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  Sunday, September 17, 2017
  33 Replies
  12.2K Visits
I have not found another place to write ideas for improvement. I suggest writing ideas in this thread.

My suggestions for Superfilter:
Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]
1) The ability to copy the current filter settings from the Excel table (in one group with the AND condition).
2) Selection options from the data available after filtering in the selected column (as implemented in Excel).
Those, I need the ability to see the data that I can filter, and not search for them in the data table separately, and then configure the Superfilter.
3) Ability to pass as a filter criterion a named range or list of values ​​from the selected area in the table with:
a) the setting of relations between them before import (as in the advanced Excel filter)
b) condition like "in range/list", "not in range/list".
4) Possibilities to drag a group or a separate line into another group (drag'n'drop).
5) Ability to filter by the color of the text (including such conditions as "contains text with color", "does not contain text with color") or background. Suggest a choice from the list of colors in the selected column.
6) The ability to filter text with the terms "does not end with", "does not start with".
7) Additional conditions for the relations of the elements in the group: XOR, NOT.
8) Ability to filter by type of error in the cell, like # N / A, #REF !, #NULL !, # DIV / 0 !, #VALUE !, #NAME ?, ##### ERROR (cell formating).
9) Add Regular expressions to search by.
10) Add absent selection options from the list

My suggestions for Navigation Pane:
Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]

1. in the list of sheets the possibility of filtering by the color of the tab (choose from the available ones);
2. In the column list in a separate column, indicate whether the filter is installed on it (yes, no), and at the bottom of the list, display the form window as in the list of names. In it, display the installed filter on the selected column. Something similar is implemented in the FilterMate add-in ( It is also very convenient to jump to the next filtered column by one button. I'll be glad to see you have such features, so as not to keep many add-ins in the Excel interface.
3. In the list of columns, add a search by name option.
This tool is especially relevant when using wide tables. The search will help to speed up the work.
4. In the auto-text with formulas, please make it possible to display the text of the formulas title of the auto-text when the preview is turned off. Give the opportunity to make a really convenient library of formulas. Pictures now take up a lot of space on the screen and flipping a long list of formulas is not very convenient. The instrument has great potential in this part, but you miss its possibilities.
5. In AutoText, make it possible to change the formulas of the previously saved AutoText.
3 years ago
It would be really excellent if Export Range to File saved by default to the working directory of the Excel file you currenty have open, rather than the last directory you used as a target for Export Range to File. 
3 years ago
I had reported the issue via email as well as on forum but no one ever bothered to look into it and fix it. I had even provided a sample excel data as well as demonstrated the issue in a video fotage as well. Here are both of them. 

Error Video :

Check your email records with the Email Subject (Select Same & Different Cells Feature ISSUE). Mr. Jay Chivo ( from your office sent me back and forth many message without any solution and just gave me false hope at the end saying we will resolve this issue in next updae but you guys didnt. The issue is still there.

3 years ago
Thanks for your feedback.
Can you please be more specific about these issue " I had reported an issue in version 23 that SELECT SAME & DIFFERENT CELLS function is not working properly. I have even shared multiple examples and video samples of the error and I was told that it will be fixed in new update but it didnt and the shamful thing is that you have a function called COPY RANGES which was completely working fine in version 23.00 but you guys messed it up in version 24.00 and now its also not working. "

Can you please try to take some screenshots to demonstrate it? Or please try to create sample data to demonstrate it. Thanks.
3 years ago
You need to alot of work on your Kutools Excel app. Just adding new graphical charts are not good enough in every new version. Your old versions has still bugs in it which you are not fixing. I had reported an issue in version 23 that SELECT SAME & DIFFERENT CELLS function is not working properly. I have even shared multiple examples and video samples of the error and I was told that it will be fixed in new update but it didnt and the shamful thing is that you have a function called COPY RANGES which was completely working fine in version 23.00 but you guys messed it up in version 24.00 and now its also not working. I had to downgrade my app version from v24.00 to v23.00.

ADDITION IN OUTLOOK ADDIN: Checkout Boomerang for outlook application. They have some great features. I wish your outlook add-in had same features to use. 
3 years ago
I think a nice improvement would be ability to select multiple items in NAVIGATION PANEL,
for example we can switch between sheets, drag&drop for change order,  but can not select some of them and edit content or move them all, a way to do this is traditional ctrl + click on the
sheet name at bottom of the screen, but when sheet names are long and there is many of them it’s really problematic. Same thing in COLUMN LIST, it would be nice to select range (ie like in windows shift + click) and hide selected by only one click.
3 years ago
I would like you to improve on "Split Cells" when selecting Length is to respect words. So when the specified length is reached and there is a word to be split, go back to the last complete word and split it there.
3 years ago
[size=100]This may not be something you will consider, but the biggest help that any tool could give me in Excel would be to find the longest text in a column and adjust the column width to fit. I am trying the KUTools for its ability to find the longest text, but the rest is manual labor.[/size]
Thanks for all you do,
4 years ago
is there a button to convert an Excel sheet to a Power Point slide? i would buy just for this feature! 
4 years ago
A password manager for opening files would be awesome. I know there is this functionality for combining/converting files. If it could take care of opening, even if it were like a "Favourite Workbooks" window I had to use, it would make life so much simpler. Cheers.
4 years ago
It would be awesome if there was functionality as follows:
A password manager that meant if you are working across multiple workbooks, the password for open/edit can be saved and used automatically on open.
I am aware of the password manager functionality when combining/converting - but it would be awesome if this took care of the annoying prompts every time I open a new document.
4 years ago
If you don’t accept suggestions for improvement, can you at least make a vote for user ideas in order to do what is most needed,  how Microsoft did it at ?
5 years ago
Sorry, we don't have the Mac version yet.
is there still any hope for kutools on Mac?
5 years ago
Dear developers.
There is already 18 version of your add-on, but unfortunately the proposed improvements did not appear. The new functionality is undoubtedly important, but there are already a lot of cool unique tools in your add-in. Please take time to improve them. This is important, as it will increase the satisfaction of current customers (who use the current functionality) and promotes product distribution via word of mouth. I'm collect all + add new for you in one post.

Superfind Improvements:
1) Text color in the cell - an error in several colors
If the text in the cell selected by the eyedropper is formatted with several colors, an error now appears. It is necessary to create a list of available text colors from a cell containing several colors.
2) The color picker is an error.
The color search mode selected by the eyedropper finds nothing in the selected range, although the color was selected from a cell in that range. The message "You must enter a target value" appears. It is necessary to create a list of available fill colors from the selected cells. The current list of colors is difficult to match even with the palette embedded in the file.
3) In a formatted table, the dropper does not see the fill color in the table header.
4) The ability to search not only cells that are completely formatted as strikethrough, with boldface, italic, text color, but also containing or not containing such fragments. In my work, I often have to deal with tables where not all of the cell is highlighted with strikethrough and color, but only the changed text. For example, in blue italic, new text is highlighted, and crossed out red is deleted. Looking for his eyes in a large table is a laborious task.

Superfilter Improvements:
I really like your new SuperSearch tool. It has an excellent set of search options. I ask you to transfer the same search capabilities into the SuperFilter functionality.
In particular:
1) The value between, the value is not between
2) the format of the text contains / does not contain / is completely
italics, bold italics, strikethrough text, underlined text, superscript text, subscript
3) the text contains / completely is the color selected from the palette, either from the colors in the selected range, or selected using the pipette.
Other Improvements:
1) The ability to copy the current filter settings from the Excel table (in one group with the AND condition).
2) Selection options from the data available after filtering in the selected column (as implemented in Excel).
Those, I need the ability to see the data that I can filter, and not search for them in the data table separately, and then configure the Superfilter.
• For example, if the Text is equal mode is selected, then it is necessary to select from the already selected elements of the selected column. If you need to select several elements, then quickly select the ticking next to the necessary elements. Include please the option "multiple choice" in the selection mode, in which I can select several items, and after clicking the OK button, add all the elements to the superfilter in the OR mode.
• If the Background color / Text color is equal / is not equal mode is selected, you will be able to select the colors available in the column. Also the option of multiple choice is actual.
• If Value Between is selected, then it is necessary to select from the values ​​in the column.
• If Dates between is selected, then it is necessary to select each of the threshold values in calendar mode or from the values ​​in the column (In group view = year-quarter-month-day).
3) Ability to pass as a filter criterion a named range or list of values ​​from the selected area in the table with:
a) the setting of relations between them before import (as in the advanced Excel filter)
b) condition like "in range/list", "not in range/list".
4) Possibilities to drag a group or a separate line into another group (drag'n'drop).
5) Ability to filter by the color of the text (including such conditions as "contains text with color", "does not contain text with color") or background. Suggest a choice from the list of colors in the selected column.
6) The ability to filter text with the terms "does not end with", "does not start with".
7) Additional conditions for the relations of the elements in the group: XOR, NOT.
8) Ability to filter by type of error in the cell, like # N / A, #REF !, #NULL !, # DIV / 0 !, #VALUE !, #NAME ?, ##### ERROR (cell formating).
9) Add Regular expressions to search by.
10) Add absent selection options from the list 

Navigation Pane Improvements:
1. in the list of sheets the possibility of filtering by the color of the tab (choose from the available ones);
2. In the column list in a separate column, indicate whether the filter is installed on it (yes, no), and at the bottom of the list, display the form window as in the list of names. In it, display the installed filter on the selected column. Something similar is implemented in the FilterMate add-in ( ). It is also very convenient to jump to the next filtered column by one button. I'll be glad to see you have such features, so as not to keep many add-ins in the Excel interface.
3. In the list of columns, add a search by name option.
This tool is especially relevant when using wide tables. The search will help to speed up the work.
4. In the auto-text with formulas, please make it possible to display the text of the formulas title of the auto-text when the preview is turned off. Give the opportunity to make a really convenient library of formulas. Pictures now take up a lot of space on the screen and flipping a long list of formulas is not very convenient. The instrument has great potential in this part, but you miss its possibilities.
5. In AutoText, make it possible to change the formulas of the previously saved AutoText.

New Functionality for Navigation PaneMerged cell manager:
It would be convenient to have at hand a list of all the merged cells on the active sheet. When selected in the list, navigate to such cells. From the same list have access to the tools for working with merged cells - unmerge, unmerge and fill (down, right, left (probably the options depend on the user's language)).
The currently available function of selecting merged cells is convenient only if all such cells need to be processed equally. If you need a different approach, it is more convenient to process each group separately.

AutoText Improvements:
1) In the top menu above the groups, make the Add group button. The existing way to add groups through the AutoText window is not obvious.
2) Add the ability to create a group hierarchy. To maximize the benefit of the tool, it is necessary to conveniently group the elements.
3) Add the ability to drag items between groups (Drag'n'Drop).
4) Allow the user to adjust the size of the AutoText popup image. The current size takes up too much work space.
5) Make it customizable to display AutoText for Drawings and Clip Art:
a. the ability to arrange images in several columns, removing the frames - display as icons of the same size with a variable scale.
b. The ability to hide the name to save space.
6) Make it customizable to display AutoText for Formulas:
a. Ability to transfer the text of the formula to the rows for placement in the Preview in the list of AutoText.
b. The ability to change the font size in the Preview text of the formula.
7) When creating an AutoText entry of a formula type, we need to edit the formula before saving it in a part:
a. replacing of references to relative (from the cell where the AutoText is inserted),
b. Replace references to text with a description. When inserting a formula with such a block, the user must selecting the cells (ranges) in place of such а text. An example of a such functional with the interface for creating custom formulas and their insertion you can see in the Plex add-in ( ) - Library of formulas.
8) Add a search for items in AutoText - for all elements, or for selected groups. When I begin to actively use the tool, AutoText elements become a lot. At first, the grouping helps, but the amount is still growing and you have to waste time searching.

Error condition Wizard Improvements
Use Excel's IfError() Formula when trying to capture all error values but makes for far neater and faster processing of complex formulas.
It is much neater, as you do not need to repeat the formula twice, only once:

=IFERROR (Formula, value_if_error)
ExcelJet Link: 

Combine Worksheets Improvements
When using this feature (which works fantastic) It would be nice if it would remember the folder that you last selected. I recently had to combine hundreds of workbooks and each group that I had to combine had to be saved into a single folder, but during each combine, I had to navigate to the folder. It would have been nice to have to navigate to the save folder once and then each time after, it was saved.

Split Data Improvements
When using the split data function the new workbook (and worksheets) that is generated does not seem to keep page headers and footers and information about row height and column width. It also changes the font to Arial 10 thus not preserving the font from the original worksheet.
Having this option would save me a lot of time in which I have to customize all of the above settings for each new worksheet that is generated with this function and I would like to be able to set it up in my original master sheet and have all of those settings copied down to every data split that I perform.
6 years ago
We will consider this enhancements in the upcoming versions soon. :)
6 years ago
You can use this feature
Please save the worksheet, and then apply this feature. :)
6 years ago
There are some feature enhancements in this beta version:

Please have a trial and give us feedback. :)
6 years ago
We are working on the latest version.
We will consider to enhance the software, but we need to consider the possibility of the new features. :)
6 years ago
This topic has been more than 9 months. Three months ago you released a new 17 version of the add-in, which did not take into account any user offer received before the release date. Which of the proposed improvements will you implement and in what time frame? If you do not plan to implement anything, then tell us about it, so that people like me do not waste their time.
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