Count |
Count cells equal to | COUNTIFSUMPRODUCTEXACT |
Count cells not equal to | COUNTIF |
Count cells equal to either x or y | COUNTIFSUMPRODUCTSUM |
Count cells equal to both x and y | COUNTIFS |
Count cells greater than or less than | COUNTIF |
Count number of cells between two values / dates | COUNTIFS |
Count number of cells not between two given numbers | COUNTIFSUMPRODUCT |
Count number of cells equals to one of many values | COUNTIFSUMPRODUCT |
Count number of cells not equal to many values | COUNTIFCOUNTASUMPRODUCT ISNAMATCH |
Count number of cells not equal to x or y | COUNTIFSSUMPRODUCT |
Count blank or nonblank cells | COUNTBLANKCOUNTIF |
Count cells that begin/end with specific text | COUNTIF |
Count cells that contain either x or y | SUMPRODUCTISNUMBERFIND |
Count cells that contain specific text with case sensitive | SUMPRODUCTISNUMBERFIND |
Count How Many Cells Contain Errors | SUMPRODUCTISNUMBERSUM |
Count number of cells contain numeric or non-numeric values | SUMPRODUCTISNUMBERNOTCOUNT |
Count number of cells that contain odd or even numbers | SUMPRODUCTMOD |
Count number of cells that contain positive or negative values | COUNTIF |
Count number of cells that contain specific number of characters | COUNTIFSUMPRODUCTLENN |
Count Number Of Cells That Contain Specific Text | COUNTIFSUMPRODUCTFINDISNUMBER |
Count the number of text cells | COUNTIFCOUNTIFS |
Count cells that do not contain errors | ISERRORSUMPRODUCTSUM |
Count cells that do not contain specific text | COUNTIFCOUNTIFS |
Count Number Of Cells That Do Not Contain Many Values | SUMMMULTISNUMBERTRANSPOSEROW |
Count Number Of Dates By Day Of Week | SUMSUMPRODUCTWEEKDAY |
Count Multiple Criteria With NOT Logic | SUMPRODUCTMATCH |
Count Numbers That Begin With A Specific Number | SUMPRODUCTLEFT |
Count Occurrences Of Particular Text In Entire Excel Workbook | SUMPRODUCTCOUNTIFINDIRECT |
Count Or Sum Only Whole Numbers | SUMPRODUCT MOD |
Count Numbers Where The Nth Digit Equals To X | SUMPRODUCT MID |
Count cells that match two or more criteria | COUNTIFS |
Count matches between two columns | SUMPRODUCT |
Count number of dates by year, month | SUMPRODUCTYEARMONTH |
Count rows if meet internal criteria | SUMPRODUCT |
Count Rows If Meet Multiple Criteria | SUMPRODUCT |
Count All Matches / Duplicates Between Two Columns | SUMPRODUCTCOUNTIFCOUNTMATCHISNUMBER |
Count Number Of Rows That Contain Specific Values | SUMMMULTTRANSPOSECOLUMN |
Count Number Of Rows With Multiple OR Criteria | SUMPRODUCT |
Count Unique Numeric Values Based On Criteria | SUMFREQUENCYROWSUNIQUEFILTER |
Count Number Of Visible Rows In A Filtered List | SUBTOTAL |
Count Unique Values With Criteria | SUMFREQUENCYMATCHROWIF |
Count Visible Rows With Criteria | SUMPRODUCTSUBTOTALROWMIN |
Countifs With OR Logic For Multiple Criteria | SUMCOUNTIFSUMPRODUCTMATCH ISNUMBER |
Calculate Percentage Breakdown Of Items In A List | COUNTIFCOUNTA |
Create A Summary Count By Month With COUNTIFS | COUNTIFSEDATE |
Do Running Count Of Occurrence In A List | COUNTIFIF |
Summary Count Of Non-Blank Categories | COUNTIFS |
Sum |
3D sum or sumif across multiple worksheets | SUMSUMPRODUCTSUMIFINDIRECT |
Calculate Running Total | SUM |
Get Subtotal By Invoice Number | COUNTIFSUMIFIF |
Sum Values By Group | SUMIFIF |
Subtotal By Colors | SUMIF |
Two-Way Summary Counting | COUNTIF |
Subtotal Invoice Amounts By Age | SUMIF |
Sum All Number Cells Ignoring Errors | SUMIFIFERRORAGGREGATE |
Sum Smallest Or Bottom N Values | SUMPRODUCTSMALL |
Sum Smallest Or Bottom N Values Based On Criteria | SUMSMALLIF |
Sum Values By Month (With Or Without Year) | SUMIFSSUMPRODUCTEOMONTHMONTH |
Sum Values By The Week Of A Given Date | SUMIFS |
Sum Values By Weeknum Or Weekday | WEEKNUMSUMPRODUCTWEEKDAY |
Sum Every N Rows Or Columns | SUMOFFSETROWCOLUMNS |
Sum If Begins With Or Ends With Specific Text Or Characters | SUMIF |
Sum If Cells Contain Specific Text In Another Column | SUMIFSUMPRODUCTSEARCHISNUMBER |
Sum If Between Two Values | SUMIFS |
Sum Only Cells Containing Formulas | SUMPRODUCTISFORMULA |
Sum If Cells Contain An Asterisk | SUMIF |
Sum If Cells Contain Both X And Y | SUMIFS |
Sum If Cells Contain Or Equal To Either X Or Y | SUMPRODUCT ISNUMBER SEARCH SUMIFS |
Sum If Date Is Between Two Dates | SUMIFS |
Sum If Cells Are Equal Or Not Equal To A Certain Value | SUMIF |
Sum If Greater Than Or Less Than A Specific Value | SUMIF |
Sum If Date Is Greater Than Or Less Than A Specific Date | SUMIF |
Sum If Equal To One Of Many Things | SUMIFSUMPRODUCT |
Sum Values Based On Blank Or Not-Blank Criteria | SUMIF |
Sumif With Multiple Criteria Based On OR And AND Logic | SUMIFSUMIFS |
Sum Multiple Columns If One Criterion Is Met | SUMPRODUCT |
Sum The Last N Columns | SUM INDEX COLUMNS |
Sum Top N Values Or Top N Values With Criteria | SUMPRODUCT LARGE |
Sum Values Based On Column Or Both Column And Row | SUMPRODUCT |
Sum Values In Last N Days Based On Criteria | SUMIFS TODAY |
Sum only visible cells or rows in a filtered list | SUBTOTAL |
Sum values in horizontal range | SUMIFS |
Use SUMIFS with multiple criteria based on OR logic | SUMSUMIFS |
Use SUMPRODUCT with IF function | SUMPRODUCT |
Financial |
Calculate interest payments per period or total | IPMTCUMIPMT |
Lookup |
Approximate match with INDEX and MATCH | INDEXMATCH |
Approximate match with VLOOKUP | VLOOKUP |
Case-sensitive lookup to return matching numbers | SUMPRODUCTMATCHEXACT |
Dynamic worksheet or workbook reference | INDIRECT |
Exact match with INDEX and MATCH | INDEXMATCH |
Exact match with VLOOKUP | VLOOKUP |
Find longest or shortest text string in a column or row | INDEXMATCHLENMAXMIN |
Find longest text string with criteria | INDEXMATCHLENMAX |
Get cell address of lookup results | INDEXMATCHCELL |
Get first non-blank value in a column or row | INDEXMATCHISBLANK |
Get first numeric value in a column or row | INDEXMATCHISNUMBER |
Get first text value in a column | INDEXMATCHVLOOKUP |
Get first text value in a row | HLOOKUP |
Get information corresponding to maximum value | INDEXMATCHMAX |
Get information corresponding to minimum value | INDEXMATCHMIN |
Get last text value in a column | INDEXMATCH |
Get student or employee information with VLOOKUP | VLOOKUP |
Get value at given row and column | INDEXMATCHSMALL |
INDEX and MATCH with multiple arrays | INDEXMATCHCHOOSE |
Left lookup with INDEX and MATCH | INDEXMATCH |
Left lookup with VLOOKUP | VLOOKUPCHOOSE |
Locate maximum value in a range | MATCHMAX |
Locate first error | MATCHISERROR |
Locate first match that does not begin with | MATCHLEFTIF |
Locate first match that does not contain | MATCHISNUMBERSEARCH |
Locate first partial match with wildcards | MATCH |
Lookup a value containing specific text with wildcards | INDEXMATCH |
Lookup closest match | INDEXMATCHABSMIN |
Lookup closest match value with multiple criteria | IFINDEXMATCH |
Lookup and retrieve entire column | INDEXMATCHSUMAVERAGEMAXLARGE |
Lookup and retrieve entire row | INDEXMATCHSUMAVERAGEMIN |
Lookup next largest match with INDEX and MATCH | INDEXMATCH |
Lookup the first partial match number | MATCHTEXTINDEX |
Lookup values in descending order | INDEXMATCH |
Lookup values from another worksheet or workbook | VLOOKUP |
Merge tables with INDEX and MATCH | INDEXMATCH |
Multiple-criteria lookup with INDEX and MATCH | INDEXMATCH |
Partial match with VLOOKUP | VLOOKUP |
Retrieve first list value from a cell | INDEXMATCHSEARCHISNUMBER |
Retrieve first matching value in cell against a list | INDEXMATCHSEARCHAGGREGATE |
Retrieve information associated with lowest n values | VLOOKUP |
Retrieve nth match with INDEX | INDEXROWSMALLIF |
Retrieve nth match with VLOOKUP | VLOOKUP |
Shipping cost calculator | VLOOKUP |
Two-way approximate match with multiple criteria | INDEXMATCHIF |
Two-way lookup with INDEX and MATCH | INDEXMATCH |
Vlookup with dymanic sheet name | VLOOKUPINDIRECT |
Math |
Convert binary value to decimal or octal or hex value | BIN2DECDECIMALBIN2OCTBIN2HEX |
Convert hexadecimal value to decimal or binary or octal value | HEX2DECDECIMALHEX2OCTHEX2BIN |
Convert octal value to decimal or binary or hexadecimal value | OCT2DECDECIMALOCT2HEXOCT2BIN |
Convert decimal value to binary or octal or hexadecimal value | DEC2DECDEC2OCTDEC2HEX |
Convert decimal number to IP address | MID |
Convert decimal to whole number in Excel | ROUND ROUNDDOWN ROUNDUP |
Date and Time |
Add business days to date | WORKDAYWORKDAT.INTL |
Add hours to time | TIME MOD |
Add minutes to time | TIME MOD |
Add hours minutes seconds to time | TIME |
Add months to date | |
Add years to date | DATEYEARMONTHDAY |
Assign points based on late time | IFVALUE |
Add or subtract days to date | |
Calculate days hours minutes seconds between two dates | TEXT |
Calculate days remaining from today | MAXTODAY |
Calculate days remaining between dates | |
Calculate days remaining in month | EOMONTH |
Calculate days remaining in year | |
Calculate difference between two dates | DATEDIF |
Calculate difference between two times | IF |
Calculate expiry date | EOMONTHEDATE |
Calculate hours minutes seconds between to times | HOUR MINUTE SECOND |
Calculate network time | MOD |
Calculate retirement date | EDATE |
Calculate overlapping days | MAXMIN |
Calculate overtime pay | |
Calculate years months days between two dates | DATEDIF |
Check if dates is workday | WORKDAY WORKDAY.INTL |
Check if date is last n day | TODAY AND |
Check if date is last n month from today | TODAY AND EOMONTH |
Check if two dates are in same year month | MONTH YEAR |
Combine date and time | TEXT CONCATENATE |
Convert date to Julian | TEXT YEAR DATE |
Convert date to month year day | TEXT |
Convert date to text | TEXT |
Convert datetime string to datetime | LEFT MID |
Convert decimal hours to time | |
Convert decimal minutes to time | |
Convert month name to number | DATEVALUE MONTH |
Convert number to date | TEXT LEFT MID RIGHT DATE |
Convert time to another time zone | MOD |
Convert time to decimal hours | |
Convert time to decimal minutes | |
Convert time to decimal seconds | |
Convert time to money | |
Convert time to Unix | DATE |
Convert timestamp to time | MID TIME |
Convert text to time | DATEVALUE VALUE |
Count days of month | EOMONTH DAY |
Count days until expiration date | TODAY |
Count day of week between two dates | INDIRECR ROW WEEKDAY SUMPRODUCT |
Count day of week in a date range | WEEKDAY SUMPRODUCT |
Count days from Today | TODAY IF ISBLANK ABS |
Count days between two dates | DATEDIF |
Count dyas left in current month year | EOMONTH YEAR DATE |
Count holidays between two dates | SUMPRODUCT |
Count months between two dates | DATEDIF YEARFRAC |
Count number of calls in a time range | COUNTIFS |
Count times in a range | COUNTIFS |
Create date range from two dates | TEXT |
Create dynamic date list | ROWS |
Create weekly date range | ROWS TEXT |
Custom format weekday name | WEEKDAY CHOOSE |
Display current date or time | TODAY NOW |
Extract time only from datetime in Excel | TIMEMOD |
Extract date only from datetime in Excel | INTTRUNC DATE |
Find earlest or latest date of each group | IF MAX MIN |
Find last weekday of month | EOMONTH WEEKDAY |
Find next date in schedule list | |
Get day name from given date | TEXT WEEKDAY CHOOSE |
Get date from day month year | DATE |
Get first or last workday in month | YEAR MONTH DATE WORKDAY |
Get fiscal month from date | MONTH CHOOSE |
Get fiscal quarter from date | MONTH CHOOSE |
Get fiscal year from date | MONTH YEAR |
Get first or last day of month by given date | DAY EOMONTH |
Get first day of month by month text name | IF |
Get first or last day of previous month | EOMONTH |
Get midpoint of two dates | SUM WORKDAY |
Get Monday of week | WEEKDAY |
Get month from date | MONTH |
Get most recently day of week | MOD |
Get next specific weekday | WEEKDAY |
Get nth day of week in month by given date | WEEKDAY DAY |
Get nth day of year by given date | YEAR DATE |
Get number of workday between two dates | NETWORKDAYS NETWORKDAYS.INTL |
Get percentage of year complete or remained | YEAR DATE YEARFRAC |
Get quarter from date | MONTH YEAR |
Get same date last month or next month | EDATE |
Get same date last year or next year | EDATE |
Get week number from date in Excel | WEEKNUM |
Get work hours between two dates in Excel | NETWORKDAYS NETWORKDAYS.INTL |
Get or calculate age from birth date in Excel | YEARFRAC DATEDIF |
List holidays between two dates | IF TEXTJOIN |
Text |
Add area code or country code to phone number | CONCATENATE |
Add character before each word | SUBSTITUTE |
Add comma after first word | REPLACE FIND |
Add comma between names | FINDREPLACE TRIM SUBSTITUTE |
Add dashes to phone number | REPLACE |
Add dashes to SSN in a cell | LEFT MID RIGHT SUBSTITUTE |
Add leading zeros to fix text length | TEXT |
Add text in middle | LEFT MID REPLACE |
Add space after comma | TRIM SUBSTITUTE |
Add space between number and text | TRIMREPLACE MIN FIND MAX IFERROR ROW INDIRECT LEN |
Capitalize first letter of text string or each word | UPPERLEN FIND LOWER REPLACE LEFT MID |
Check if a cell contains a specific text | ISNUMBER SEARCH FIND |
Check if cell contains all of many things | SUMPRODUCT ISNUMBER SEARCH COUNTA |
Check if cell contains one of many things | SUMPRODUCT ISNUMBER SEARCH |
Check if a cell contains one of several values but exclude other values | SUMPRODUCT ISNUMBER SEARCH |
Check if cell contains some texts but not contains others | COUNT SEARCH AND |
Convert letter to number | COLUMN INDIRECT |
Check if cell contains number | COUNT FIND |
Combine cells with line break | CONCATENATE |
Combine date and time into one cell in Excel | TEXT |
Combine text and date into same cell in Excel | TEXT CONCATENATE |
Count comma separated values in a cell | LEN SUBSTITUTE TRIM |
Count specific character in cell | LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Count specific character in a range of cells | SUMPRODUCT LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Count specific words in cell | LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Count specific words in a range of cells | SUMPRODUCT LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Count number of characters in a cell | LEN |
Count number of characters in a range of cells | SUMPRODUCT LEN |
Count number of words in a cell | LEN TRIM SUBSTITUTE |
Count number of words in a range of cells | SUMPRODUCT LEN TRIM SUBSTITUTE |
Use double quotes in formulas | CHAR |
Check if cell equals any value in list | SUMPRODUCT |
Clean and reformat telephone numbers | SUBSTITUTE |
Combine cells with commas | TRIM SUBSTITUTE CONCATENATE |
Combine initial and last name | LEFT CONCATENATE |
Compare two or more text strings | EXACT IF COUNTIF |
Concatenate cells but ignore blanks | TEXTJOIN |
Convert numbers to text in Excel | TEXT FIXED |
Convert text to number in Excel | VALUE RIGHT LEFT MID |
Count keywords cell contains based on a list | SUMPRODUCT ISNUMBER SEARCH |
Count lines which are separated by line breaks in a cell or a range | LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Show specific text based on value in Excel | REPT IF |
Extract all words but first or last from a cell | RIGHT LEN FIND LEFT SUBSTITUTE |
Extract capital letters only | SUBSTITUTE |
Extract extension from filename | RIGHT LEN FIND SEARCH REPLACE |
Extract filename from a path in Excel | MID FIND SUBSTITUTE LEN IFERROR |
Extract first line of cell | SEARCH LEFT |
Extract first and last name from email | FIND LEFT LEN RIGHT |
Extract folder name from path | FIND SUBSTITUTE LEN RIGHT |
Extract from right until a character | SEARCH RIGHT SUBSTITUTE LEN IFERROR |
Extract initials from names | MID IF FIND LEFT |
Extract multiple lines from a cell | TRIM MID REPT LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Extract last line of text from a multi-line cell | SUBSTITUTE REPT RIGHT TRIM |
Extract nth word from text string in Excel | SUBSTITUTE REPT MID TRIM LEN |
Extract path from full path | FIND SUBSTITUTE LEN LEFT |
Extract substring from text string in Excel | MID LEFT RIGHT SEARCH |
Extract the last two words from a cell | MID FIND SUBSTITUTE LEN |
Extract text between parentheses from text string | MID SEARCH |
Extract word beginning with a specific character in Excel | MID TRIM LEFT FIND REPT LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Extract word which containing specific text in Excel | MID TRIM FIND REPT MAX SUBSTITUTE |
Extract first initial and last name from full name | LEFT RIGHT FIND LEN |
Extract first middle and last names from full name in Excel | LEFT RIGHT FIND LEN MID SEARCH SUBSTITUTE |
Extract text before or after second space or comma | LEFT MID FIND SUBSTITUTE TRIM |
Extract text after the last instance of a specific character | RIGHT SEARCH LEN SUBSTITUTE TRIM REPT |
Extract text between first and second comma from text strings | MID SEARCH FIND SUBSTITUTE |
Find and replace multiple values in Excel | SUBSTITUTE INDEX |
Find nth occurrence of character in a cell | SUBSTITUTE FIND |
Find most frequenst text in a range | MODE INDEX MATCH |
Find most frequenst text with criteria | MODE INDEX IF MATCH |
Find position of nth occurrence | FIND SUBSTITUTE |
Flip or reverse first and last names in Excel list | MID SEARCH LEN |
Get or extract the first word from text string in Excel | FIND LEFT |
Get or extract the last word from text string in Excel | TRIM RIGHT REPT |
If cell contains text then display in Excel | IF ISNUMBER SEARCH |
Make text same length | REPT LEN |
Make first letter lowercase | LEFT LOWER REPLACE |
Move or combine multiple cell contents into one cell | CONCATENATE TRANSPOSE TEXTJOIN |
Normalize text | TRIM SUBSTITUTE LOWER |
Remove extension from filename | FIND LEFT |
Remove first n characters | LEN RIGHT |
Remove first or last word from a string | RIGHT LEN FIND LEFT TRIM SUBSTITUTE |
Remove from right of text | LEN LEFT |
Excel remove last or trailing comma in a cell | IF RIGHT LEFT LEN |
Remove leading and tailing space | CLEAN TRIM SUBSTITUTE |
Remove line breaks from cells in Excel | CLEAN TRIM SUBSTITUTE |
Remove middle initial from full name in Excel | LEFT RIGHT FIND TRIM SUBSTITUTE REPT |
Remove prefix or suffix from string | RIGHT LEN LEFT |
Remove text from cell by matching the content | SUBSTITUTE |
Remove text from a cell based on specific position | REPLACE SUBSTITUTE |
Remove text based on variable position in Excel | REPLACE FIND |
Remove unwanted characters from cell in Excel | SUBSTITUTE |
Remove text before or after first or last specific character from text strings | RIGHT LEFT FIND SEARCH LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Remove text after or before the second or nth space from text strings | RIGHT LEFT FINDLEN SUBSTITUTE |
Remove text within parentheses or brackets from text strings | FIND MID LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Replace a specific character in a cell with another | SUBSTITUTE |
Reverse the text string in a cell in Excel | TEXTJOIN MID |
Split dimensions into individual length, height and width | LEFT MID RIGHT FIND LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Split dimensions into two parts in Excel | LEFT RIGHT FIND LEN SUBSTITUTE |
Separate numbers from units of measurement | MAX ISNUMBER VALUE MID LEFT TRIM RIGHT |
Separate octets of IP address in Excel | LEFT MID LEN FIND |
Separate Email addresses to usernames and domains | LEFT RIGHT LEN FIND |
Split dollars and cents | FIND RIGHT LEN |
Split a cell by first space in Excel | LEFT FIND RIGHT LEN |
Split number into individual digits | MID COLUMN |
Split sentence into words | SEARCH MID ROW COLUMN IF |
Split text and numbers | MID FIND LEFT RIGHT LEN |
Split text string at specific character in a cell in Excel | MID FIND LEFT RIGHT LEN |
Split text with delimiter in a cell in Excel | MID TRIM SUBSTITUTE LEN |
Strip or remove non-numeric characters from text strings | TEXTJOIN IFERROR MID ROW INDIRECT |
Strip or remove numeric characters from text strings | TEXTJOIN IF ISERR MID ROW INDIRECT LEN |
Strip or remove html tags from text strings | MID LEN |
Trim text to n words | SUBSTITUTE FIND LEFT |