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Create and print a booklet in MS Word – A step-by-step guide

Author: Siluvia Last Modified: 2024-05-24

Creating a booklet in Microsoft Word is a simple yet powerful way to present your information in a professional and compact format. Whether you’re preparing a program for a conference, a guide for your clients, or a storybook for children, Word allows you to easily compile and design booklets that are ready for printing. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and printing a booklet using Word, covering everything from setting up your pages to ensuring your booklet prints correctly.


Creating a booklet in Word

In this section, we'll explore two primary methods to create a booklet: by adjusting the page setup to customize layout options, and by utilizing a Word template to streamline the design process. Each method offers different advantages depending on your needs and familiarity with Word's features. Let's dive into each approach to see how you can start creating your booklet today.

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By adjusting the Page Setup

Please do as follows to adjust the page setup to create a booklet in Microsoft Word.

Note: If your document already contains text, it will automatically reformat to the new settings when you adjust the page setup. However, images, tables, and other objects may not adjust accordingly and might require manual repositioning. To streamline the process, it's recommended to set up your booklet layout before adding these elements.
  1. Start with a blank document in Microsoft Word.
  2. Go to the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Page Setup launch button.
  3. In the opening Page Setup dialog box, please set the configuration as follows:
    1. Under the Margins tab, select Book fold from the Multiple Pages drop-down list in the Pages section.
    2. In the Margins option section, change the Gutter to 0.6 or any other inches you need.
      Tip: Adjusting the gutter in the Page Setup when creating a booklet in Microsoft Word adds extra space to the inner margins. This ensures text and content remain visible and not obscured by the binding, improving readability in the finished booklet.
    3. Then go to the Paper tab, specify a proper paper size as you need. Here I choose A4 from the Paper size drop-down list.
    4. Click OK to apply the settings.
  4. You can now add your booklet content.
Tip: You can quickly test if the booklet meets your requirements by typing =rand(10,15) and then pressing Enter to generate random content in your document. This formula generates random text to help in formatting and testing document layouts.
  • The first number (10) indicates the number of paragraphs to generate.
  • The second number (15) specifies the number of sentences per paragraph.

After generating your booklet in Word, you might notice that each page alternates between left and right alignment. This happens because of the "Mirror Margins" setting in Word, designed to help with binding. When a booklet is bound, the pages need extra space along the inner edge so the text doesn't get swallowed into the spine.

By using a Word template

If adjusting settings manually seems daunting, using a predefined template can be a quicker start. Word offers various templates that are specifically designed for booklets. These can provide a professional layout with minimal effort.

  1. Click File > New. Enter "booklet" into the search bar and press Enter. Then you will see all templates related to booklets listed.
  2. Double-click on a template that suits your needs to start creating your booklet template.
  3. Now you need to customize the template.
    1. Replace the sample text and images with your own content.
    2. Customize the design as needed.
  4. Save your document to avoid losing any changes.

Printing a booklet in Word

Printing your booklet correctly is as important as the creation process. Setting up Word to print a booklet involves configuring your printer settings to ensure the pages print in the correct order and orientation.

Note: Check Printer Specifications: Make sure your printer supports duplex printing (printing on both sides of the paper).
  1. Click File > Print.
  2. Change the print settings to Print on Both Sides.
    Note: Make sure you have selected the Flip pages on short edge option in the duplex printing settings. This ensures that the pages do not end up upside down after the booklet is folded. This setting allows the printer to flip the pages along their shorter edge, maintaining the correct orientation throughout the booklet.
  3. Preview the booklet to check the layout. If everything looks good, click Print to start printing.

Other tips

When you have completed your booklet in Microsoft Word, there are several additional steps you can take to enhance its presentation and shareability. Here are some useful tips for exporting your document, saving it as a PDF, or transforming it into a digital format that can be easily shared online:

  • Exporting and Saving as a PDF:
    Exporting your booklet to a PDF is an excellent way to ensure that it retains its formatting and is accessible on various devices. To do this:
    1. Go to File > Save As > Browse.
    2. Choose the location where you want to save the file.
    3. In the Save as type dropdown menu, select PDF.
    4. Click Save.
  • Transforming Into a Web Page:
    If you are using Word 365, consider transforming your booklet into a web page for digital distribution. This can make it easier for viewers to access and navigate your booklet from any device with internet access.
    1. Go to File > Transform to open the Transform to Web Page pane.
    2. Choose the style and layout options that best suit your needs.
    3. Click the Transform button.
    4. Follow the prompts to upload your document to the web.
      This feature is particularly useful for creating easily accessible content for a wide audience without the need for specific software to view the document.

Creating and printing a booklet in Microsoft Word is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance the way you distribute written content. By following these detailed steps, you can produce professional-looking booklets right from your home or office. Experiment with different designs and layouts to find the perfect fit for your project’s needs. With practice, you’ll find that the possibilities with Word are nearly endless. For those eager to delve deeper into Word's capabilities, our website boasts a wealth of tutorials. Discover more Word tips and tricks here.

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