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How to select the highest or lowest value in Excel?

Author: Kelly Last Modified: 2020-11-27

Sometime you may need to find out and select the highest or lowest values in a spreadsheet or a selection, such as the highest sales amount, lowest price, etc. how do you deal with it? This article brings you some tricky tips to find out and select the highest values and lowest values in selections.

Find out the highest or lowest value in a selection with formulas

To get the largest or smallest number in a range:

Just enter the below formula into a blank cell you want to get the result:

Get the largest value: =Max (B2:F10)
Get the smallest value: =Min (B2:F10)

And then press Enter key to get the largest or smallest number in the range, see screenshot:

To get the largest 3 or smallest 3 numbers in a range:

Sometimes, you may want to find the largest or smallest 3 numbers from a worksheet, this section, I will introduce formulas for you to solve this problem, please do as follows:

Please enter below formula into a cell:

Get the largest 3 values: =LARGE(B2:F10,1)&", "&LARGE(B2:F10,2)&", "&LARGE(B2:F10,3)
Get the smallest 3 values: =SMALL(B2:F10,1)&", "&SMALL(B2:F10,2)&", "&SMALL(B2:F10,3)

  • Tips: If you want to find the largest or smallest 5 numbers, you just need to use the & to join the LARGE or SMALL function like this:
  • =LARGE(B2:F10,1)&", "&LARGE(B2:F10,2)&", "&LARGE(B2:F10,3)&","&LARGE(B2:F10,4) &","&LARGE(B2:F10,5)

Tips: Too difficult to remember these formulas, but if you have the Auto Text feature of Kutools for Excel, it helps you to save all formulas you need, and reuse them at anywhere anytime as you like.     Click to download Kutools for Excel!

Find and highlight the highest or lowest value in a selection with Conditional Formatting

Normally, the Conditional Formatting feature also can help to find and select the largest or smallest n values from a range of cells, please do as this:

1. Click Home > Conditional Formatting > Top/Bottom Rules > Top 10 Items, see screenshot:

2. In the Top 10 Items dialog box, enter the number of largest values that you want to find, and then choose one format for them, and the largest n values have been highlighted, see screenshot:

  • Tips: To find and highlight the lowest n values, you just need to Click Home > Conditional Formatting > Top/Bottom Rules > Bottom 10 Items.

Select all of the highest or lowest value in a selection with a powerful feature

The Kutools for Excel's Select Cells with Max & Min Value will help you not only find out the highest or lowest values, but also select all of them together in selections.

Tips:To apply this Select Cells with Max & Min Value feature, firstly, you should download the Kutools for Excel, and then apply the feature quickly and easily.

After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as this:

1. Select the range that you will work with, then click Kutools > Select > Select Cells with Max & Min Value…, see screenshot:

3. In the Select Cells with Max & Min Value dialog box:

  • (1.) Specify the type of cells to search (formulas, values, or both) in the Look in box;
  • (2.) Then check the Maximum value or Minimum value as you need;
  • (3.) And specify the scope that the largest or smallest based on, here, please choose Cell.
  • (4.) And then if you want to select the first matching cell, just choose the First cell only option, to select all the matching cells, please choose All cells option.

4. And then click OK, it will select all highest values or lowest values in the selection, see the following screenshots:

Select all the smallest values

Select all the largest values

Download and free trial Kutools for Excel Now!

Select the highest or lowest value in each row or column with a powerful feature

If you want to find and select the highest or lowest value in each row or column, the Kutools for Excel also can do you a favor, please do as follows:

1. Select the data range that you want to select the largest or smallest value. Then click Kutools > Select > Select Cells with Max & Min Value to enable this feature.

2. In the Select Cells with Max & Min Value dialog box, set the following operations as you need:

4. Then click Ok button, all the largest or smallest value in each row or column are selected at once, see screenshots:

The largest value in each row

The largest value in each column

Download and free trial Kutools for Excel Now!

Select or highlight all cells with the largest or smallest values in a range of cells or each column and row

With Kutools for Excel's Select Cells with Max & Min Values feature, you can quickly select or highlight all of the largest or smallest values from a range of cells, each row or each column as you need. Please see the below demo.    Click to download Kutools for Excel!

More relative largest or smallest value articles:

  • Find And Get The Nth Largest Value Without Duplicates In Excel
  • In Excel worksheet, we can get the largest, the second largest or nth largest value by applying the Large function. But, if there are duplicate values in the list, this function will not skip the duplicates when extracting the nth largest value. In this case, how could you get the nth largest value without duplicates in Excel?
  • Find The Nth Largest / Smallest Unique Value In Excel
  • If you have a list of numbers which contains some duplicates, to get the nth largest or smallest value among these numbers, the normal Large and Small function will return the result including the duplicates. How could you return the nth largest or smallest value ignoring the duplicates in Excel?
  • Highlight Largest / Lowest Value In Each Row Or Column
  • If you have multiple columns and rows data, how could you highlight the largest or lowest value in each row or column? It will be tedious if you identify the values one by one in each row or column. In this case, the Conditional Formatting feature in Excel can do you a favor. Please read more to know the details.
  • Sum Largest Or Smallest 3 Values In A List Of Excel
  • It is common for us to add up a range of numbers by using the SUM function, but sometimes, we need to sum the largest or smallest 3, 10 or n numbers in a range, this may be a complicated task. Today I introduce you some formulas to solve this problem.

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Comments (39)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Hi, any idea why this formula does not work: =MAX(B5,B8,B11,B14)-MIN(B5,B8,B11,B14)

=MAX(B5:B14)-MIN(B5:B14) works but I want just the four cells, not the whole range...
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Hi there,

The formula should work. Is there anything wrong with the data type?

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Hi, can u help me. i got some problem on how to retrieve which outlet got lowest growth percentage since the percentage got duplicate value

for example

PEN001 -83.33%
PEN002 -83.33%
PEN003 -92.31%
PEN004 -100.00%
PEN005 -100.00%

I'm using index match min (lowest) & small (for 2nd lowest), but the result will return PEN004 for both condition which is the lowest and 2nd lowest
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To ignore the duplicate values and only count unique values, you can use the formula below:

In the above formula, A1:A6 is the list of PEN00N, B1:B6 is the list of percentages, 2 means to get the 2nd lowest value.

Note that this formula works for unique values only, which means it will only return the first value if there are duplicates.

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Potrzebuje poznać sposób na rozbudowanie komendy max/min by w docelowej komórce pokazywała wartość wraz z kolorem komórki.

mam 3 dostawców z różnymi cenami tych samych produktów (produkty pionowo, dostawcy poziomo)
Dostawcy są przykładowo w kolumnach E,F,G i każdemu przydzieliłem inny kolor, który obowiązuje również ceny danego dostawcy.
W komórkach H chciałbym by pokazała się najniższa cena wraz z kolorem danego dostawcy.

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Hi there,

Let's say the table is as shown below, you could use Excel's Conditional formatting to get the result you want:

1. Enter =MIN(E1:G1,I1) in cell H1, and then copy the formula to below cells.
2. Selet the list H1: H5, and then on the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting > New rule.
3. In the dialog box, selet Use a formula to determine which cells to format; Enter =$H1=$E1; And then click on Format to choose the background color of cell E1.
4. Repeat the step 3 to create rules for other background colors: =$H1=$F1 > light blue; =$H1=$G1 > light green; ...

Now, your table should look like this:

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I have a table and I need to sum the columns(which I have done) then I need to find the lowest value (which I have done) how do I display the column title of the lowest value?

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Hi, could you please show me a screenshot of your data?

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Bonjour Amanda

Ca marche !!!! 😀 🤩 👌
Merci vraiment

Puis-je vous demander de nouveau votre aide ?
Voici la formule que je recherche

A1 A2 A3 A4
Chien Colibri Renard OK
Chat Renard Chien OK
Souris Chien Lion Non
Colibri Ecureuil Marmotte Non
Eléphant Colibri Chat OK

Si en A3 on retrouve les mots des colonnes A1 et A2 alors la colonne A4 indique OK
Si en A3 on ne retrouve pas les mots des colonnes A1 et A2 alors la colonne A4 indique Non

Merci encore pour votre aide très précieuse pour une débutante en excel

Bonne journée
Rated 5 out of 5
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Hi, I don't quite understand why did you asign OK to the first and second rows, since I don't see that the third value is the same as the first or second one.

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