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How to Remove All Breaks in Word?

Author: Tech Support Last Modified: 2024-08-02

When handling with a word document with multiple types of breaks, you can press Delete key to remove all breaks one by one. If you are interested in how to quickly remove all breaks in word, this tutorial will introduce you the following methods for removing all breaks.

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Remove breaks one by one

Step 1: Click Show/Hide button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab, and all breaks symbol are visible;

Show/Hide button on the ribbon

Step 2: Select the break you want to delete and press Delete key on your keyboard;

Step 3: Repeat the above steps to delete all breaks in word document.

Obviously, the process of removing all breaks one by one is tedious and time-consuming, which is not recommended.

Remove all breaks with the Find and Replace

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Fortunately, we can also use the Find and Replace function in Word to remove all breaks.

1: Click Home > Replace to open the Find and Replace window;

Replace button on the ribbon

2: Click More button to bring up more Search Options;

Find and Replace dialog with more options displayed

3: Place the cursor in the Find What field, and select any Break from the Special drop-down list;

Find and Replace dialog box in Word with the cursor in the Find What field and three types of Breaks selected from the Special pull-down menu

4: If you select Column Break from the Special drop-down list, there will be a character like “^n” in the Find What field, and click Replace All.

However, there are multiple types of breaks and the Find and Replace is only able to remove one type of breaks at one time. In this case, if we want to remove all breaks of all types, the Find and Replace operation has to be repeated several times.

Remove all breaks with VBA code

There are several types of breaks in word, so it is not easy to create a Macro to identify and remove all breaks in VBA code at once. You may use the following VBA code to remove one type of break and then repeat the instructions to remove other types of break.

Step 1: Press “Alt-F11” to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Application window;

Step 2: Click Module on the Insert tab, copy and paste the following VBA code into the Module window;

Step 3: Click Run Run button button to apply the VBA code.

The VBA code of removing all column breaks:

Sub Delecolumnbreaks()
With Selection.Find
.Text = "^n"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchByte = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchFuzzy = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End Sub

Note: .Text = "^n" will remove all column breaks of the document. You can customize this code to remove other types of breaks. To replace ^n with ^b will remove all section breaks. To remove all manual page breaks, please replace ^n will ^m in this .Text = "^n".

Remove all breaks with Kutools for Word

Kutools for Word is quite handy in removing all breaks in word. You don’t need to spend too much time in deleting breaks one by one. Remove All Breaks of Kutools for Word allows you to remove all breaks with one click.

Kutools for Word, equipped with AI 🤖, offers over 100 handy features to simplify your tasks.

1. Please apply the utility by clicking Kutools > Breaks > Remove All Breaks. See screenshot:

Remove All Breaks on the Kutools tab on the ribbon

2. After clicking Remove All Breaks, all breaks that include page breaks, column breaks and section breaks will be removed from the whole documents.

Document with different kinds of breaks
Document with all breaks removed

Note: Kutools for Word’s Remove All Breaks utility can remove all breaks not only from the whole document but also from the selected part of the document.

For more detailed information about Remove All Breaks of Kutools for Word, please visit: Remove All Breaks feature description.

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