How to lookup last non-zero value and return column header in Excel?
Author: XiaoyangLast Modified: 2022-12-15
Have you ever tried to lookup the last non-zero value from a row and return its corresponding column header in Excel? This article will introduce some formulas for you to completing this task.
Lookup last non-zero value and return column header with formulas
To identify the last non-zero value and return the heading of that column, please apply any one of the below formulas:
=INDEX($B$1:$J$1,MAX((COLUMN(B2:J2)-MIN(COLUMN(B2:J2))+1)*(B2:J2<>0))) (Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys) =LOOKUP(2,1/(B2:J2<>0),$B$1:$J$1) (Press Enter key)
Note: In the above formula, B1:J1 is the column headers that you want to return, B2:J2 is the data row you want to find the last non-zero value.
Then, drag the fill handle down to fill the formula to other cells, see screenshot:
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