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How to automatically send email based on cell value in Excel?

Author: Siluvia Last Modified: 2022-03-11

Supposing you want to send an email through Outlook to a certain recipient based on a specified cell value in Excel. For example, when the value of cell D7 in a worksheet is greater than 200, then an email is created automatically. This article introduces a VBA method for you to quickly solve this issue.

Automatically send email based on cell value with VBA code

Automatically send email based on cell value with VBA code

Please do as follows to send an email based on cell value in Excel.

1. In the worksheet you need to send email based on its cell value (here says the cell D7), right-click the sheet tab, and select View Code from the context menu. See screenshot:

2. In the popping up Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, please copy and paste the below VBA code into the sheet code window.

VBA code: Send email through Outlook based on cell value in Excel

Dim xRg As Range
'Update by Extendoffice 2018/3/7
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    On Error Resume Next
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
  Set xRg = Intersect(Range("D7"), Target)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If IsNumeric(Target.Value) And Target.Value > 200 Then
        Call Mail_small_Text_Outlook
    End If
End Sub
Sub Mail_small_Text_Outlook()
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xMailBody As String
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
    xMailBody = "Hi there" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
              "This is line 1" & vbNewLine & _
              "This is line 2"
    On Error Resume Next
    With xOutMail
        .To = "Email Address"
        .CC = ""
        .BCC = ""
        .Subject = "send by cell value test"
        .Body = xMailBody
        .Display   'or use .Send
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set xOutMail = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub


1). In the VBA code, D7 and value > 200 are the cell and cell value you will send email based on.
2). Please change the email body as you need in xMailBody line in the code.
3). Replace the Email Address with the recipient email address in line .To = "Email Address".
4). And specify the Cc and Bcc recipients as you need in .CC = “” and Bcc = “” sections.
5). Finally change the email subject in line .Subject = "send by cell value test".

3. Press the Alt + Q keys together to close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

From now on, when the value you entering in cell D7 is greater than 200, an email with specified recipients and body will be created automatically in Outlook. You can click the Send button to send this email. See screenshot:


1. The VBA code is only working when you use Outlook as your email program.

2. If the entered data in cell D7 is a text value, the email window will be popped out as well.

Easily send email through Outlook based on fields of created mailing list in Excel:

The Send Emails utility of Kutools for Excel helps users sending email through Outlook based on created mailing list in Excel.
Download and try it now! (30-day free trail)

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Comments (318)
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Hello cristal, i need u help, im trying to use this code in a board, so i need that when for example E2 < D2 send a message with the information in C2, and this whit E3,D3,C3........ E4,D4,C4 etc.
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Hi Ernesto,

The following VBA code may help. Please give it a try. Thank you.
Note: If a change is detected and the new value in an "E" row cell is less than its corresponding "D" row cell, it triggers the Mail_small_Text_Outlook subroutine. The content from the corresponding "C" row cell is passed into this subroutine and included in the email body.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by extendoffice 20230315
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    ' Only trigger for changes in column E
    Set xRg = Intersect(Me.Range("E:E"), Target)

    If Not xRg Is Nothing Then
        Application.EnableEvents = False ' Prevent further event triggers
        On Error GoTo Finalize ' Ensure events are re-enabled in case of error

        For Each cell In xRg
            ' Check if the cell in column E is less than the corresponding cell in column D
            If IsNumeric(cell.Value) And IsNumeric(cell.Offset(0, -1).Value) Then
                If cell.Value < cell.Offset(0, -1).Value Then
                    ' Call the mail subroutine, passing the content of the corresponding cell in column C
                    Call Mail_small_Text_Outlook(cell.Offset(0, -2).Value)
                End If
            End If
        Next cell

        Application.EnableEvents = True ' Re-enable events
        On Error GoTo 0 ' Clear error handling
    End If
End Sub

Sub Mail_small_Text_Outlook(ByVal mailContent As String)
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xMailBody As String

    ' Create the Outlook objects
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)

    ' Customize your email body with the content from column C
    xMailBody = "Hi there" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & mailContent

    ' Customize the email details
    With xOutMail
        .To = "Email Address" ' Add your recipient here
        .CC = ""
        .BCC = ""
        .Subject = "Send by cell value test"
        .Body = xMailBody
        .Display   ' or use .Send to send the email directly
    End With

    ' Cleanup
    Set xOutMail = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub
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Dear, the code works perfectly, but I am still looking to expand it a bit for my project. I am creating a project dashboard where I track the progress of the projects. The end time of the project will then be listed in row G:G and if, for example, he still has 2 weeks before the project must be completed, he must send an email to the project owner who is responsible there, this project owner will then be in, for example, row "I" but each project is placed in a new column and therefore always has a different project owner. How can I process this so that VBA automatically sends me an email to the owner in I7 when the date is reached in BV G7?
And with G8 then send to the owner who is in I8? And so on of course.
Hopefully you can help me.
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Hi Crystal,

This is great. Thank you! Not sure if you're still monitoring this I'm but wondering if you could advise on how to make some modifications to this code. I was able to tweak it to look at a range of cells rather than just a specific cell like in your original example (In my case D4:D41) but what if I want to look for changes made above a certain value in multiple columns? In my case I'd like to look for values >8 in D4:D41 as well as >13 in E4:E41. Also, is there a way to hold off on sending the email until multiple changes have been made instead of immediately after a cell in Column D (or E) is raised above the threshold? I know that by using the 'Developer' tab on the ribbon I can create a "Send Email" button but what tweaks to the code would need to be made so that it doesn't send until that button is clicked?

As a cherry on top, is there a way to call out the corresponding row data from column A in the body of the email? The sheet I'm working with has various room numbers in Column A and target values in Columns D & E. Is there a way to structure it so that if the value in, say, D11 goes above the threshold the email will say "Room # (A11)" needs attention and if E25 goes above its threshold the email will say Room # (E25) needs attention? If that makes sense
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Hi, i have created and excel sheet that uses dates of the year ( todays date to next years expiry date ) the cell i have crated is a column consisting of 60+ candidates. The cell changes value until it reaches the expire date. I would like to use this column dates to trigger an automated email with an attachment of the excel sheet when the cell value reaches a certain amount before the expiry date.
I want to use this as an alert so that i can see which person document will expire.

Please help I've been struggling for a long while...

Thank you!!
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Hi Andries,

Sorry I don't quite understand your question. Would you mind providing a screenshot of your data? Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Hello, I set up the VBA to send an automatic email. Now, when a row with columns A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N is filled in, an email is automatically created and sent shall be. As an example, line 10 has now been filled in from A to N, as soon as this has happened this data should be sent in the email.
This should then be possible up to line 5000.
Can you help me with the problem?
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Hi Michael Schlegel,

To modify the VBA code to automatically create an email when columns A to N in a row are filled out, follow these steps:
In the Worksheet_Change event, monitor the range A:N up to the 5000th row.
Check if all cells in the columns A to N of the changed row contain values.
If all cells in that row have values, trigger the email displaying function.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230817
    Dim EntireRow As Range
    Dim IsRowFilled As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer
    ' If multiple cells are changed simultaneously, exit
    If Target.Cells.CountLarge > 1 Then Exit Sub

    ' Only monitor the range A10:N5000
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A10:N5000")) Is Nothing Then
        ' Check if the entire row from A to N has values
        Set EntireRow = Range("A" & Target.Row & ":N" & Target.Row)
        IsRowFilled = True
        For Each cell In EntireRow
            If IsEmpty(cell.Value) Then
                IsRowFilled = False
                Exit For
            End If
        Next cell
        ' If the row is filled, send the email
        If IsRowFilled Then
            Call Mail_small_Text_Outlook(EntireRow)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Mail_small_Text_Outlook(RowData As Range)
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xMailBody As String
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)

    ' Modify this line to format the email body as per your requirements
    xMailBody = "The following data has been entered:" & vbNewLine & Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(RowData.Value)), " ")

    On Error Resume Next
    With xOutMail
        .To = "Email Address"
        .CC = ""
        .BCC = ""
        .Subject = "New row filled out in Excel"
        .Body = xMailBody
        .Display   'or use .Send
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set xOutMail = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub
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