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Advanced search email and save custom search in Outlook

Author: Sun Last Modified: 2024-06-25

In Outlook, the job on searching emails with multiple criteria, such as searching by sender, body contents, subjects and so on in thousands of emails across multiple accounts will take place frequently. Here, the Advanced Search utility of Kutools for Outlook, supports searching emails based on multiple keywords, and supports to save the searching queries for you using next time. Demo

arrow blue right bubble Applying this utility by clicking Kutools > Advanced Search.
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arrow blue right bubble Set multiple criteria

1. In the Email view, click Kutools > Advanced Search to display the Advanced Search pane.

2. In the Advanced Search pane, you can choose the search scope firstly, there are five options provided for you in the Search scope drop-down list.
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3. Then you can specify your searching criteria in the Advanced Search Pane. Supposing here I want to find the emails that are from, and body contents contain comment, and the received date is between 1/1/2018 to 10/1/2019. Here, I will set the search queries as below:

1) Click More Criteria button to add the search queries one by one as you need.

2) Then specify search criteria as your need.

<1> In the From field, you can use the email addresses from your current message, use the email addresses from your address book, or you also can use the extract pen  shot advanced search email 4 to extract the address in the body of an email.
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<2> In the Body field, you can type the text you want to search into the textbox, or also can use the extract pen  shot advanced search email 4 to extract the selected text in the email to the textbox.
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<3> In the Received field, you can specify the date range as today, this month, last month, etc. If you want to specify dates between two dates, choose Custom from the drop-down list, then type the dates.
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4. Click Search Now button. Then all the emails matching with these criteria will list in the List pane.
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arrow blue right bubble Save the search queries

After you set the search queries, click Save current scenario button.
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In the popping Kutools for Outlook dialog, type a name for this scenario, then click OK.
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From now on, you can reuse the searching criteria by clicking Open save scenario button  to select one scenario as you need.
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shot advanced search email 13: Current scenario save as icon, you can click this to save current search criteria to a new scenario.

shot advanced search email 14: Create new scenario icon, click it to create a new blank scenario.

shot advanced search email 15: More criteria icon, same as More criteria button, click it to display all criteria you can add to use.

shot advanced search email 16: Scenario Management icon, click it to open the Advanced Find-Scenario Management dialog, you can manage all scenarios you created, such as move order, rename and delete.
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Comments (11)
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We're looking search upcoming meetings and flag those where the recipient has not yet responded.
From my limited testing of the advanced search, it's only showing meetings that I have not yet responded to.
Anything in the works to do that task, or is it already there and I just missed it?

Thanks, John
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Hey, John Flis, would you mind sending me a screenshot of your search criteria settings? It'll help me better understand the issue you're facing.
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Is there any way to find attached files filtering by its extension ??

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Hi, Edgar, the advanced search feature has not supported to filter attachment by the extension. But Kutools for Outlook's Attachment Manager can filter attachments by the extension. Read more about this feature please click
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
Here an attachment, the message apper is this.
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When I try to make a advnced search, when press the button "Search Now", A message appear "Please switch to the mail navigation module before searching" and any serch is made.
Please your supprot
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Hi, Sorry about that. Normally, it will auto switch the naviagtion while you change the search type. You can try to switch the navigation manually to match your search type. For example, if you want to search task, switch the mail navigation to the Task. See screenshot:
Or restart the Outlook, maybe it will work.
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