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How to sum unique values based on criteria in Excel?

Author: Xiaoyang Last Modified: 2019-12-03

For example, I have a range of data which contains Name and Order columns, now, to sum only unique values in Order column based on the Name column as following screenshot shown. How to solve this task quickly and easily In Excel?

Sum unique values based on one or more criteria with array formulas

Sum unique values based on one or more criteria with array formulas

To sum only unique values based on criteria in another column, please use the below formula:

1. Please copy or enter the following array formula into a blank cell:


Note: In the above formula, A2:A12 is the column data contains the condition value, D2 is the condition that you want to sum values based on, B2:B12 is the column contains the values that you want to sum.

2. Then, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the first total result, and then, select this formula cell and drag the fill handle down to the cells to get all total values for each item. See screenshot:

Tips: If you need to sum all the unique values based on two criteria, please apply the below formula:


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Comments (9)
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I have column "A" listed with various Part nos. Say 50 parts. Each of these 50 parts will be repeated more than once. I column B where in for each of these part nos stock qty say for particular part no 1000 is the qty. This 1000 Qty is shown againt that particular part no in whichever cell it comes in column 'A".

The problem i am facing is sum total of column B is not correct as stock qty is shown n-number of times that particular part finds place in column A.

How do i avoid totaling up this repeated stock qty of one unique part. Say part no P1001 stock is 1000nos. If delivery date of this part P1001 is

Part no..Date.............Qty......Stock
P1001....05-10-22 .....150......1000

in the above table stock is only 1000 but it shows against each delivery date the same stock qty. But when i want to sum the total stock of all part nos it should not take 1000 3 times but only 1 time. How do this?
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Hello, Pugazh
Did you want to sum only the unique stock based on the part number?
Or you can give your problem as a creenshot here, so that, we can understand more clearly.
Thank you!
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I was wondering if there was a formula for three criteria? Or if there's a process/logic to follow for more than two criteria ?

Many thanks,
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Hello, Gus,
If there are three criteria of your data, to sum the unique values, please apply the below array formula:

After inserting the formula, please press press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the result. see below screenshot:
Please have a try, thank you!
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I would like to sum based on two unique criteria, is this possible?
In the second example, rather than James and October being the specific criteria, James would stay the specific element, and the formula would sum based on the name and the month being unique.
Many thanks
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Hola me podrias ayudar deseo sumar o contar solo valores unicos de fechas especificas me puedes ayudar ya que la formula =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF($A$2:$A$12=D2,MATCH($B$2:$B$12,$B$2:$B$12,0)),ROW($B$2:$B$12)-ROW($B$2)+1),$B$2:$B$12)) me sirve pero como esta en ingles no se como colocarla, te agradezco mucho
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Hello Jorge,

Formula: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF($A$2:$A$12=E2,IF($B$2:$B$12=F2,MATCH($C$2:$C$12,$C$2:$C$12,0))),ROW($C$2:$C$12)-ROW($C$2)+1),$C$2:$C$12))

Translate the English version formula into the Spanish version:

Please have a try.

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This doesn't actually work as I would have expected. The formula is only counting the unique criteria.

James had 700 units ordered in the first example, yet the total says 600.

The formula won't count his orders that contain the same qty because they are unique. Is there a way to modify this formula so you can get an actual total of all of James' orders?

The second formula has the same issue. James ordered 400 units, not 300 as shown in the summary. 
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Hello, kc, May be the below article can solve your problem, please try:
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