n)


CONCATENATE(LEFT(cell, n), "text", RIGHT(cell, LEN(cell) -n))


CONCAT(LEFT(cell, n), "text", RIGHT(cell, LEN(cell) -n))

Formula3 REPLACE function

REPLACE(cell, n+1, 0, "text")

In the generic formulas: cell is the cell reference to the text that you want to add text at middle, and text is the text that used to add to the cell, n is the number defines after which character in the text string you want to add text.

For solving the job mentioned above, please use the formulas as these:

Combine LEFT and RIGHT functions

=LEFT(B3, 2) & ":" & RIGHT(B3, LEN(B3) -2) or =LEFT(B3, 2) & $E$3 & RIGHT(B3, LEN(B3) -2)


=CONCATENATE(LEFT(B3, 2), ":", RIGHT(B3, LEN(B3) -2)) or =CONCAT (LEFT(B3, 2), ":", RIGHT(B3, LEN(B3) -2))

REPLACE function

=REPLACE(B3, 2+1, 0, ":") or =REPLACE(B3, 2+1, 0, $E$3)

Press Enter key to get the result, then drag autofill handle down to add text after second character of each cell of range B3:B7.
doc add to middle 1

 Attention: Text should be enclosed in double quotes, or formula returns an error value #NAME?. If using the cell reference to a text, please remember to use the absolute reference, you can press F4 key to change the relative reference to absolute reference.

3.2 Add after nth character of string by Flash Fill

If you are in Excel 2013 or later versions, the Flash Fill, can fill the cells based on the above cells you entered automatically.

Choose a cell next to the first original data, manually type the first data with a colon after the second character as below shown:
doc add to middle 1

Then activate the cell under the first result, press Ctrl + E keys to activate Flash Fill command, all below cells including the active cell have been filled automatically.
doc add to middle 1

Attention: If you are in MAC system, press Command + E keys. 

3.3 Add after nth character of string by using VBA code

A VBA code can do this job, too.

1. Press Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. Then in the popping window, click Insert > Module to insert a blank new module.
doc add at start 1

3. Copy and paste below VBA code to the new module.

VBA: Add to middle of cells

Sub AddToMidduleOfString()
    Dim Rng As Range
    Dim WorkRng As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    xTitleId = "KutoolsforExcel"
    Set WorkRng = Application.Selection
    Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", xTitleId, WorkRng.Address, Type:=8)
    For Each Rng In WorkRng
        Rng.Value = VBA.Left(Rng.Value, 2 & ":" & VBA.Mid(Rng.Value, 3, VBA.Len(Rng.Value) - 1)
End Sub
Attention: in the code script, 2 is the number defines the position that you want to add text after, : is the text you want to add to, 3 is the sum of 2 and the length of text you add. Take another instance, to add "and" after first character of string "A B", the script should be Rng.Value = VBA.Left(Rng.Value, 1) & "and" & VBA.Mid(Rng.Value, 4, VBA.Len(Rng.Value) - 1) 

doc add at start 1

4. Press F5 key or click Run button doc add at start 1 in the window to activate the VBA code. A dialog pops out for selecting cells to add text.
doc add at start 1

5. Click OK. Now the text ":" has been added after the second character of each cell in range B19:B23.
doc add at start 1

4. Add text with Kutools for Excel (add characters to specific position as you need)

If you are tired of formulas and VBA, you can try a powerful and handy tool, Kutools for Excel, which can help you with its Add Text feature.
doc add text 1

This Add text feature can:

  • Add text before first character
  • Add text after last character
  • Add text at specified positions
  • Extension
    Add text before uppercase letters
    Add text before lowercase letters
    Add text before uppercase/lowercase letters
    Add text before numeric characters

Click to get 30-day free trial now.

Select the cells that you want to add text, then apply the Add Text by clicking Kutools > Text > Add Text.
doc add text 1
4.1 Add text before first character or after last character

In the Add Text dialog, type the text that you want to add to cells in the Text textbox, then check Before first character in the Position section.
doc add text 1

Click Apply or Ok to finish the adding.
doc add text 1

To add text after last character, type the text that you want to add to cells in the Text textbox, then check After last character in the Position section.
doc add text 1

Click Apply or Ok to finish the adding.
doc add text 1

4.2 Add text at specified position(s)

Sometimes, you may want to add text to the middle of cell, or add text to several positions of the cell. Supposing adding separator "-" after the third and seventh digits of the social numbers as below screenshot shown:
doc add text 1

In the Add Text dialog, type the text into Text textbox, and check Specify option, then type the positions using comma to separate into the textbox and then click Ok or Apply.
doc add text 1

4.3 Extension of Add Text utility

Beside adding text into the normal positions (beginning, end and specified position), the Add Text utility also supports to add text

  • Before uppercase letters
  • Before lowercase letters
  • Before uppercase/lowercase letters
  • Before numeric characters

In the Add Text dialog, type the text into Text textbox, and check Only add to option, then click at the drop-down menu below to choose the operation as you need.
doc add text 1
doc add text 1

Except Add Text feature, Kutools for Excel has other 300+ useful features which can do you a favor in Excel different jobs, get the free download now.

5. Add text before or after the first specific text

This part provides formulas on adding text before or after the first appeared specific text in Excel.

5.1 Add text before the first specific text

For example, you want to add text "(sale)" before the first text "price" in the cell as below screenshots shown:
doc add text 1

In Excel, the REPLACE and SUBSTITUTE functions can solve this job.

REPLACE function




In this case, please use the above formulas as these:




The formula arguments in this case are

Cell: B4,

Find_text: price,

Add_text: (sale),


Press Enter key to get the first adding result, then drag autofill handle over cells that need this formula.
doc add text 1

5.2 Add text after the first specific text

For example, you want to add currency symbol "$" after the first colon ":" in the cell as below screenshots shown:
doc add text 1

In Excel, the REPLACE and SUBSTITUTE functions can solve this job.

REPLACE function




In this case, please use the above formulas as these:




The formula arguments in this case are

Cell: B12,

Find_text: :,



Press Enter key to get the first adding result, then drag autofill handle over cells that need this formula.
doc add text 1

6. Add character(s) before or after each word

In this part of the tutorial, it introduces three different methods (formula, Find and Replace, VBA) to help you add characters before or after each word of cell.

Add characters before each word 
doc add before each word 1
Add characters after each word
doc add before each word 1

6.1 Add character(s) before or after each word by formula

The SUBSTITUTE function can be used to solve this job, the general formulas as these:

Add before each word

"character"&SUBSTITUTE(string, " "," character")

Add after each word

SUBSTITUTE(string," ","character ")&"character"

Supposing adding "+" before every word in the list of B3:B6, please use the formula as this:

="+"&SUBSTITUTE(B3, " "," +")

Press Enter key to get the first result, then drag auto fill handle down to get all results.
doc add before each word 1

Supposing adding ($) after each word of list B11:B14, please use the formula as below:

=SUBSTITUTE(B11," ","($) ")&"($)"

Press Enter key to get the first result, then drag auto fill handle down to get all results.
doc add before each word 1

6.2 Add character(s) before or after each word by Find and Replace

If you want to add characters before each word excluding the first, or add characters after each word excluding the last as below screenshot shown, the Excel built-in Find and Replace utility can handle this job.

Add before each word excluding first one
doc add before each word 1

Add after each word excluding last one
doc add before each word 1

1. Select the cells that you want to add characters before or after each word, then press Ctrl + H keys to enable the Find and Replace dialog.

2. Type a space into the Find what textbox, then type the new characters with space in Replace with textbox, and finally click the Replace All button.

Operation General Example
Add characters before each word Add new characters following a space Add (sale) before every word

doc add before each word 1doc add before each word 1

Operation General Example
Add characters after each word New characters followed with a space Add - after every word

doc add before each word 1doc add before each word 1

6.3 Add character(s) before or after each word by VBA code

Here provides two VBA codes for adding characters before or after each word, please run the code by following below steps.

1. Press Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. In the popping window, click Insert > Module to insert a new blank module.
doc add before each word 1

3. Copy and paste below VBA code to the module.

Add before every word

Sub InsertCharBeforeWord()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xSRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xInStr As String
Dim xArr As Variant
Dim xValue As String
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xSRg = Application.Selection
    Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Select cells(continuous):", "Kutools for Excel", xSRg.Address, , , , , 8)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    xInStr = Application.InputBox("Type characters you want to add:", "Kutools for Excel", "", , , , , 2)
    If StrPtr(xInStr) = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each xCell In xRg
        xArr = Split(xCell.Text, " ")
        xValue = ""
        For Each xStr In xArr
            If Trim(xStr) <> "" Then
                If xValue = "" Then
                    xValue = xInStr & Trim(xStr)
                    xValue = xValue & " " & xInStr & Trim(xStr)
                    End If
            End If
        xCell.Value = xValue
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Add after every word

Sub InsertCharAfterWord()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xSRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xInStr As String
Dim xArr As Variant
Dim xValue As String
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xSRg = Application.Selection
    Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Select cells(continuous):", "Kutools for Excel", xSRg.Address, , , , , 8)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    xInStr = Application.InputBox("Type characters you want to add:", "Kutools for Excel", "", , , , , 2)
    If StrPtr(xInStr) = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each xCell In xRg
        xArr = Split(xCell.Text, " ")
        xValue = ""
        For Each xStr In xArr
            If Trim(xStr) <> "" Then
                If xValue = "" Then
                    xValue = Trim(xStr) & xInStr
                    xValue = xValue & " " & Trim(xStr) & xInStr
                End If
            End If
        xCell.Value = xValue
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

4. Press F5 key to run the code (or you can click Run button  doc add at start 1 ), a dialog pops out to ask you to select continuous cells to work, click OK.
doc add before each word 1

5. In the second pops out dialog, type the characters that you want to add, click OK.
doc add before each word 1

Then the characters will be added at the front or end of each word.

7. Add text between characters

Sometimes, you may want to add text between every characters. Here in this part, it lists two scenarios, one is to add text between every character, another one is to add space between each number.

7.1 Add text between every character/digit with User-Defined function

To add characters between every character in a string, the User-Defined function can help you.

In this case, we add a space between every character.

1. Press Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. In the popping window, click Insert > Module to insert a new blank module.
doc add before each word 1

3. Copy and paste below VBA code to the module.

Add text between characters

Function AddText(Str As String) As String
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(Str)
        AddText = AddText & Mid(Str, i, 1) & " "
    Next i
    AddSpace = Trim(AddSpace)
End Function

4. Save the code and close the window to go back to the worksheet, then type below formula into a cell that you want to place the adding result.


B3 is the cell contains the string that you want to add space between characters.

5. Press Enter key to get the result, drag auto fill handle over cells to get other results as you need.
doc add before each word 1



1) In the VBA code, you can change the " " to other texts as you need, supposing change it to "-" to add - between characters.

2) The code will add the new text after every character. You can remove the last added text if you do not need by using below formula. For more details about the formula, please visit:

How To Remove First Or Last N Characters From A Cell Or String In Excel?


7.2 Add space between every number with formula

If you want to add space between digits of a string which is a numeric value, you can use the TEXT function.

Attention: the numbers of range you want to add space between needed to be in the same length, otherwise, some results may be incorrect. 

Supposing here is a list of 8-digit numbers in range B10:B12, please select a cell that will place the result, type below formula:

=TEXT(B10,"# # # # # # # #")

Press Enter key, then drag autofill handle over other cells.
doc add before each word 1

If the length of numbers is 5, the formula will be changed as =TEXT(B10,"# # # # #").

8. Add character(s) between every word

If you want to add character(s) between every word, supposing add space between first, middle, last names as below screenshot shown, you can use a User-Defined function.
doc add before each word 1

1. Press Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. In the popping window, click Insert > Module to insert a new blank module.

3. Copy and paste below VBA code to the module.

Add characters between words

Function AddCharacters(pValue As String) As String
Dim xOut As String
xOut = VBA.Left(pValue, 1)
For i = 2 To VBA.Len(pValue)
xAsc = VBA.Asc(VBA.Mid(pValue, i, 1))
If xAsc >= 65 And xAsc <= 90 Then
xOut = xOut & " " & VBA.Mid(pValue, i, 1)
xOut = xOut & VBA.Mid(pValue, i, 1)
End If
AddCharacters = xOut
End Function

4. Save the code and close the window to go back to the worksheet, then type below formula into a cell that you want to place the adding result.


B3 is the cell contains the string that you want to add space between words.

5. Press Enter key to get the result, drag auto fill handle over cells to get other results as you need.
doc add before each word 1

 Attention: in the VBA code, you can change the " " to other texts as you need, supposing change it to "-" to add - between words.

9. Add character between texts and numbers

To add specific character(s) between texts and numbers as below screenshot shown, here provides two methods.
doc add between text and number 1

9.1 Add character between texts and numbers with formula

If the texts are in the front of the numbers, the generic formula is


Using above case as example, please use the formula as this:


Press Enter key to get the first result, then drag auto fill handle over other cells to fill this formula.
doc add between text and number 1

If the numbers are in the front of the texts, the generic formula is

LEFT(string,SUM(LEN(string)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(string,{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},""))))&"."&RIGHT(string,LEN(B13)- SUM(LEN(string)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(string, {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, ""))))

Using above case as an example, please use the formula as this:

=LEFT(B13,SUM(LEN(B13)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B13,{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},""))))&"."&RIGHT(B13,LEN(B13)- SUM(LEN(B13)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B13, {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, ""))))

Press Enter key to get the first result, then drag auto fill handle over other cells to fill this formula.
doc add between text and number 1

9.2 Add character between texts and numbers with Flash Fill

If you are in Excel 2013 or later versions, the Flash Fill also can help you to add character(s) between texts and numbers.

Next to the original data, type the new data which have been added the character(s) between texts and numbers. Then press Enter key to go to the next cell of the first result.
doc add between text and number 1

And press Ctrl + E keys to enable Flash Fill.
doc add between text and number 1


This tutorial also lists some scenarios about adding text that we may meet in our daily life or work.

10. Add dashes to phone numbers/social numbers

Sometimes, you need to add separators such as dashes to a serial of phone numbers or social numbers as below screenshot shown. Manually typing will be tried if there are hundreds of numbers needed to be added. In this part, it introduces three trick ways to handle this job quickly.
doc add dashes to numbers 1

10.1 Add dashes to numbers by formula

Here are two formulas can quickly add dashes to numbers. To add dashes after the third and sixth numbers in cell B3, please use the formula as these:

REPLACE function


TEXT function

=TEXT(B3,"???-???-??? ")

Press Enter key to get the first result, then drag auto fill handle over other cells.
doc add dashes to numbers 1


You can change above formulas’ arguments as you need. Supposing add "-" after the second, fourth and sixth digits, you can use the formulas as:


=TEXT(B3,"??-??-??-??? ")


10.2 Add dashes to numbers by Format Cells

To directly add dashes to the numbers in the original cells, you can use the Format Cells feature.

1. Select the numbers that you want to add dashes to, then press Ctrl + 1 keys to enable the Format Cells dialog.

2. In the Format Cells dialog, under the Number tab, choose Custom from the Category section.

3. Then in the right Type section, type ###-###-### into the textbox, click OK.
doc add dashes to numbers 1

Now the selected numbers have been added dashes.
doc add dashes to numbers 1

10.3 Add dashes to phone number by Add Text of Kutools for Excel

If you have Kutools for Excel installed in Excel, the Add Text feature also can do you a favor.

1. Select the cells that contain the numbers needed to be added dashes, click Kutools > Text > Add Text.
doc add dashes to numbers 1

2. In the Add Text dialog, type the dash or other separator into Text textbox, choose Specify option, then type the positions you want to add dashes after and separate them by commas into the below textbox.
doc add dashes to numbers 1

3. Click Ok or Apply. Then the selected numbers have been added dashes.

Free download Add Text for 30-day trial.

11. Add leading zeros to cells to fix the length

Supposing there is a list of numbers in different lengths, you want to add leading zeros to make them in the same length and look neat as below screenshot shown. Here are two methods provided for you to handle the job.
doc add leading zeros 1

11.1 Add leading zeros to cells with Format Cells feature

You can use the Format Cells feature to set a custom format to fix the cell length by adding leading zeros.

1. Select the cells that you want to add leading zeros, then press Ctrl + 1 keys to enable Format Cells dialog.

2. In the Format Cells dialog, under the Number tab, choose Custom from the Category section.

3. Then in the right Type section, type 0000 into the textbox (to fix the number length to 4-dight, type 0000, you can change it to other length, such as 5-dight, type 00000), click OK.
doc add leading zeros 1

Then the numbers have been added leading zeros and in the same length.
doc add leading zeros 1

Attention: if the length of the original data exceeds the set length, it will display the original data without leading zeros.

11.2 Add leading zeros to cells with formula

If you do not want to change the original data, you can use formula to add leading zeros to numbers in other locations.

Here are three functions can help you.

Formula1 TEXT function


Formula2 RIGHT function


Formula3 BASE function


The number of zeros in the formula is equal to the length of the number.

Here you set 4-digit as the length of the numbers, please use the formulas as below:




Press Enter key and drag auto fill handle down.
doc add leading zeros 1

Attention: if the length of the original data exceeds the set length, it will display the original data without leading zeros.

12. Add trailing zeros to numbers to fix the length

If you want to add trailing zeros to numbers for making a fixed length, supposing adding trailing zeros to the numbers in cell B3:B7 to make them in 5-digit length as below screenshot shown, you can apply a formula to deal with the job.
doc add trailing zeros 1

REPT function


In the formula, the argument "number" represents the number or a cell reference that you want to add trailing zeros, and the argument "length" is the fixed length you want.

Please use the formula as this:


Press Enter key and drag auto fill handle down to cells that need this formula.
doc add trailing zeros 1

13. Add trailing space to text

If you want to export or copy data from a worksheet to a notepad, the texts may be placed untidily as the cell values are in different lengths, for making them look neat as below screenshot shown, you need to add trailing space.
doc add trailing space 1

For solving this job, the REPT function can do you a favor.

LEFT(text & REPT(" ",max_length),max_length)

In the formula, the argument "text" is the text or the cell reference that you want to add trailing space, and the argument "max_length" is the fixed length you want to make the texts, which must be longer than or equal to the maximum length of the used texts.

To add trailing space to the texts in cell B3:C6, please use below formula:

=LEFT(B3 & REPT(" ",10),10)

Press Enter key, then drag auto fill handle over to all cells needed this formula.

In this case, as the longest of the used text is 9-character, we use 10 here.
doc add trailing space 1

14. Add quotation marks/brackets around text or numbers

Sometimes, you need to add quotation marks or brackets around the text or numbers in cells as below screenshot shown, except manual typing one by one, here are two methods in Excel can quickly solve it.
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14.1 Add quotation marks/brackets around by Format Cells

If you want to add quotation marks around text in the original data, the Format Cells feature in Excel can help you.

1. Select the cells that you want to add quotation marks, press Ctrl + 1 keys to enable the Format Cells dialog.

2. In the Format Cells dialog, under Number tab, choose Custom from the list of Category, then go to right section to type "''"@"''" into the Type textbox. Click OK.
doc add quotation marks 1

The text in selected cells have been added around with quotation marks.

If you want to add brackets around the text, in the Type textbox of the Format Cells dialog, use (@).

14.2 Add quotation marks/brackets around by formulas

Formulas also can be used to add quotation marks to text in other cells.

Using & connector




In this case, text in the cell B11, please use the formulas as these:




Press Enter key and drag auto fill handle down to fill cells.
doc add quotation marks 1

If you want to add brackets around text, using the formula as "("&text&")".

14.3 Add quotation marks/brackets around by VBA

If you need VBA code to solve this job, here is a VBA.

1. Press Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. Then in the popping window, click Insert > Module to insert a blank new module.

3. Copy and paste below VBA code to the new module.

VBA: Add quotation marks around texts

Sub addquotationmarksorbrackets()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim WorkRng As Range
On Error Resume Next
xTitleId = "KutoolsforExcel"
Set WorkRng = Application.Selection
Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", xTitleId, WorkRng.Address, Type:=8)
For Each Rng In WorkRng
Rng.Value = """" & Rng.Value & """"
End Sub
 Attention: in the code script, """" & Rng.Value & """" indicates to add "" around the texts, if you want to add brackets () around text, change it to "(" & Rng.Value & ")".

doc add quotation marks 1

4. Press F5 key or click Run button doc add quotation marks 1 in the window to activate the VBA code. A dialog pops out for selecting cells to add quotes.
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5. Click OK. Now the quotation marks have been added around texts in the selected cells.

15. Add text to formula result directly

Sometimes, to help other users better understand data, you may need to add text in the formula results as below screenshot shown. For including text in formula, you can use the quotation marks surrounding the text and add the & connector to combine the text and the formula together.
doc add text in formula 1

Case 1 add text before formula

"Today is "&TEXT(TODAY(),"dddd, mmmm dd.")
doc add text in formula 1

Case 2 add text after formula

TEXT(NOW(),"HH:MM:SS")&" is the current time."
doc add text in formula 1

Case 3 add texts at two side of formula

"Today sold "&data&" kg."
doc add text in formula 1

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