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 How to run macro based on cell value in Excel?

Author: Xiaoyang Last Modified: 2022-09-07

Supposing, I have multiple macro codes in my workbook, and now, I want to run these codes based on the cell value. This article, I will talk about several situations you may suffered in your daily work when using Excel.

Run or trigger macro if cell value is greater or less than a specific value with VBA code

Run or trigger macro if cell value equals specific text with VBA code

arrow blue right bubble Run or trigger macro if cell value is greater or less than a specific value with VBA code

For example, if the value in cell A1 is between 10 and 50, run macro1, and if the value is greater than 50, run macro2. To solve this job in Excel, please apply the following VBA code.

1. Right click the sheet tab that you want to execute the macro based on a cell value, and then choose View Code from the context menu, and in the opened Microsoft Visual Basic for applications window, copy and paste the following code into the blank Module:

VBA code: Run macro if cell value is greater or less than:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If IsNumeric(Target) And Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
        Select Case Target.Value
        Case 10 To 50: Macro1
        Case Is > 50: Macro2
        End Select
    End If
End Sub

doc run macro based on cell value 1

Note: In the above code:

A1 is the cell which contains the specific value you want to run the macro based on;

Case 10 To 50: Macro1: it means if the value is between 10 and 50, run Macro1;

Case Is > 50: Macro2: it means if the value is greater than 50, run Macro2.

Please change theses macro names and criteria to your need, and you can also add more criteria following the Case script.

2. Then save and close this code window, now, when the value you enter is between 10 and 50 in cell A1, Macro1 will be triggered, if the entered value is greater than 50, Macro2 is executed.

arrow blue right bubble Run or trigger macro if cell value equals specific text with VBA code

If you want to trigger the macro based on specific text in a cell, for instance, to run the macro1 if the text “Delete” is entered, and run macro2 if text “Insert” is typed. The following code can do you a favor.

1. Right click the sheet that you want to execute the macro based on the cell value, and then choose View Code from the context menu, and in the opened Microsoft Visual Basic for applications window, copy and paste the following code into the blank Module:

VBA code: Run macro if cell value is a specific text

Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range)
Set target = Range("A1")
If target.Value = "Delete" Then
 Call Macro1
End If
If target.Value = "Insert" Then
Call Macro2
End If
End Sub 

doc run macro based on cell value 2

Note: In the above code, “Delete” and “Insert” are the cell texts that you want to run macros based on, and Macro1 and Macro2 are the macros you want to execute based on text. Please change them to your need.

2. Then save this code and close the window, now, when you enter the text “Delete” in cell A1, macro1 is triggered, if the text “Insert” is entered, macro2 will be executed.

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How to run macro when cell value changes in Excel?

How to run macro automatically before printing in Excel?

How to run macro based on value selected from drop down list in Excel?

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Comments (20)
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I need the following help
How to disable assigned macro button autometically based on cell value in excel?
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ich bräuchte dafür ein Makro,

ich kann dieses Problem nicht alleine lösen, wäre super wenn mir jemand helfen könnte.

In M1 steht die Zahl 5, jetzt soll der Bereich von A83 bis A683 auf die Zahl 5 geprüft werden, sollte z.B. A111 die Zahl 5 enthalten, dann soll C111 + 1 ( wenn in C111 23 steht dann soll da 24 stehen). Genau so wenn in A444 eine 5 steht, dann soll C444 + 1 ( wenn C444 = 99 dann 100).
Immer wenn der Wert mit M1 übereinstimmt, dann soll diese Zelle in Spalte C immer wieder + 1 zählen. Also 23 +1 dann 24 + 1 dann 25 +1 usw usw.

Vielleicht kann mir da jemand helfen,

Vielen Dank im vorraus.

LG Stfan
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vorrei eseguire una macro quando una in una cella viene inserito un controllo "if" o se viene inserita una data e non un numero.

Ad esempio se nella cella A1 inserisco: If(B2=0;vero;falso) e la macro leggendo vero mi nasconde lo sheet2 altrimenti mi scopre la sheet 2.

Come posso fare?
Riesco a far funzionare il tutto se inserisco in A1 manualmente un valore (in questo caso vero o falso).

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Hello, Carlo,
In fact the second code in this article can solve your problem.
Note: You just need to change the text to True and False into the code, and change the code name to your own.
Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range)
Set target = Range("A1")
If target.Value = "True" Then
 Call Macro1
End If
If target.Value = "False" Then
Call Macro2
End If
End Sub 

Please try again, thank you!
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ho provato il listato che permette di richiamare 2 macro al cambio del valore di una cella, se quel cambio deriva da una funzione "se" non funziona, se digito i valori (vero o falso) funziona.

Come posso ovviare?
Eventualmente come potrei evitare di utilizzare il condizionale sulla cella e far verificare al listato se la cella che deve far avviare le macro è compilata o meno?

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Ciao skyyang. Spero tu possa aiutarmi. Ho un programmino in vba che basandosi su variazioni di prezzo di una cella (E1), collegata in DDE con una piattaforma di trading di borsa, fissa i prezzi: Massimo, Minimo, Apertura, Chiusura, per poi passare alla riga successiva in base a un intervallo temporale impostato all'apertura del foglio elettronico. L'algoritmo da me sviluppato fa si che nelle colonne: "BH" e "BI" vengano visualizzati i prezzi di acquisto e di vendita, ma solo quando soddisfatte le condizioni date, altrimenti le celle non restituiscono nessun valore. Quello di cui avrei bisogno è di un avviso sonoro .wav che mi avvisi quando viene restituito un valore, di acquisto o di vendita, in modo di non dover fissare lo schermo per 14 ore al giorno. Ho provato a inserire un codice "SoundMe()" trovato on-line, ma suona ogni volta che c'è un nuovo massimo o un nuovo minimo nella riga in cui il programma sta aggiornando i prezzi. Pensi che il problema si possa risolvere? Grazie per l'attenzione
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