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Quickly split data into multiple worksheets based on selected column in Excel

Author: Xiaoyang Last Modified: 2023-01-03

Kutools for Excel

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Supposing you have a worksheet that has data in columns A to G, the salesman’s name is in column A and you need to automatically split this data into multiple worksheets based on the name in column A. Each salesman will be split into a new worksheet. Kutools for Excel’s Split Date utility can quickly split data into multiple worksheets based on selected column in Excel.

Split data into multiple worksheets based on selected column

Split data into multiple worksheets based on rows number

Click Kutools Plus > Worksheet > Split Data (or Kutools Plus > Split Data). See screenshots:


Split data into multiple worksheets based on selected column

Supposing you have a range data as shown in the below screenshot, and you want to quickly split this data into multiple worksheets based on the column A in a workbook by splitting each name in a new worksheet. For example, all Kelly will be split into the same worksheet. You can get it done as follows:

1. Please select the range which you want to split into multiple worksheet based on a column.

2. And then applying the utility by clicking Kutools Plus > Worksheet > Split Data. In the Split Date into Multiple Worksheets dialog box, please choose Specific column and then specify a column which you want to split data based on from the drop-down list.

Tip: If your selected range contains header, please checked My data has headers option, you can specify the number of header rows based on your data. For example, if your data contains two headers, please type 2.

3. Please specify the new worksheet names. You can use the Values of Column as the new worksheet names. You can also type in a Prefix or Suffix for the worksheet names.

4. Click OK to split data, now you can see each name in the column will be split into a new worksheet within a new workbook. See screenshot:

Split data into multiple worksheets based on rows number

Supposing you have a range data as shown in the below screenshot, and you want to quickly split this data into multiple worksheets based on rows number, for example, split every 5 rows of data into a new worksheet. You can get it down as follows:

1. Please select the range that you want to split into multiple worksheets based on every 5 rows.

2. And then applying the utility by clicking Kutools Plus > Worksheet > Split Data. In the Split Date into Multiple Worksheets dialog box, please choose Fixed rows and then specify the rows number in the box.

Tip: If your selected range contains header, please checked My data has headers option, you can specify the number of header rows based on your data. For example, if your data contains two headers, please type 2.

3. Please specify the new worksheets name. You can use the Row Numbers as the new worksheets name. You can also type in a Prefix or Suffix for the worksheets name.

4. Click OK to split data, every 5 rows of this range will be split into a new worksheet within a new workbook. See screenshot:

Demo: Quickly split data into multiple worksheets based on selected column in Excel

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Kutools for Excel

The functionality described above is just one of 300 powerful functions of Kutools for Excel.

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Comments (22)
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Is there a way to easily split these worksheets into separate workbooks instead? I have to create 213 workbooks of split data based on a column. It splits it out into sheets which is good too but I then have to manually save each one as a workbook. Just wondering if there is a work around that would speed up the process?
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Split your workbook into multiple worksheets. Then group your worksheets and choose split workbook. It asks you to choose what folder you want them to be saved into and then saves each individual worksheet as a new workbook into the designated folder. I hope I have understood you correctly.
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Hello, Ronel,

Sorry, currently, our feature doesn't support this operation. However, I've conveyed your request to our development team. Should there be any updates, we'll notify you promptly.

Thanks for your feedback.
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It works well, How can I fetch all data from different sheeets to one sheet?

any one to help
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Hello, PETER
To merge data from multiple sheets into one single sheet, the following article may help you.
or you can use our Kutools for Excel 's Combine multiple worksheets from workbooks into one worksheet to solve this task, please check this article:
Please check it, if you have any other problem, please comment here again.
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This split function is really helpful but I need total also in subsequent split sheets. What should I do? Please help
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Hi there,
Brilliant function to split data to new worksheets.
Sometimes inconsistent naming of the sheets when selecting "Values of Column" as new worksheet name. Reverts to "Sheet 1" etc.
What is the rule that determines this?Are there any workarounds?
Many thanksNaomi
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Currently, we can split based on text string in a certain column, based on specific rows in a certain column. I think it is fantastic to add the ability to split based on the time group in a certain column. For example, I have a date column, values are 01/01/2020, 01/03/2020....03/05/2025.., I want to split the whole table by year into different sheets.
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Simply add a "year" auxiliary column.
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