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Vlookup formula – the shipping cost calculator

Author: Siluvia Last Modified: 2019-06-27

The VLOOKUP function can be used to calculate shipping cost based on specified weight of an item in Excel.

How to calculate shipping cost based on certain weight in Excel
How to calculate shipping cost with minimum charge in Excel

How to calculate shipping cost based on certain weight in Excel?

Please create a table containing two lists “Weight” and “Cost” as the below sample table shown. In this case, to calculate the total shipping cost based on the specified weight in F4, please do as follows.

Generic formula



  • Lookup_value: The criteria value you are searching for. It must be in the first column of the table_array range.
  • Table_array: The table contains two or more columns where the lookup value column and the result value column locating.
  • Col_index: The specific column number (it is an integer) of the table_array, which you will return the matched value from.
  • Range_lookup: This is a logical value that determines whether this VLOOKUP function will return an exact match or an approximate match.

1. Select a blank cell to output the result (here I select F5), copy the below formula into it.


2. Press the Enter key to get the total shipping cost.

Notes: in the above formula

  • F4 is the cell containing the specified weight you will calculate the total shipping cost based on;
  • B3:C7 is the table_array containing the weight column and the cost column;
  • Number 2 represents the cost column, which you will return the matched cost from;
  • Number 1 (can be replaced with TRUE) means that it will return an approximate match if an exact match cannot be found.

How this formula works

  • Because of the approximate match mode, the values in the first column must be sorted in ascending order in case of returning the incorrect value.
  • Here the formula =VLOOKUP(F4,B3:C7,2,1) lookups the cost for certain weight 7.5 in the first column of the table range. As 7.5 haven’t been found, it matches the next smallest weight 5 and gets its cost $7.00. And this cost is finally multiplied by the certain weight 7.5 to get the total shipping cost.

How to calculate shipping cost with minimum charge in Excel?

Supposing the shipping company has a rule stipulates that the minimum shipping cost is $7.00 no matter what the weight is. Here is the formula for you:


Applying the above formula, the result of the total shipping cost will no less than $7.00.

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