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How to sum numbers in brackets only in Excel?

Author: Sun Last Modified: 2020-08-21

If there is a list of text strings, and you just want to add up all numbers in brackets as below screenshot shown, how can you quickly handle it? In this article, I introduce some tricks for you to sum the numbers in brackets only in Excel.

Sum numbers within brackets only with formula

To sum numbers within brackets only, you can extract the numbers which are in brackets firstly, and then add them up.

1. Select a blank cell next to the cell you want to sum up its numbers in brackets, B2 for instance, enter this formula
and then drag auto fill handle down to extract numbers which are in brackets from each cell. See screenshot:
doc sum numbers in brackets 2

Tip: in the formula, A1 is the cell you want to extract the numbers within brackets from.

2. Select a cell which you will place the summing result at, enter =SUM(B1:B8), and press Enter key. See screenshot:
doc sum numbers in brackets 3

Tip: in the formula, B1:B8 is the numbers you extracted from original list of text string and want to sum up.

Sum numbers within brackets only with Defined Function

You also can apply a Defined Function to sum numbers within brackets.

1. Press Alt + F11 keys to enable Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, click Insert > Module, and paste below code to the blank script.

VBA: Sum numbers in brackets

Function SumBracket(Target As Range) As Double
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xObjs As Object, xObj As Object
Dim xSum As Double
Set xObjs = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
xSum = 0
With xObjs
    .Global = True
    .Pattern = "\((\d+(\.\d+)?)\)"

    For Each xCell In Target
      If xCell.Value <> "" Then
        For Each xObj In xObjs.Execute(xCell.Value)
            xSum = xSum + xObj.submatches(0)
      End If
End With
SumBracket = xSum
End Function

doc sum numbers in brackets 4

2. Save the code and go to select a cell which will place the result, and enter this formula =SumBracket(A1:A8), press Enter key. See screenshot:
doc sum numbers in brackets 5

Sum numbers within brackets only with Kutools for Excel

Actually, with Kutools for Excel’s Extract Text function to extract numbers within brackets, and then apply the Sum absolute values function to sum the numbers up.

Kutools for Excel, with more than 300 handy functions, makes your jobs more easier. 

After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below:(Free Download Kutools for Excel Now!)

1. Select the strings you want to extract numbers in brackets, and click Kutools > Text > Extract Text. See screenshot:
doc sum numbers in brackets 6

2. In the Extract Text dialog, enter (*) into the Text textbox, and click Add to add it to the Extract list. Then click Ok, and to select a cell to place the extracted numbers in the popping dialog, C1 for instance. See screenshot:

Note: If there are other extracting rules in the Extract List section, please uncheck these extracting rules, and only check the new added extract rule of (*).

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3. Click OK, and now the numbers in brackets are extracted. In default, the numbers within brackets are recognized as negative, you need to sum their absolute values.
doc sum numbers in brackets 9

4. Select a cell which you will place the calculation result at, click Kutools > Formula Helper > Math & Trig > Sum absolute values. See screenshot:
doc sum numbers in brackets 10

5. In the Formula Helper dialog, select the range which contains the extracted numbers into Number textbox, C1:C8 in this case. Click Ok, the absolute values of the numbers have been added. See screenshot:

doc sum numbers in brackets 11 shot arrow right doc sum numbers in brackets 12

Tip. If you want to have a free trial of the Extract Text and Sum absolute values function, please go tofree download Kutools for Excel first, and then go to apply the operation according above steps.

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Comments (15)
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Hello Sunny,

I have a question as well. I have an excel sheet with numbers and some of them are in brackets. I want to add the values of the numbers in a row. Basically:
50 (50*) 100 150 = 350
How can I add (=sum) of all of them, including the one in brackets? I'ld appreciate your advise.
Best, Anna
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Vielen Dank Sonnig,

jetzt ich sehe wo war das Problem. Sie schreiben im VBA und Zelle "." statt wie bei mir "," Ich habe im VBA diese Zeile:
.Pattern = "\((\d+(\.\d+)?)\)"
in diese:
.Pattern = "\((\d+(\,\d+)?)\)"
geändert und dann funktioniert alles perfekt.

Noch mall vielen, vielen Dank.
Schöne Grüße

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...ich meinte addieren Dezimalbruche 🙂
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Hi, Wojtek, if you just want to sum the decimal numbers only, try this code:
Function SumBracket(Target As Range) As Double
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xObjs As Object, xObj As Object
Dim xSum As Double
Dim xNum As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set xObjs = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
xSum = 0
With xObjs
    .Global = True
    .Pattern = "\((\d+(\.\d+)?)\)"

    For Each xCell In Target
      If xCell.Value <> "" Then
        For Each xObj In xObjs.Execute(xCell.Value)
            xSum = xSum + Val(xObj.submatches(0)) - Int(Val(xObj.submatches(0)))
      End If
End With
SumBracket = xSum
End Function
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Hallo Sonnig,
vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort 😀. Um die Ganze klar zu machen gebe ich ein Beispiel meiner Aufgabe:

a(5), b(2,5), c(0,25) = 7,75

wie gesagt, mit:

a(5), b(2), c(21) im eine Zelle funktioniert die erste Makro super.

Vielen Dank und schöne Grüße
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Sorry, Wojtek, I do undestand Geman, I just translate your question by Google so that I do not get your question clearly. Could you give me more description, for example, the data structure, are they in a cell or in different cell, in a column or in a row, what result you want.
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Hallo Sonnig,

noch mal vielen Dank für die Mühe.

Geht um Summe alle Zahlen die in der Klammer stehen...
Erste Zelle: 458/1(2,5), 458/2(11), 458/3(0,75)
Zweite Zelle: Summe von 2,5 und 11 und 0,75
alles was in der Klammer steht in der erste Zelle sollte summiert sein. das Ergebnis soll in der Zweite Zelle erscheinen.

Vielen Dank und schöne Grüße
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danke, Makro funktioniert super, aber leider nur mit Ganze Zahl, nicht mit Bruchzahl. Wäre das möglich zu ändern?
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I'm sorry, I meant adding the numbers outside the bracket.
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Hi, Adduar, I do not find a formula to solve your problem, maybe you only can use the Extract Text tool of Kutools for Excel to extract the numbers first, and then sum them, the conditions are *( and )*.
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