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Quickly split or save each worksheet of one workbook as separate excel / txt / csv / pdf files

Author: Zhoumandy Last Modified: 2022-06-15

Kutools for Excel

Boosts Excel With 300+
Powerful Features

In Microsoft Excel, you can save or split a worksheet from one workbook as a new Excel file by copying and pasting this worksheet into a new workbook. It seems troublesome, if you want to split each sheet / worksheet of a large workbook as separate Excel, txt, csv, pdf files. But with Kutools for Excel’s Split Workbook utility, you can quickly:

Split or save each / specific worksheet of one workbook as separate excel files

Split or save each / specific worksheet of one workbook as separate txt files

Split or save each / specific worksheet of one workbook as separate csv files

Split or save each / specific worksheet of one workbook as separate pdf files

Click Kutools Plus> Workbook > Split Workbook. See screenshot:

shot split workbook 1 copy   arrow right shot split workbook 2 copy 

Split or save each / specific worksheet of one workbook as separate excel files

To save each or specific worksheet as individual excel files, please do as follows:

1. Open the workbook, and then, click Kutools Plus > Workbook > Split Workbook, see screenshot:

2. In the Split Workbook dialog box, do the following operations as you need:

shot split workbook 3 copy

A: All worksheets of the workbook are listed here, please check the worksheet you want to split as a new Excel file.

B: Skip hidden worksheets: if you checked this option, the hidden worksheets in the workbook won't be split as new Excel files.

Skip blank worksheets: if you checked this option, the blank worksheets in the workbook won't be split as new Excel files.

C: Save as type: Select Excel Workbook(&.xlsx) or Excel 97-2003(*.xls) file format to your need from this drop down list.

3. Then click Split button, and then specify a location for these split files in the pop up Select Folder dialog box, see screenshot:

shot split workbook 4 copy

4. Click OK to start splitting, and all specific worksheets are saved as separate excel files. See screenshot:

shot split workbook 5

Note: All new generated workbooks keep all formats of original worksheet, including the Row Height and Column Width.

Split or save each / specific worksheet of one workbook as separate txt files

To split each or specific worksheet into separate txt files, please do as follows:

1. Apply this Split Workbook utility by clicking Kutools Plus > Workbook > Split Workbook.

2. In the Split Workbook dialog box, do the following operations:

shot split workbook 5 copy

A: All worksheets of the workbook are listed here, please check the worksheet you want to split as a new txt file.

B: Skip hidden worksheets: if you checked this option, the hidden worksheets in the workbook won't be split as new txt files.

Skip blank worksheets: if you checked this option, the blank worksheets in the workbook won't be split as new txt files.

C: Save as type: Select Unicode Text (*txt) file format to your need from this drop down list.

3. Then click Split button, and then specify a location for these split files in the pop up Browse for Folder dialog box.

4. Click OK to start splitting, and all specific worksheets are saved as separate txt files as following screenshot shown:

shot split workbook 8

Split or save each / specific worksheet of one workbook as separate csv files

This utility also can help you to save each or selected worksheet as csv files.

1. Apply this Split Workbook utility by clicking Kutools Plus > Workbook > Split Workbook.

2. In the Split Workbook dialog box, do the following operations:

shot split workbook 6 copy

A: All worksheets of the workbook are listed here, please check the worksheet you want to split as a new csv file.

B: Skip hidden worksheets: if you checked this option, the hidden worksheets in the workbook won't be split as new csv files.

Skip blank worksheets: if you checked this option, the blank worksheets in the workbook won't be split as new csv files.

C: Save as type: Select CSV (Macintosh) (*csv) file format to your need from this drop down list.

3. Then click Split button, and then specify a location for these split files in the pop up Browse for Folder dialog box.

4. Click OK to start splitting, and all specific worksheets are saved as separate csv files. See screenshot:

shot split workbook 11

Split or save each / specific worksheet of one workbook as separate pdf files

If you want to split each or specific worksheet to separate pdf files, please do with following steps:

1. Apply this Split Workbook utility by clicking Kutools Plus > Workbook > Split Workbook.

2. In the Split Workbook dialog box, do the following operations:

shot split workbook 7 copy

A: All worksheets of the workbook are listed here, please check the worksheet you want to split as a new pdf file.

B: Skip hidden worksheets: if you checked this option, the hidden worksheets in the workbook won't be split as new pdf files.

Skip blank worksheets: if you checked this option, the blank worksheets in the workbook won't be split as new pdf files.

C: Save as type: Select PDF(*pdf) file format to your need from this drop down list.

3. Then click Split button, and then specify a location for these split files in the pop up Browse for Folder dialog box.

4. Click OK to start splitting, and all specified worksheets are saved as individual pdf files. See screenshot:

shot split workbook 14


shot share button: click this button to share this utility to your friends through by emails or other social medias .
shot split workbook 14

Demo: Split or save each worksheet of one workbook as separate excel / txt / csv / pdf files

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The functionality described above is just one of 300 powerful functions of Kutools for Excel.

Designed for Excel(Office) 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and Office 365. Free download and use for 30 days.

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Comments (4)
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how can i split workbook to Jpeg file?
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This works great for me. But I would like to script this whole function so I can run it from outside of Excel. Is that possible? I am able to record a macro of the Kutool's Plus - Split Worksheet funcition and save it as a Sub, but when I run it outside of Kutools, it does create separate files for all of my worksheets. But although it creates all the files with the correct worksheet names, each individual file's data is only pulling from the first worksheet in the workbook. So all of the multiple worksheets it produces are identical, except for the file name. How can I put this function of Kutool's into code for a VBA Sub?
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Why does the "Split Workbook" function only include the Macintosh CSV type ?
I am splitting a workbook with many sheets but the output CSVs have had their date format DD/MM/YYY changed to MM/DD/YYYY.
There's too many files and date columns to go back and change them in each csv, rendering this function useless for most people outside of the U.S.

Is there a way to add other CSV formats or override the change of my data during csv generation ?
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Worked great, but I lost all the VBA code I had in to allow a double click to insert a check mark. The code is there, just does not perform the action anymore. Had to go back and do each on with the Excel copy to new book function
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